Zuko Presentation

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Amber's POV

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Amber's POV

It'd been about six months since we defeated Scar. Jace and I mated that same night. I became pregnant with our son about five months ago. Today it he two months old and being introduced to the pride. Along with the herds. Which had returned as the rivers flow again, the waterhole fall and plants had regrown.

I groom my sleeping cub, giving him a bath. So that he was clean. "Amber, I don't think he can be any cleaner" Jace tells me with a chuckle.

"I know, I just want everything to go perfect today" I tell him. "We have three new lioness, one that's pregnant along with Nala. You and I are reclaiming my old territory with the new girls today. And our son is the first cub born since the end of Scar's reign" I state.

"And he's perfect" Jace tells me and licks my forehead fondly. "Lets go" he says. I sigh and pick up little Zuko. We return to the main den. We lay in the enclave with the rest of the pride. Rafiki soon appears with Simba.

"Hi Amber" Simba says.

"It is time" Rafiki states. I nod my head. "What is his name?" he asks us.

"Zuko" Jace and I tell him. He nods his head. Rafiki beams at Zuko who looks at him confused. Rafiki then shakes his staff over Zuko who paws at the gourds. Rafiki breaks a gourd open, dips his thumb in the juice, and marks Zuko's forehead. Rafiki grabs a handful of sand and sprinkles it over Zuko, causing him to sneeze.

I chuckle with Jace as Rafiki picked up our son. He carries him to the promontory and sits at the edge as everyone looks up at him. "Presenting Prince Zuko, of the newly established River Pride!" he announces holding Zuko up fro all to see.

In answer, the animals rear onto their hind legs. Elephants raise their trunks and trumpet. Monkeys cheer, jumping and stamping the ground. Zebras bray and stamp, raising dust. A single beam of light shines through the clouds, illuminating Zuko. I smile knowing it was my father showing his approval of my son. The herds bow as the lionesses roar their approval.

Rafiki returns Zuko to me. He immediately went to my stomach and began to suckle happily. "Aw, he's so cute Amber" Nala tells me.

"You're parents would be mighty proud" Dwala tells Jace and I. We smile at her.

"Won't be long now until you and Neera have your cubs Nala" I state. Neera is the pregnant lioness joining my pride. Along with Aspen and Ebony.

"I can't wait to meet him or her" Nala states.

"I can't wait to see my grandson of granddaughter" Sarafina tells her.

"This is a beginning of a new era for both our prides" Sarabi states.

"She's right" Diku agrees.

"We've gone through a lot, but we survived" Naanda states.

"And kicked out Zira with her pride" Diku adds.

"True, but I wish she had left the young ones. They were only just becoming teens and I heard they newborns on the way" Sarafina states.

"That can't be changed now" Sarabi states. "We must focus on our future cubs and raise them" she states. The others agree.

"You know you are always welcome here" Simba tells Jace and I.

"We do and we thank you for everything you've done for us" Jace tells him.

"We'll stay in touch" I assure him. "Besides I think all our cubs are going to be good friends" I state. Nala and Neera nod their heads in agreement.

"Maybe we can organize a wedding for them in future?" Zazu suggests.

"No!" Nala, Simba and I say together. We all laugh.

"Amber" Pumba says and I look at him.

"We wanted you to know, if you ever need a cub sitter. Just call on us" Timon states.

"I'll keep that in mind" I tell. But was thinking no way am I letting a meerkat and warthog cub sit my cub. Zuko yawns. "Ok, nap time" I say picking him up gently and lay him on Jace's mane. "Lets go home girls" I tell my pride. We said goodbye to the pride landers and go to the river.

We quench our thirst. Before crossing. I go to the den with Zuko and Neera. While Jace went with the other two to mark out territory.


Picture above of Rafiki presenting Zuko and picture in chapter of Jace with Amber & Zuko. Gif on the external link of the Pride Lands coming back to life.

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