Just Can't Wait to be King

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Amber's POV

I'm still with Nala and the adult lionesses. Dad has not yet returned from chasing the hyenas off with king Mufasa. Simba runs over looking excited. "Hey Nala, Amber" he says smiling.

"Hi Simba" we say.

"Come on. I just heard about this great place" he tells us.

"Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath" Nala tells him through clenched teeth.

"And it's time for yours" Queen Sarabi states. Simba tries to escape; but Sarabi bends down and grabs him by the scruff. She proceeds to give the struggling Simba a bath. I giggle, wishing I was with my mum.

"Mom! ...Mom. You're messing up my mane" he whines.

"Again a zebra foal has more fur" I tell him smirking. Queen Sarabi smiles as Simba jumps down beside me.

"Okay, okay, I'm clean. Can we go now?" he asks her.

"So where are we going?" I ask him curious.

"It better not be anyplace dumb" Nala adds as she is still getting her bath.

"No, it's really cool" Simba assures us.

"So where is this 'really cool' place?" Queen Sarabi asks him.

"Uh... around the water hole" Simba tells her.

"Been there" I tell him not excited.

"What's so great about the water hole?" Nala asks him.

"I'll SHOW you when we GET there" he tells us.

"I don't know, maybe I should stay here until my dad returns" I tell them.

"Come on Amber, it'll be fun" Nala tells me.

"If it's just to the water hole, I guess it's ok" I relent.

"Mum can I go with Simba and Amber?" Nala asks her.

"Hmm... What do you think, Sarabi?" Sarafina asks the queen of the pride lands.

"Well..." Sarabi muses and we all smile up at her.

"Pleeeease?" we beg.

"It's all right with me" Queen Sarabi tells us. We cheer bouncing in joy as we start to leave. "As long as Zazu goes with you" she tells us.

"Oh not Zazu" Simba whines.

"The bird?" I ask and Nala nods her head. We're soon heading for the watering hole as Zazu flies above us. "So what is his roll?" I ask the other two.

"He's the steward of the pride lands" Nala tells me.

"Oh, our steward is a lioness called Cera, she's Tama's mum" I tell them.

"Cool" she says smiling. "So where are we really going?" she asks Simba.

"I thought we were going to the water hole?" I ask the pair confused.

"An elephant graveyard" Simba tells us.

"Wow!" Nala exclaims.

"Shush, Zazu" I remind her.

"Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?" Nala asks us.

"Oh, I know how we can" Simba and I start to say. But we're cut short as Zazu lands in front of us.

"Oh, just look at you three. Little seeds of friendship blossoming in the savannah. As well as seeds of love. Your parents will be thrilled what with your being betrothed and all" Zazu states looking at Nala and Simba.

"Be-what?" Simba asks him.

"Betrothed. Intended. Affianced" Zazu states.

"Meaning?" Nala asks him.

"He means, one day, you two are going to be married" I tell her.

"Yuck!" Simba exclaims as Nala says 'eww'. "I can't marry her. She's my friend" he tells us.

"Yeah. It'd be too weird" Nala adds.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle-doves have no choice. It's a tradition going back generations" Zazu tells us.

"Luckily my pride doesn't operate that way" I say smugly.

"Well, when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go" Simba tells us.

"Not so long as I'm around" Zazu tells him.

"Well, in that case, you're fired" Simba tells him.

"Hmmm... Nice try, but only the king can do that" Zazu tells him.

"Well he is the future king" Nala and I remind him.

"Yeah. So you have to do what I tell you" Simba tells him.

"Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed" Zazu states.

"Hmph. Not the way I see it" Simba tells him. "I'm gonna be a mighty king, So enemies beware" Simba sings.

"Well, I've never seen a king or beast, With quite so little hair" Zazu states.

"I'm gonna be the main event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my roar" Simba sings.

"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing" I tell him.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king" Simba sings as we reach the water hole.

"You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think" Zazu tells him.

"No one saying, 'do this'" Simba

"Now when I said that, I" Zazu tries to say.

"No one saying, 'be there'" Nala sings.

"What I meant was" Zazu starts to say.

"No one saying, 'stop that'" I sing.

"Look, what you don't realize" he tries to say.

"No one saying, 'see here'" us three cubs sing together.

"Now see here!" Zazu cries out. We rush past him on ostriches.

"Free to run around all day" Simba and I sing.

"Well, that's definitely out" Zazu tells us.

"Free to do it all our way" We sing.

"I think it's time that you and I, Arranged a heart to heart" Zazu tells us. Not looking where he;s going. He flies into a rhinos back side and I giggle.

"Kings and queens don't need advice, From little horn-bills for a start" Nala tells him smugly. We jump off the ostriches and run into the herds.

"If this is where the monarchy is headed
Count me out
Out of service, out of Africa
I wouldn't hang about
This child is getting wildly out of wing" Zazu sings.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king" Simba sings. "Everybody look left" he instructs as he stands on a giraffes head. All the herds look left. "Everybody look right" he sings and they do so. "Everywhere you look I'm Standin' in the spotlight" he sings from the giraffes back.

"Not yet!" Zazu shouts.
"Let every creature go for broke and sing
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be King Simba's finest flingOh, I just can't wait to be king
Oh, I just can't wait to be king
Oh, I just can't wait to be king" us cubs sign with the herds. We dash off as Zazu is sat on by a rhino. I'm laughing, I haven't had this much fun in ages. I wish Tama was here with us.


Video above of Just Can't Wait to be King and picture above of Amber. Picture on the external link of the watering hole.

Ps, I won't update this story again until the new year.

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