Kiara's Presentation

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Amber's POV

Today is the presentation day of the Pride Lands new princess and future queen. Also today Neera's daughters Zuri and Tiifu will be introduced to our sister pride. We left our den before the sunrise so that we'd arrive in time. But little Zuri and Tiifu got hungry demanding food for their mother. So Neera stopped with Dwala to feed them. While the rest of us continued on. We soon heard the herds singing.

"There's no mountain too great. Hear the words and have faith" they sing. We reach the enclave where the rest of Simba's pride is. We greet them happily and lay down to watch the presentation. Rafiki gestures to the Pride Landers, who are gathered below Pride Rock.

The Pride Landers bow. As a giraffe lifts its head. Zazu flies up to the promontory of Pride Rock. Simba and Nala approach Rafiki. Nala holds an infant cub by her scruff. Gently places her in Rafiki's arms.

Rafiki holds the cub up in the air. "Presenting Princess Kiara" he announces. Below, the Pride Landers erupt into cheers. As us lions roar. Zuko attempted to do the same, but only squeaked. I chuckled and licked his head fondly. The little princess swats at the milkweed floss that is being carried on the breeze.

"Feisty like her mother" Sarafina chuckles as she leans on Sarabi. The breeze stirs Rafiki's mane. He smiles and closes his eyes. As the pride landers bow to their future queen. The elephants rear on their hind legs trumpeting. The elephants slam back down to the ground, startling a flock of birds out of a tree.

Rafiki lowers Kiara and marks her forehead with red paint. Simba nuzzles her fondly and so does Nala. The pride landers return to their daily routine. "So where are Neera and Dwala?" Sarabi asks.

"Neera's two girls decided they were hungry. So stopped to feed them, while Dwala kept guard" Jace explains. "Here they are now" he says as they appear with Zrui and Tiifu.

 "Here they are now" he says as they appear with Zrui and Tiifu

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"Oh what precious little angels" Diku says.

"You say that now, but they drive poor Zuko nuts" Aspen laughs. Just as Zuri and Tiifu notice Zuko. They meow happily and walk towards him. He groans and climbs onto my back to get away from them. We all laugh.

"What's so funny?" Simba asks as he appears with Nala and Kiara.

"Zuko is using his mother as a climding frame to avoid Neera's two girls" Jace tells him. Simba chuckles.

"Don't blame him, after all the times the girls ganged up on me in our youth" Simba states. Nala puts Kiara down catching Zuri and Tiifu's attention. They go over her and the three girls starts to play. Zuko relaxes and gets off of my back.

"Maybe we should try for another boy" Jace whispers in my are.

"Hell no, you want another you give birth to it" I tell him. The girls laugh.

"How much can giving birth hurt?" Simba asks and all us girls glare at him. "Ok, forget I said anything" he states. "Anyway I have patrol and gotta see Zazu about the morning report" he states.

"I'll come with you" Jace says and they let.

"Boys" Nala says rolling her eyes. She nudges Kiara to her stomach and she starts to suckle. Zuko starts to suckle from me. Zuri and Tiifu meow at their mother pawing at her mouth.

"You girls just ate" she reminds them. They meow louder. She sighs and lays on her side giving them access to her teats. They begin to suckle happily.

"So how about we hunt together today?" Sarabi suggests.

"Actually, it's time for Aspen's first solo hunt" Ebony states.

"I don't mind hunting in a group" Aspen states.

"Oh no you don't young lady, every lion or lioness must be able to hunt alone. As well as part of a pride" Dwala tells her.

"Fine" Aspen says with a groan.

"Don't worry, some of us will come to observe" Ebony tells her.

"Yippee" Aspen says. She left with Ebony, Sarabi, Sarafina and Dwala. The three female cubs pile on top of each other going asleep. As Diku lets Zuko play with her tail.

"So how is motherhood treating you all?" Naanda asks us curious.

"Tearing, I've got hardly any sleep with Zuri and Tiifu around" Neera states.

"It gets better" I assure her.

"I hope so, Kiara is so feisty and always wanting to play. This is the first time she's had a morning nap in days" Nala states.

"Maybe we should do play dates with our girls, help tire them out" Neera suggests.

"Love that idea, as long as it'll get Kiara to sleep through the night" Nala states. "So are you and Jace really not going to have another cub?" she asks me. As Zuko fell asleep.

"Keep a secret?" I ask them and they nod their heads. "I think I'm pregnant again" I tell them. They all congratulate me. "I'm not sure yet, it's to soon to tell. So our secret until I tell Jace" I state and they agree.

The others return with a two zebra legs for us to have. Us mothers ate first, then the others. The others tell us about Aspen's solo hunt. Which didn't go so well, but she did great in the group hunt. Guess she'll just have to train a little more before she can try again. The guys returns and we return to our territory with our cubs.


Picture above of Amber and Jace now. Video above of he lives in you and picture on chapter of young Tiifu and Zuri (don't own the images).

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