Hyenas Attack River Pride

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Amber's POV

It's been nearly a week since the hyena incident. I'm still grounded. And even though she isn't grounded, Tama has stayed with me. She was disappointed that she didn't get to see the elephant graveyard. But glad she wasn't almost hyena food.

Anyway I've been having a bad feeling since what happened at the graveyard. I've even had nightmares. Mum tells me it just dreams and they'll fade in time. But I'm not so sure, I think the dreams are trying to tell me something.

"Like what?" Tama asks me.

"No idea, but whatever it is. I don't think it'll be good" I tell her.

"I hope you're wrong" she tells me.

"So do I" I tell her.

"What are you girls talking about?" Tilly asks as she joins us.

"Nothing" we tells her.

"No luck today on the hunt?" I ask her curious.

"None, it's like the herds have fled the territory for some reason" she states.

"Tilly you'll scare the girls" Cera states as she joins us. "The dry season is approaching, the herds probably just moved on early this year" she tells us.

"But that won't be for another few weeks, why leave early?" I ask confused.

"We'll just move closer to the pride lands, they still have enough game for both prides during a drought" dad states.

"As long as we obey the hunting laws" mum reminds him.

"And we do, along with the pride landers" dad assures her.

"We won't starve right?" Tama asks worried. This will be our first drought.

"Of course not" Cera assures her.

"This pride has survived a couple droughts before, this one will be no different" mum assures us.

"I'll go speak to Mufasa tomorrow while he is on patrol with Zazu" dad states.

"Maybe we can try the canyon tomorrow, I saw the wildebeests by it" June suggests.

"Excellent idea sister, the canyon borders ours and the pride lands territory" Mary states.

"Then we'll go there tomorrow, but it will be a long journey, about a half day's walk" mum states.

"I'll lead the cubs and stay with them while we observe the hunt" Cera suggests.

"Brilliant, it'll be a good lesson for them" mum states.

"At least we'll get out of the den" Tama says happily.

"Then we should turn in for the night, get our strength for the journey" dad tells us. The adults all agree. Tama and I were given a bath. Before we all fell asleep.

(Time skip)

I wake to the sound of hyenas laughing. "Mum, what's that sound?" Tama asks Cera scared. As everyone else wakes becoming alert.

"Hyenas" dad growls.

"But they've never come this far south before" mum states.

"You and Cera get the cubs out of here, head for the pride lands" he tells her.

"No, I vowed to fight by your side" she tells him.

"We don't have time to argue" he growls. "Get our daughter and her friend out of here" he tells her. As Cera leads Tama to the back entrance as we hear the hyenas draw closer to the front.

"We'll stay to help Axel, he won't be alone my queen" June assures my mum.

"You brought us into this family" Mary adds.

"Now let us defend it" Tilly finishes.

"Becareful" mum tells them and nuzzles dad. She then picks me up and heads to the back entrance. We exit the mountain to see Cera waiting with Tama. We hear more laughter and crouch behind a boulder looking up. To see about a hundred hyenas crawling the mountain.

"They can't take on that many" Cera states.

"I'm going back to get them out. Get our daughters to Pride Rock, alert Mufasa. Have himm send reinforcements" mum tells her.

"But mum..." I try to protest.

"No, go with Cera and Tama" she tells me. I tear up as I look up at her. "I love you Amber and so does your dad, we'll meet you at Pride Rock" she assures me. "Now go" she tells us and runs back into the den as we hear the fight start.

"Come on kids" Cera tells us and leads us away. "Stay low to the ground and in the shadows" she tells us as we follow her silently. Both very scared.

"Mum are we gonna be ok?" Tama asks scared.

"Of course, we're going to be fine" Cera assures her.

"But what about my parents and the others?" I ask her. She says nothing. I look back at our mountain. Wishing I could go back to help. But I'm only a cub and would get in the way. Make the adults lose focus.

We soon here foot prints. "Is that the others?" Tama asks. Cera shushes her and pushes us into a crevice. She tells us to stay put while she checks it out. If we hear any fighting to run for the river. Head for the Pride Lands.

Tama and I waited with baited breath until we heard laughter. "Just tells us where the cubs are and we'll let you live" a female hyena chuckles. I've never heard her voice before. So it's not Shenzi.

"Over my dead body" Cera growls.

"Well you heard her boys" the hyena states. We hear a fight start.

"We have to go right now" I tell Tama and she's froze. "I'm sorry" I say and nip her tail. She unfreezes with a yelp. "Run towards the river, now" I tell her. She nods and we take off running.

We soon hear the hyenas give pursuit. The river soon comes into view. Tama uses the rocks to cross. I do so and slip with a scream. "Amber!" she shouts as I cling to the rock. "Hold on, I'm coming!" she shouts and soon she's on the rock. She pulls me up.

"Lets keep going" I tell her as I see the hyenas come into view. She nods and we finish crossing the river. We take off running again.

"Wait, I think they stopped" Tama states as she slows panting.

"But why would they stop?" I ask her confused.

"We're on pride land territory" she states.

"You're right, they'd never risk attacking them. They're such a big pride" I state. "But we can't slow down, we have to get to pride rock. Alert Mufasa and have him send help to our family" I tell her.

She nods her head in understanding. "Which way? I can't see anything" she states. I look around and bite my lip. I look up to see the moon covered and nothing looks familiar.

"Nothing looks familiar" I tell her. "It's to dark to see anything" I add.

"But we can smell" she states. "If we find the watering hole, do you think you can find Pride Rock from there?" she asks me.

"I believe so" I tell her. We began to sniff trying to catch a whiff of water. It took us longer then I would of liked. But we found the water hole and then took off running to Pride Rock as the sun began to rise.


Picture above of the hyenas.

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