Leaving Pride Rock

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Amber's POV

Today Tama and I are supposed to leave the pride. But she choose today to tell me she doesn't want to go. "It was always the plan to leave once we became hunters" I remind her.

"I know, but things are different now" she states.

"Have you forgotten what those hyenas did to us?" I demand.

"Of course not, but what about the others?" she asks me. "They're our new pride, we can't just run away" she tells me.

"Look around you Tama, this isn't the pride lands anymore. But a waste land, if the others choose to stay it's on them. But I'm not gonna die here, our pride died so that we can live" I remind her. "If you change your mind, I'll be at our old territory for a week" I tell her.

"Please don't go" she begs.

"You made your decision and I made mine" I tell her.

"What about Nala? She'll bring back help" she tells me.

"It's been a week since she left Tama, if she had found help. She'd be back by now" I tell her. "Good bye" I say and left.

(Time skip)

I arrived at my old home and find my prides graves. I lay down in front of them tears rolling down my face. "I'm so sorry mum and dad. I failed you, I've been unable to avenge you" I state.

"We never wanted that my daughter" I hear father. I gasp and look up to see him in the sky. "I told, I'd always be here" he reminds me as I tear up.

"I'm sorry" I tell him.

"Don't apologize, you and Tama survived. That's all we wanted" he tells me. "There is something you should know" he tells me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Simba lives" he states. "Nala will find him and convince him to return to face Scar. When he returns, Scar's reign will end and your pride will need you" he tells me.

"But there a so many hyenas" I say.

"You've trained for this your whole life, it's time to take back what belongs to the pride and kick the hyenas out" he tells me. "I believe in you" he states.

"I miss you and mum" I tell him.

"We miss you" he tells me. "Remain in our old territory, wait for Nala and Simba. Then help them" he states.

"I will" I assure him.

"Take care my daughter" he says and disappears.

(Time skip to morning)

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a twig snap. I jump to my feet growling, getting in my attack stance. "Opps" a male lion my age says sheepishly.

"Who are you?" I growl.

"The name is Jace, my dad and I live here. What are you doing here?" he asks me.

"This is my home, get out!" I snap as I stand in front of my pride's graves. He looks at them and gives me a sympathetic look.

"They were your pride" he states. "Judging by how long they've been buried. You would of only been a cub when they pasted" he says as he circles me. I don't turn my back on him. "How did you survive?" he asks curious.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I was taken in by our sister pride" I tell him.

"That was nice of them, did they kick you out?" he asks.

"No, I left of my own accord" I state.

"Why?" he asks confused.

"Ever heard of the pride lands?" I ask him.

"Yeah, my dad's told me about it. Says it's the most beautiful fertile land around. The best place to rise cubs and start a pride" he states. "We're looking for it actually, but no luck" he adds.

"You want to see the pride lands? Follow me" I tell him and run off heading for the top of the mountain. He follows. We reach the top and I look at Pride Rock in the distance. "There's the pride lands" I state.

"What happened to it?" he asks me shocked.

"About a year ago. The king and prince died. The king's brother took over the pride and allowed hyenas to take over the territory. They chased off all the herds and due to nearly year of drought, all the plants have died and the rivers dried up. Along with the water hole" I explain. As I lay down and he joins me.

"That's sad" he tells me.

"But there's hope, turns out the prince isn't dead and will return to challenge his uncle. Ending his reign" I tell him.

"When?" he asks.

"Soon I hope" I say as I look up.

"Looks like your drought will end" another male voice states. We turn to see a mainly black lion with a greying mane. "I'm Ronno, Jace's father" he tells me.

"Pleasure" I say.

"If the true king is returning, then we'd be happy to help you all chase those hyenas off" he tells me.

"Really?" I ask shocked.

"Of course, those vermin don't deserve lion scraps" he states.

"They're the ones who murdered my pride" I tell him.

"Then we'll avenge your pride and remind those no good hyenas who is the top of the food chain" he states.

"Agreed" Jace says.

"Until then, I was told to remain here as look out for the true king" I tell him.

"Then we'll stay too and maybe we can get to know each other better" Jace says smiling at me.

"As long as you two help hunt, you may stay" I tell them. "Speaking of, I'm starved" I state getting up. "Lets go hunt" I tell them and lead the way.


Picture above of Jace and his father Ronno

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