Kovu and Kiara Wedding

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Zuko's POV

It's been about a month since the fight. Dotty, Spotty, Majira, Mila and Vitani joined my pride. While Kovu and the other outsiders joined the Pride Lands pride. Oh and Suri is pregnant with our cub and is due in sixty to seventy days. Turns out Dotty is also pregnant with her and Nuka's cubs. Due around the same time. Dwala was over the moon to see Vitani and Kovu returned to where they belong. And passed on it peace.

Anyway today Kiara and Kovu are being married by Rafiki. Suri and I married a week ago. Anyway they'll rule the pride lands side by side with Simba and Nala. Until they have their own cubs. Then Simba and Nala will retire.

"We'll be able to return to our homeland soon" Suri states as we gathered with pride landers to witness Kiara and Kovu's wedding.

"I can't wait to see the river lands" Dotty states.

"Me neither" Vitani agrees as she snuggles with Ezra. They had starting courting. There are rumors she's pregnant with their cub. While Jake seems to be courting; Spotty Mila and Majira. While also taking care of Dotty. I wouldn't be surprised if they left to start their own pride.

"It truly is a beautiful place to raise cubs" mum tells them. Finally we're all gathered on the promontory. Rafiki state at the head of the pride. By Simba and Nala. Rafiki and Simba smile at one another.

Rafiki beams at the sky, then shakes his gourds over Kovu and Kiara, who nuzzle. Completeing the wedding ceremony. Simba smiles at the couple. Nala nuzzles Simba, who looks briefly at her before beaming at Kovu and Kiara once more. Kovu and Kiara halt their embrace to smile at Simba. They then stride forward to sit next to Simba, Nala, and Rafiki.

"I love moments like this" Pumba says tearfully. He and Timon start to sob. I smile and nuzzle Suri. She nuzzles me back happily. I notice Vitani and Ezra doing the same. Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Kovu, and Kiara smile at the two prides.

Simba and Nala stand and stride past us, and we bow as they pass. Showing our respect for them along with their pride. Kovu and Kiara follow. Simba and Nala reach the edge of the promontory, followed by Kovu and Kiara. Simba lets out a mighty roar, then Kovu. Then all four roar together.

We roar back. As the Pride Landers stamp the ground and wave their arms in approval. Simba looks to the heavens. The sun shines through the clouds. Mum looks up and smiles. I smile, she must of heard her dad. I look up.

"Well done my son" I hear my dad say and smile. A breeze carrying milkweed floss stirs my mane. "We are one" he declares. As the sun shines down on Pride Rock.

(Time skip)

It's been several weeks since Kovu and Kiara union. We've finally returned to our homeland. Anyway I'm on patrol when Jake joins me. "Morning" I tell him.

"Morning, can we talk?" he asks and I nod my head. "So I've been speaking with Ezra and the new girls. And we've been thinking of starting our own pride" he tells me.

"I thought so, where will you go?" I ask him.

"You're ok with it?" he asks shocked.

"Of course" I say with a smile "As long as you guys stay in contact" I state.

"We will, Ezra and I were thinking the jungle" he tells me.

"Jungle pride, has a nice ring to it" I tell him.

"We won't be leaving straight away. We'd wait until after the cubs are born and old enough to travel" he states. I nod my head.

"Does Suri know?" I ask him.

"I kind of figured we could tell her after the cubs are born, I didn't want her stressing" he states.

"Ok, we'll wait. In the main time we'll talk to Simba and Kovu. About a treaty between the three prides and map out your territory" I tell him. He nods his head. And then helps me with my patrol before we return to the den.


Picture above of Dotty, Spotty, Majira, Vitani and Mila. Gif on the external link of Nala, Simba, Kovu and Kiara roaring.

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