Simba's Return

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Amber's POV

It's been a month since I meet Jace and Ronno. Jace and I have gotten close. And I may like him as more then a friend. Anyway still no sign of Simba and Nala. So we decided if they don't show up tonight, we'd set out to dethrone Scar and chase away the hyenas alone.

Anyway I'm hunting alone today, when I smell an unknown male lion. I silently growl and stalk him. I soon hear him a head behind a rock. I crouch low. I pounce and ram into the lion. He yelps and fights back. But I pin him. "Who are you?" I demand snarling in his face.

"Amber?" he asks shocked. I frown in confusion getting off of him. Taking a good look at him.

"Simba?" I ask and he nods his head. "Simba!" I cheer and run over hugging him. Chaffing happily. He returns it.

"What happened here?" he asks me.

"The same thing that happened to your home. Except that the hyenas wiped out my whole pride. Only Tama and I survived" I tell him.

"Is she here?" he asks me.

"No, she's at pride rock" I tell him. "Have you come to challenge him?" I ask.

"Yes" he says.

"Well if your anything like your father, you'll win" I state. "Come I have some friends to introduce you too. They will help us take back the pride lands" I tell him. I lead him to the cave and call to Jace.

"Amber!" he shouts and runs over growling at Simba.

"Calm Jace, this is Simba. The true king of the pride lands" I tell him.

"An honour Prince Simba" Ronno says as he joins us. "I heard great things about your father, in fact he was my distant cousin" he states.

"Doesn't that make Scar your cousin?" Simba asks him.

"Aye, but he has lost his way" Ronno states.

"I think it's time you saw the destruction that Scar has brought to the once beautiful pride lands" I tell Simba. "Follow me" I tell the boys and take off running. They follow and we soon crossed the dry river. We climb to the top of the hill that over looks the pride lands. Stopping.

Simba looks  his homeland has become a desolate ruin, with skeletons lying everywhere. He looks around sadly, then climbs onto a ridge with a full view of Pride Rock. He glares in its direction. "Simba!" I hear Nala shout and we turn to see her.

"Nala!" I cheer and greet her happily.

"Glad you're here Amber" she tells me. She goes to stand by Simba. "It's awful, isn't it?" she asks him.

"I didn't want to believe you" he tells her.

"What made you come back?" she asks him.

"I finally got some sense knocked into me, and I've got the bump to prove it" Simba tells us. "Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?" he asks.

"We will" Jace, Nala, Ronno and I say together.

"It's going to be dangerous" he tells us.

"Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Nala laughs and I smile sadly.

"I see nothing funny about this" a voice says. We turn to see a meerkat and warthog.

"Timon! Pumbaa! What are you doing here?" Simba asks them. Guess we can't ate them. Apparently they were here to help. We snuck our way to pride rock. Then while Timon and Pumba distracted the hyenas. Simba went to look for Scar while the rest of us rallied the lionesses.

"Where's Sarabi and Tama?" I ask confused.

"Sarabi was summoned by Scar" Dwala tells me.

"And Tama? We'll need everyone" Nala states.

"She was pregnant, Scar took her into the den and we never saw her again" Sarafina explains sadly. I growl.

"Lets go show Scar what happens when he messes with us" I tell them. They agree. We arrive to see Simba talking to Scar while Sarabi laid on the ground. Sarafina and Diku go help Sarabi to her feet as Scar told Simba that the hyenas saw him as king.

"Well we don't" Nala states. "Simba is the rightful king" she adds. We all agreeing. Jace and Ronnon are hiding until the fight begins.

"The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight" Simba tells his uncle. Scar accuses Simba of killing Mufasa. Which was a lie, Scar had let Mufasa die. The fight started.

We lionesses lunge into battle. The hyenas swarm Simba, knocking him off Scar. The lionesses attack the hyenas from behind. Simba fights off the hyenas from the ground, while Nala swats one away with her paw. Timon and Pumbaa charge into the fray. With Ronno and Jace.

Seeing two other adult lions scared some of the hyenas off. But others remained. Jace and I fought side by side. "Hi, if we survive this. Will you be my mate?" Jace asks me.

"Thought you'd never ask" I say with a smile and swipe away hyena away. It fell over the edge. As it started to rain. The rest of the hyenas fled and I sit down catching my breath. Jace licks my cheek and I return it. And nuzzle into his mane.

"It's over Amber, they're gone" he tells me. "Gone for good" he assures me. Just then Dwala appears.

"Are you Jace?" she asks.

"Yeah" he says.

"It's your father" she states and we follow her. To find Ronno seriously injured.

"Dad!" he shouts and runs over.

"Those hyenas gone?" Ronno asks. Jace nods his head. "Then I may go in peace" he says with a sigh.

"What? Don't talk like that, you'll be ok" Jace tells him.

"Son, I am old and knew I'd die if I came tonight. But it was the right thing to do. Now you and Amber can live here in peace" Ronno tells him. "Do not dispire, we will meet again" he says and closes his eyes.

"Father!" Jace cries and I lean into him offering him comfort. As Simba greeted Nala and Sarabi. There is a clatter of gourds, which makes Simba, Nala, and Sarabi look up. Rafiki stands near Pride Rock. He points to the promontory. Simba approaches Rafiki, who bows. Simba draws Rafiki into a hug, and, after a moment, Rafiki returns it.

"It is time" he tells him. Simba nods and heads to it. Once he reached the edge of the promontory, he looked up at the sky. Simba's expression changes to confidence and roars loudly. Claiming his rightful place as king. We lionesses and Jace roar back accepting him.


Picture above of Simba cornering Scar and gif on the external link of Simba takings his rightful place as king.

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