Zuko's a Teenager

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Zuko's POV

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Zuko's POV

So I'm supposed to watch Nikki. But I've organized to meet my friends. Ezra, Jake and his sister Zuri. Who I may have a crush on. They're rogue teenagers looking for a pride. Dad's giving them a trial before accepting them into the pride fully. Though we did get two new members not long after Nikki was whined onto meat. Lila and her little sister Star. They had lost their mother and father in a fire.

The dry season has started. And it won't be long until I can go one my first hunt. Then Kiara, Tiifu and Zuri will do their's in about a months time. Solo of course.

Anyway I have to sneak out before my sister spots me. Or worse our parents. "Where are you going?" Nikki asks startling me.

"Don't do that" I tell her annoyed.

"You're supposed to look after me while the others hunt" she reminds me.

"You're old enough to take care of yourself, besides I promised the guys I'd meet them at the gorge" I tell her.

"Didn't your father to stay away from those rogue teens?" mum asks and curse. "Language" she tells me. "Now, didn't we agree you'd watch your sister while the girls and I show the other two how to hunt?" she asks me.

"But mum, the guys are waiting" I whine.

"More like Suri is waiting" Nikki teases.

"Shut it" I tell her and mum sighs.

"Fine, go hang with your new friends. Nikki you can come watch the hunt. But remember be silent" mum tells her.

"Thanks mum, you're the best" I state and nuzzle her happily. I go to leave and she grabs my tail gently. Stopping me.

"This is the last time Zuko, you need to start to learn some responsibility. You are the future king after all" mum reminds me.

"Yes mum" I say and she left with Nikki.

"Yoo Zuko!" Suri shouts and I smile at her. "My brother and Ezra sent me to see what was taking you so long. Come on" she tells me. She starts to leave and I run up to her. Catching up easily and we walk side by side.

"So how did you sleep?" I ask her.

"It was fine" she tells me.

"You know, if you're to cold. I could sneak you into the main den, it's warmer" I tell her. She giggles.

"Oh, what have I done to receive such special treatment from the future king?" she asks teasingly.

"I think you know what" I say looking at her lovingly. She sighs.

"Don't get me wrong Zuko, you're handsome. But you're just a little to immature for me to see as a future mate" she tells me. I sigh looking down and she uses her tail to raise my head. "But ask me again in a year when you're more mature" she states.

"I will" I tell her and she giggles.

"You two flirting again?" Jake asks as we reach him and Ezra.

"God, must you rub it in?" Ezra groans. He's Jake and Suri's cousin. He's been trying to find a mate. Tiifu and Zuri are to girly for him. And he doesn't want to responsibility of being a king. So Kiara's out and along with Nikki. Though Nikki also out, for being to young.

"We're not rubbing anything in dear cousin" Suri tells him. "Besides I can't help it if the future prince is attracted to me" she states. He groans.

"Lets just go" Jake states

"So what are we doing?" I ask curious.

"Practice our hunting skills" Jake answers.

"By stalking zebra" Ezra chuckles.

"Ok, as long as we don't cause a panic" I state.

"Oh lighten up" Jake tells me.

"No, he's right Jake. Someone could get seriously hurt if we caused a panic. It could lead to a stampede" Suri tells him.

"Fine, we won't cause a panic" Jake tells us.

"We could practice fighting instead" Ezra suggests.

"Sounds fun" I tell them.

"Then you're it" Suri says nudging my cheek and taking off. I watch her run.

"What are you waiting for?" Ezra asks.

"She clearly wants you to chase her" Jake states. I crouch low and take off sprinting after Suri. I catch up to her and tackle her. Not knowing she was at the edge of a hill. We rolled down it and she pins me at the bottom.

"Ok, I give you win" I laugh. Suri laughs too. We then look into each others eyes. My amber ones looking into her brown ones.

"Are we interrupting?" Jake asks teasingly. Suri gets off me and we avoid eye contact. As Jake laughs. "Thought we were practicing fight" he states.

"Guys, there's trouble!" Ezra shouts.

"What is it?" we asks her.

"Nikki fell into the river" he states.

"Nikki!" I shout and take off towards the river. They follow me. "She's heading for the falls" I state.

"The tree!" Suri shouts and we run over to a dying tree. Working together we knock is down as Nikki clings to a rock scared.

"Hang on Nikki!" Jake shouts. I crawl along the tree as the others kept it from falling into the river.

"Nikki!" I shout getting her attention.

"Zuko!" she cries.

"Let go, I'll catch you" I tell her.

"I can't, I'm scared" she tells me.

"Nikki, trust me" I tell her. "Just look at me, only me" I say and she does so. "On the count of three, let go" I instructs. She nods her head. "One, two, three" I count and she let go. She screams as the current washes her towards me. I lunge forward and grab her by the scruff pulling her onto the trunk.

She clings to me. "It's ok, I got you" I assure her. I stand keeping a hold of her. I turn slowly and head back towards the shore. As the other three encourage me. I arrive safely and they let the tree go.

I place Nikki down and lick her. "Nikki!" mum shouts as she runs over with Dad. "Where did you go?" she asks her. "And why are you soaking wet?" she demands.

"I was chasing a dragon fly" Nikki sniffles.

"She fell into the river" Ezra states.

"That's true, I saw the whole thing" Zazu states as he joins us. "Zuko and his new friends saved her" he states.

"Thank you so much" mum tells my friends.

"We are in your debt" dad tells them. "Welcome to the pride, feel free to join us in the main den" he adds. Before he and mum took Nikki home.

"Welcome to the pride" I tell my friends.

"Thanks" they say. We return to the den. Calling it a day. I slept with my family.


Picture above of Lila and Star. Pictures on chapter of Nikki now and Zuko with his friends.

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