Cub Sitting

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Amber's POV

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Amber's POV

So Nala and I are now young adults. Nala snuck out of the pride lands last night. I told her, Tama and I would join her in a few days. And wished her luck. Tama has been acting weird and secretive, but I don't know why. Anyway Scar hasn't noticed Nala is missing yet, believes she's hunt with Sarabi, Sarafina and Tama.

I'm at the enclave with Diku, Dwala and Naanda. When Gereza appears. "Zira wants to see you Amber" she drawls. I cock my head in confusion. "Now" she says and left. I sigh getting to my feet.

"Don't let Zira boss you around" Dwala tells me.

"I won't" I tell her and head to the main den. I see Nuka with the four girl cubs. They had started meat and their growth had slowed as predicted. Nuka is supposed to be three and half months old. But looks about two months old as he to is growing slowly. Due to lack of food.

"You summoned me Zira" I state.

"Yes, the girls and I are going hunting. Scar is out on patrol with the hyenas due to the rogue in the area. So I need you to mind the cubs" sh states. Leaving no room for argument.

"What do I know about raising cubs?" I ask her.

"You will do as you're told" she states.

"What do I get out of it?" I ask her. She smirks and walks over. She circles me flicking her tail on my chin.

"How would you like for your pride to be able to ate before hyenas again?" she asks me sweetly. "I can speak to Scar and organize that. But you need to cub sit whenever I ask" she states.

"They'd be allowed to ate before the hyenas?" I ask hopeful. We'd all lost weight due to Scar's rule about hyenas eating before us. It'd affected Sarafina, Sarabi and her sisters the most. As they always made sure Nala, Tama and I ate first. We tried to leave them food, but it wasn't always possible.

"Yes, but only if you keep your end of the deal" she tells me.

"Ok, but it starts today" I tell her.

"Of course, I shall speak to Scar when he returns" she states. "Keep them in the den" she adds before leaving with her girls. I sigh and lay down at the cave entrance.

"Who are you?" Dotty and Spotty ask together.

"Amber" I tell them.

"Are you new?" Mila asks.

"She's not new" Majira tells her sister. "She's from the other group of lionesses. You know the ones who sleep in the enclave outside" she states.

"Oh" Mila says.

"Where's my mum?" Nuka asks me curious.

"Hunting with her pride" I tell him and he frowns in confusion.

"I thought we were all one pride" he states.

"We may live on the same territory, but we are not one" I tell him.

"Can we go to the waterhole?" Dotty asks.

"No, Zira said to stay here at Pride Rock" I state.

"I know, we can see King Scar's new pet" Mila states.

"What pet?" Majira asks her confused.

"The hyenas finally caught that no good bird, it's in a cage" Mila states. Zazu.

"How about you show us Mila?" I suggest and she cheers. She leads us to Scar's old cave. I see Zazu standing in a bone cage.

"Amber" he says shocked and I give him a look.

"You know him?" Mila asks me.

"He was the old true king's steward" I state. "You five play" I tell them and they do so. Nuka trying to get Dotty to play with him. "What happened?" I ask Zazu in a whisper.

"Nala was going to get caught, so I distracted Scar and the hyenas" he explains.

"And got caught yourself" I mutter. "Did Nala say anything when she left?" I ask quietly.

"Only that she was going to look for help" he mutters. I sigh and shake my head looking at the cubs.

"No one will help us, we are alone" I tell him. "Come on kids, back to the main den" I tell them. They groan and I give them a look. They sigh in defeat and head back to the main den me watching them. They go back to playing and I lay down watching them. Mila soon grew tired and came lay beside me taking a nap.

The others follow suit. Dotty deciding to sleep on my back. Majira and Spotty curled up with Mila by my stomach. While Nuka curled up in front of me, nuzzling into my chest. My heart melts a little at them. "Where's Zira?" Scar demands as he appears. And with that, my heart is cold as ice again.

"Hunting with her pride" I state. "Made me watch the cubs" I tell him. He looks at us with his head cocked looking thoughtful. "What?" I ask him bored.

"You'd be a good mother" he states and I roll my eyes. Zira and her pride return with their kill. Waking the cubs and I get up stretching my legs.

"Remember the deal Zira" I state and left. I return to the enclave to see the others had returned. Sarabi offers me a gazelle leg. I smile grateful and share it with Tama. When Scar appears.

"I've spoken to Zira and she has made me realize that we need you lot to beat your best. If we are to raise the five cubs, so you all may ate before the hyenas again" he tells us. "That's all" he states and goes to leave. "Wait, where's Nala?" he asks Sarafina.

"Waterhole" Sarafina lies.

"Well it's after sunset, you all know the rules" he states. "I'll send Shenzi and he brothers to collect Nala" he adds before leaving. The rest of us sigh. Tama and I finish the leg. And I toss it to the hyenas. Before we lay down deciding to call it a night.


Picture above of Nuka now and picture on the external link of Zazu in his cage. Picture in chapter of Nala, Tama and Amber now.

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