Talk with Dad

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Amber's POV

Dad carried me for most of the way. He carried me across the river and the plains. But as our home com into view. He stops and puts me down. "Dad, I'm sorry" I tell him.

"What were you thinking?" he asks me.

"Simba said he had heard about cool place that he wanted to show Nala and me. Never told us it wasn't on the pride lands"  I explain. "Just that it was an elephant graveyard" I add.

"I nearly lost you today Amber, what would I have told your mother?" he asks me.

"I know, and I'm sorry" I tell him.

"I told you to stay at pride rock and you disobeyed me" he stats.

"It won't ever happen again" I assure him.

"It had better not, I am very disappointed in you" he tells me. I bow my head in shame. "You're the future queen of our pride" he states.

"I know and I can't wait to lead our family one day" I assure him. He smiles gently and licks my forehead. I snuggle into his side.

"I'm glad you understand that we're all family, even though we aren't all blood" he states.

"It's like you've always told me we are one" I state as I look at the herds. They are all starting to settle down for the night. "Even the herds" I add.

"That we are" he agrees as he lays down looking out at the herds.

"Are you going to tell mum?" I ask him.

"Yes and you are grounded, no going anywhere alone without an adult until you're old enough for you first hunt" He tells me.

"I understand" I tell him. "Do you think Simba will be grounded too?" I ask him.

"His father is very disappointed him. He to disobeyed his father, and what's worse he put you girls in danger" he states.

"I think he was just trying to be brave like you and his dad" I tell him.

"Amber being brave, doesn't mean you go looking for trouble" he tells.

"But I've never seen you scared of anything" I state.

"I was today, I thought I was going to lose you" he admits nuzzling me with his head.

"You won't ever lose me dad" I tell him. He smiles. "I guess even kings can get scared sometimes. Though I think those hyenas were scareder" I state and he chuckles.

"That's because no one messes with a king lion. Especially one with a cub to protect" he states.

"Speaking of kings. Can you tell me about the kings of the past?" I ask him. He nods his head and I lay in between his front paws. Looking up at the darkening sky as the stars appear.

"This is a story my dad told me many years ago" he tells me. "Look at the stars. The Great Kings of the Past look down on us from those stars" he states.

"Is that really true?" I ask him curious.

"I believe so, yes" he tells me. "So whenever you or Simba feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you both. And so will Mufasa and I" he explains.

"I'll remember dad and remind Simba" I tell him. He smiles.

"Lets get you home, no doubt your mother is worried" he states. I nod my head and we get up.

"Race you?" I ask him.

"You'll lose" he tells me.

"I've been practicing" I tell him proudly. "On three" I state. "One, two" I say and take off running.

"Hey!" dad exclaims and runs after me. I laugh. He soon catches up and I pounce at him. He rolls onto the ground and I take off again. He catches up and leaps over me.

"Hey no fair!" I shout. He won. We sit and pant at the bass of the mountain. "You cheated" I pout.

"You cheated first, where was three?" he asks me.

"Three" I say and we laugh.

"There you both are" mum states as she walks down to us. "I was beginning to worry" she states rubbing her head against dad's. Before doing the same to mine.

"We're both fine, just a hyena problem in the pride lands. I'll tell you about it later, right now I think our daughter is tired" dad tells her. As I yawn. Mum nods her head in understands. She picked me up and carried me to the den. She took me to our sleeping spot and put me down. She gave me a bath and I fell asleep.


Picture above of Amber with Axel and video about of Lion King We Are One (Mufasa and Simba).

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