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Amber's POV

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Amber's POV

So it's been about three months since Beauty-spot and the other two joined the pride. About three weeks after they arrived Zira announced her pregnancy. Then another couple weeks later Beauty-spot and Ikhala had their four cubs. All girls. Beauty-spots two daughters Spotty and Dotty. Ikhala's two daughters Mila and Majira.

Two weeks ago Zira gave birth to a son. Today he'd be being presented to the pride. The herds were not coming. A drought had started two months ago. Sarabi has lost two of her lionesses to starvation and another several decided to leave the pride. All the remains on the old pride is Sarafina, Sarabi and her sisters. Along with Nala, Tama and I.

Nala and I are now teenagers. Tama is a young adult as she is a a couple older then us. She had her first solo hunt today and caught a gazelle. Nala and I would have our first solo hunts in a couple of weeks. If successful Tama and I will leave the pride. I invited Nala along and she was contemplating it. Tama and I had out grown our small cave now sleep with the others.

The pride lands look horrible. The herds are pretty much all gone. All the plants are dying or dead. And there's not a lot of water. The rivers have dried up to shallow streams and the water hole is pretty much a mud pool.

We're all laying around waiting for Rafiki to appear with Zira and Scar's son. Rafiki had lost his sister Isa. It was a rogue lion. "Nala, come sit with us" Sarabi calls as Nala paced in front of us. Tama and I are laying beside Dwala.

"We have to do something, Sarabi. We have to fight" Nala tells her. Tama and I nod our heads in agreement. Zazu had told us this morning that the hyenas had chased off the last of the herds.

"Nala, Scar is king" Sarabi reminds her. Nala faces her.

"But you are our queen" she states.

"Technically Zira is queen" Tama mutters.

"We should leave before it's too late" Nala states as she started to pace again.

"We must all stay together and protect the Pride Lands. This is our home. We must never abandon it" Sarabi states.

"This isn't the home I remember" Nala tells her. Tama and I nod our heads in agreement.

"Our time will come, Nala. Be patient" Sarabi tells her. As Rafiki appears with Zira, Scar and their cub.

"Presenting the son of King Scar and his mate Zira. Nuka" Rafiki says holding up Nuka. He was a little scrawny for a two week old cub. But that could be due to the lack of food. I can see he has his mother's eyes. We all roar in greeting.

Before Rafiki handed Nuka to Zira and left Pride Rock. "Bit scrawny for a future king" Tama mutters. Dwala shushes her as Shenzi appears.

"Sarabi, the king wishes to see you" she states.

"Don't go" Nala and I beg her. Sarabi sighs and stands up.

"I'm not afraid of him" she tells us. Sarabi strides up the promontory, passing several hyenas. Who growl at her, but she shows no fear.

"Think she'll scold him for over hunting?" Tama asks.

"I hope so" Diku states.

"Otherwise, how will we raise the now five cubs without food?" Naanda asks.

"Beauty-spot and Ikhala's cubs seem to be growing fine" Tama says confused.

"For now, but they'll be whined soon" Sarafina states. "Then we'll have to get even more food to ensure they survive this drought" she adds.

"I'm sure we'll manage" Dwala assures them. We hear hyenas cackle above and look to see them eating the rest of Scar's food. "We were supposed to ate that" she states as Sarabi returns to our enclave. They had been pretty much kicked out of the main den since Beauty-spot and Ikhala had their cubs.

"What happened?" Sarafina asks.

"Words were said, I tried to convince Scar to hunt less. He did not take it well" Sarabi tells us as she lays down. "He declared that we won't be allowed to ate now until after the hyenas" she adds.

"But they leave hardly anything, sometimes nothing!" Diku exclaims.

"I know" Sarabi says sighing in defeat.

"Do Zira and her girls still get to ate before the hyenas?" Naanda asks. Sarabi nods her head.

"This isn't right" Nala states.

"I know that Nala, we just have to be patient" Sarabi says gently. "We should all get some rest" she states. We all huddle together for warmth and fall asleep.


Picture above of Nuka, Rafiki, Scar and Zira. Picture in chapter of Ikhala and Beauty-spot's cubs. Picture on the external link of Nala talking to Sarabi.

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