Simba's Judgment

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Zuko's POV

I wake to Suri raising her head and laying it back on my mane with a sigh. "Suri darling, are you alright?" I ask her as I raise my head. She lifts hers and looks at me with a soft smile.

"I'm fine, a little sore. But fine" she assures me.

"I did not mean to hurt you my darling" I say as I rest my forehead on hers.

"I know and I don't regret it" she tells me. She licks my cheek. "We should get back to Pride Rock" she states. I nod my head. We get to our feet and head for pride rock. We run into Kovu and Simba along the way.

"Zuko, I'm spending the day with Kovu. Think you and your boys can patrol the pride lands this morning?" Simba asks me.

"Of course, have a good day" I tell him. He left with Kovu.

"Wonder what that was about" Suri mutters.

"I think Simba will be making his decision today. If the talk goes well Kovu will join the pride. If not he'll be banished" I tell her.

"But that'd hurt Kiara" she states.

"Simba is king here, whatever decision he makes is law" I state. "But Kovu turns out to be the son of my mother's late friend. Then he'll be welcomed into our pride" I tell her. We arrive at pride rock to be greeted by my mother.

"Zuko, what have I told you about being out all night?" she asks me. Suri giggles.

"Not to be, but I'm not a cub anymore mum" I remind her.

"It was my fault Queen Amber" Suri tells her.

"No need for formalities" mum tells her. "You are my sons mate now and soon you'll wed. And then you both will take over the river pride" she states. "Though I wish you had waited until you were married to mate" she adds.

"I went into heat" Suri admits shyly.

"Besides you and dad weren't married when you mated" I remind her.

"Lets go tell the others" mum tells us and heads for the enclave. Where the others were gathered grooming each other. Preparing for the day. Kiara was talking excitedly with Tiifu and Zuri about Kovu possibly joining the pride lands pride. As Simba had allowed him to sleep in the den last night and was talking to him.

"Man, it's true" Ezra groans as he looks at Suri and I.

"How could you mate with my sister without my blessing?" Jake demands glaring at me.

"Sorry man" I say.

"Whatever, just don't hurt her and we won't have a problem" he tells me. Nikki runs over and jumps onto my back.

"Seriously Nikki, you're to old to be jumping on my back" I tell her.

"Oh don't be a spoil sport" she tells me. "Now what's this about me being an aunt in future?" she asks.

"I don't know if I'm pregnant yet Nikki" Suri laughs.

"Oh ok" Nikki says jumping off of my back. Nikki goes to join the other girls. Talking to Nala and Neera about what she should expect in future if she is pregnant. I notice my mum looks troubled.

"What is it?" I ask her as we went to promontory.

"Dwala claims to of seen Tama last night" she states. Dwala is the last of Mufasa's pride. Aside from Nala and Simba. She practically adopted my mother after our pride was killed by hyenas when she was a cub.

"But is she not dead?" I ask lowly.

"We believe so, but I think it was Vitani. I went where Dwala said she was and smelt a rogue with  a similar scent to Kovu" she tells me.

"But why would she be here?" I ask her confused.

"I don't know" she tells me.

"I have to go on patrol with Ezra and Jake, I'll be back later" I tell her. I left and got the boys. Before we left on patrol.

(Time skip)

On patrol we found an injured Simba. We got him back to pride rock. Where he told us how Kovu had lead him to an ambush on my prides territory. The herds had gathered below to give Simba their well wishes. Praying he got better soon. "Daddy, it can't be true" Kiara says.

"Zuko!" Ezra calls from the promontory and nods below at the pride landers. I go over to see them parting for a lone lion. And growl, how dare he show his face here after what he did to Simba.

"Who is it?" mum asks me.

"It's Kovu" I sneer.

"Kovu!" Kiara shouts in joy and goes to run to him. Simba lunges in front of Kiara, halting her in her tracks with a roar. Before coming to stand in between Ezra and I. As Jake stands on Ezra's other side.

"What's he doing? Look at that scar on his face" I hear the herds mutter. I squint and notice the scar over his left eye. Kovu stops in front of Pride Rock. Simba glares down at him from the promontory. As the other two and I flank him.

"Why have you come back?" Simba demands.

"Simba... I had nothing to do with" Kovu tries to explain.

"You don't belong here" Simba tells him. Ezra and Jake nod their heads in agreement.

"Please. I ask your forgiveness" Kovu begs.

"Daddy, please. Listen to him" Kiara begs.

"Silence" Simba tells her firmly. Before looking back at Kovu. "hen you first came here, you asked for judgment. And I pass it now!" he declares.

"We don't want you! Judgment! Put him on trial! Judgment day is here! Yes! Judgment! Judgment!" the pride landers say.

"Exile" Simba declares.

"No!" Kiara cries.

"You heard him boys" I tell Ezra and Jake. As elephants trumpet and zebras neigh. An elephant stamps its feet on the ground. As monkeys pound their fists on it. Jake and Ezra head down to drive Kovu off. Kiara tries to go help him, only to be blocked by Aqua and Rose.

The pride landers start to sing as Kovu is driven away. Kiara jumps over Aqua and Rose. Only to be blocked by Tiifu and Zuri instead. She looks over their heads desperately. As the herds helped Ezra and Jake drive Kovu away from the pride lands.

Ezra and Jake stop at the edge of the pride landers roaring at Kovu as he jumped into a pool. Kovu looks at us sadly and then at his reflection. He races to the other end of the pool and clambers onto shore, his head drooped. He looks back at us one last time before leaving. Ezra and Jake turn heading back towards us.

Kiara tries to get her dad to reconsider. But he refuses. "I know he's following in Scar's paw prints! And I must follow in my father's" he states.

"You'll never be Mufasa!" Kiara cries. Simba's eyes widen in horror. Kiara turns tail and flees toward the den, sobbing. The lionesses watch her go sadly.

"I'm sorry mum" I say as I head over to her.

"It's Simba's land, his word is law here" she says sadly. "When our land is healthy again, we will find him and offer him sanctuary" she states. I nod my head in agreement.


Picture above of Zuri and Tiifu blocking Kiara's way.

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