Battle of the Three Prides

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Amber's POV

It has started to rain. "This will help our land return to normal quicker" Zuko tells me. I nod my head in agreement. Though I am thinking about Kovu, I don't think he lead Simba into an ambush. I think Zira set it up to look that way.

Just then Simba runs over. "Outsiders are on their way to attack us, are you with us?" he asks me.

"Yes" I tell him.

"Then lets go" he says and left.

"Suri, stay here" Zuko tells his mate.

"But I can fight" she reminds.

"No, you may be pregnant" I tell her. "You and Nikki will remain here with Dwala" I state.

"I'll stay too, I must protect my sister" Jake states.

"Thanks man, I would stay. But I am king of our pride" Zuko states.

"The rest of you, follow us. Lets go" I order and we left pride rock. We join up with Simba and his pride. I notice Timon and Pumba with us also. Thunder crashes, and lightning flickers in the clouds as it continues to rain. "If you find Dotty, her sister and friends. Get them out of here" I tell Zuko lowly. He nods and whispers to Ezra. The message is passed around our pride without the others noticing.

We reach and rocky plain. We see the outsides waiting, Kovu not among them. The Outsiders had form a battle line, while Zira climbs a tall rock. My pride forms a line with Simba's. As vultures circle over head. "It's over, Simba! I have dreamed of nothing else for years!" Zira tells him.

"Last chance Zira, go home" Simba tells her. As Ezra and Zuko flank him.

"I am home" Zira growls. "Attack!" she roars at her pride. They advance and we the same. We meet in the middle of the battle field and begin to fight. I get separated by four lionesses.

"Dotty, you guys don't have to do this" I tell her.

"Nuka's dead" she growls.

"I'm sorry" I tell her sincerely.

"Are we really going to do this?" Mila asks the other three.

"You can still change your mind" I tell them. They all look conflicted. I notice Nala talking a lone lioness and call her Vitani. They start to fight. "No!" I shout and run over and get in between them. I roar in pain as Nala bite me. She gasps letting go.

"What are you doing Amber?" she asks shocked.

"Why did you intervene?" Vitani asks.

"I won't let you kill Tama's daughter" I tell Nala. I turn to Vitani and notice her eyes. "You have your grandmother's eyes" I state.

"You knew my grandmother?" she asks shocked.

"I was your mother's best friend growing up. Until she was taken from us and killed by Zira. We never knew what happened to her cubs" I tell her.

"No, Zira said our mother abandonned us as cubs" she states.

"She lied, she only took you both because Scar choose Kovu to be his heir on Nuka. Look inside yourself, you know I speak the truth" I tell her. Suddenly the fighting stops around us and we see Simba and Zira facing off. We formed a circle around them. Vitani with Dotty and her friends looking conflicted as they whisper to each other.

Zira stalks in a slow circle around Simba who watches her every move. Simba and Zira circle one another. They get ready to fight when there was a clap of thunder. Kovu and Kiara leap in-between Simba and Zira roaring. Facing their respective parent. Simba looks taken aback, while Zira looks furious.

"Kiara?" Simba says shocked.

"Kovu! Move" Zira tells him.

"Stand aside" Simba tells Kiara.

"Daddy, this has to stop" Kiara tells him.

"You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!" Zira snaps.

"You'll never hurt Kiara...or Simba" Kovu tells her. Kiara looks over her shoulder at Kovu as Simba looks shocked. "Not while I'm here" he growls.

"Stay out of this" Simba tells Kiara.

"A wise king once told me, We are one. I didn't understand him then. Now, I do" Kiara explains with a smile.

"But they..." he tries to say.

"Them, us? Look at them, they are us" Kiara tells him. "What differences do you see?" she asks as he looks around at all three prides. Kiara and Simba exchange meaningful glances.

Kiara smiles. Overhead, the clouds clear, and the sun shines down on the two prides. Simba looks up at the light. He smiles and embraces Kiara. "Vitani, now" Zira orders.

"No mother!" Vitani snaps. "Or should I even call you that?" she sneers. The looks at Kovu. "Kiara's right, enough" she states as she goes to stand by Kovu.

"If you will not fight, then you will die as well" Zira sneers. The outsides mutter in disgust at Zira. They walk over to our side. " What are– Where are you going?" she demands. "Get back here" she orders.

"Let it go, Zira. It's time to put the past behind us" Simba tells her.

"I'll never let it go" Zira growls. "This is for you, Scar" she states. She roars lunging at Simba. But Kiara intercepts and they roll off the cliff.

"Kiara!" Kovu shouts in concerned. Simba jumps after his daughter. He saves her, but Zira died. Together Simba and Kiara climbed back up to us. Kiara is nuzzled by bot her parents. Before going over to Kovu and they embrace.

"Kovu!" Simba says and Kovu walks over cautiously. "I was wrong. You belong here" he states and Kiara nuzzles Kovu affectionately. "Let's go home, all of us" he declares smiling at the former outsiders. We all return to pride rock.

"Can you tell  me more about my real mother?" Vitani asks me.

"Of course" I tell her with a smile. Zuko joins us with Ezra. "Vitani my son Zuko and his friend Ezra" I say introducing them.

"Hi beautiful" Ezra says smiling at Vitani. Who looks away bashfully. Zuko and I share a look. I think we're witnessing the begining of a new romance.


Picture above of the fight starting and gif on the external link of Vitani tackling Nala.

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