14 3 1

Bokuto couldn’t help the smile that donned his face as he walked into the house, the blush still lingering on his cheeks as he toed off his shoes at the front door and he placed his keys in the small bowl they kept by the front door. 

The smell of takeout ramen filled the air, and the aggressive tapping of buttons made Bokuto aware of Kenma’s presence on the couch. The blonde sat cross-legged on the couch, his back hunched over his control as he stared, unblinking, at the tv, his shoulder length hair slightly grown out and pulled into a half-bun at the nape of his neck. 

“Hey Kenma!” Bokuto greeted cheerily, and while the other made no mention of acknowledgement, the older man knew he heard. There were a few seconds of silence as Bokuto adjusted to the inside of the house, but it was promptly broken by the younger’s small voice. 

“When did you get back into contact with Keiji-san?” He asked. Bokuto stood there dumbfounded for a second, the question taking him off guard. 

“We met up at a park a few days ago… wha- How’d you know?”

“I’m not an idiot, Koutarou. I pick up on a lot more than you think.” His slim fingers continued to dance over the buttons of his control, the character on screen bouncing around as he did, though he continued to pay attention to the conversation. 

“I didn't think you were an idiot.” The older boy pouted slightly, his eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion as he cocked his head to the side slightly. 

“I never said that I thought you did. I just meant that for how oblivious I seem, I pick up on a lot. Like, I know you still cry about Keiji-san at night, Kou. And i also know you're in love with Tetsurou.”

Bokuto’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes dropped to his feet, shame flooding through him. 

“K-Kenma, I’m sorry. I never meant to overstep my boundaries or anything.” His voice was small, but Kenma shrugged. 

“That wasn’t the point of what I was saying. It's ok that you caught feelings for Kuro, I did too, after all. Just, as long as you don't act on them, which I know you won't. I just… want to make sure you’re ok.” The game he had been playing was finally paused, and Kenma’s light brown eyes slid over to meet Bokuto’s golden ones. 

“Yeah, don't worry about me.” Bokuto forced a smile, one that didn't reach his eyes by any means, and Kenma sighed. 

“Dont lie, Koutarou. Again, I'm not an idiot.” 

“You’re not. Not at all. But, I am ok. Better than I have been, I guess.” Silence passed through them for a while, Kenma unsure if Bokuto was being genuine in his answer or if he thought Kenma believed him, while Bokuto was contemplating how to apologise.

There was so much he needed to apologise for. He was in love with the other boy’s boyfriend, for one. The other was lying, or trying to at least, and continuing to do so. There was also the constant making himself a problem, getting in the way between Kenma and Kuroo, causing arguments, overstepping boundaries. There was just so much he did wrong constantly. 

“I really am sorry, Kenma.” Then he left, walking to his room and shutting the door, content to just stay there for the rest of the night. 

He skipped dinner, even when Kuroo came knocking on the door asking if he wanted to play a game with him and Kenma, promising takeout and beer. But the silver-haired boy refused repeatedly, only leaving his room to use the bathroom. 


Sorry for the shorter chapter, it's one of the chapters that can't really be dragged out much more due to its content.

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