17 3 0

Bokuto stumbled into the movie theatre barely on time, as usual, and while he feels bad, he also thinks Akaashi would have taken that into account considering their 10 years of knowing each other. 

And his assumptions were correct. There Akaashi sat, head leaned against the painted red walls of the cinema, eyes closed and leg bouncing rapidly as he waited. Bokuto smiled as he approached the younger boy, smiling so wide his cheek muscles were straining, but he was grateful for the opportunity to hang out in this kind of environment. 

Bokuto’s heavy footsteps must've alerted the ravenette of his presence, well that or Akaashi’s freaky ability to pick up on another’s presence even if they were being as quiet as a mouse. His beautiful blue-green eyes fluttered open, making contact with Bokuto’s own golden eyes, and he smiled slightly, leg slowing in its movements as Bokuto came to a stop in front of him. 

“Hey, you made it.” He said softly, voice barely capable of being picked up on by anyone other than Bokuto. 

“Of course I did, ‘Kaashi. Wouldn't miss it for the world.” His smile softened, but remained just as genuine, and he held his hand out, palm up, for Akaashi to take, which the blue-eyed boy happily did, wrapping his slim fingers over Bokuto’s palm and lifting himself up. 

“I didn't doubt you for one second.” The smaller boy said, smiling at the silver-haired boy, hesitantly dropping his hand. “Let’s grab some snacks. Let me guess, medium popcorn, pepsi-max, and a bag of peanut m&m’s?” 

“Of course, ‘Kaashi. There’s no better alternatives.” The younger boy giggled, nodding, before making his way towards the confectionary stand, lining up behind the couple in front of them, jealous of the ease with which they held each other's hand and leaned against the other. His blue eyes bore against the intertwined fingers of the couple, jealousy and desire for the same overfilling him. 

“Akaashi, let me buy the snacks. You bought the tickets.” He reasoned, standing next to the younger boy, cocking his head as he stared at Akaashi’s beautiful face, analysing the distant glaze in the younger’s eyes. “Akaashi? Are you good?”

Akaashi seemed to physically stutter, blinking with a confused expression before turning and smiling at Bokuto, though his eyes remained trained on the couple in front of them. The deep blue finally made their way to the silver-haired boy’s face. 

“Sorry, Bokuto-san. I’m just a little bit tired, that’s all.” he smiled a tight-lipped smile, one that clearly held no mirth, but Bokuto knew Akaashi didn't want to talk about it, so he let a soft smile lay across his lips, and he nodded. 

“Oh, I could imagine so. Princess Yukie seems to be full of energy, all the time. I can’t imagine what it would be like at home.” He snorted at the picture his mind conjured, a little girl running around with her hair braided back, tight against her head, as she protested her bedtime, daring Akaashi to play a game of tag with her. 

“She’s definitely a little energy gremlin.” A soft, genuine smile lined his lips at the thought, and a soft breath of air passed through his lips- a laugh, Bokuto noted. A laugh that sounded like bells, a melodious sound he would trade heaven and hell to hear even once more. 

“I bet.” He whispered, too caught up in the soft curves of Akaashi’s face, the smile lines that deepened in the years they were apart, highlighting the slightest upturn in the other boy’s lips, and the pale skin against his cheeks contrasted beautifully with the thick lashes that bounced across his supple skin as he blinked. 

“Bokuto-san, it’s our turn.” Akaashi turned to make eye-contact with him, and he blushed slightly, the smallest gradient in shade, as he nodded, turning to the cashier and opening his mouth to order their food, before having a bad mind-blank. 

“Oh, ‘Kaashi, d-do you want to share? Or we can get our own, too.” He asked, not taking his eyes off the popcorn machine in the background of the confectionery station, too embarrassed to look Akaashi in the eyes again, scared the blush on his face will deepen if he looks in the ravenette’s general direction ever again. 

“That’s fine with me, Bokuto-san.” 

Bokuto doesn't know how, but Akaashi somehow made him fall deeper in love with him at that moment, which resultantly caused his blush to deepen and his embarrassment to further grow. When seconds pass and he has made no move to further order their snacks, or even look away from the back wall, Akaashi sighed in amusement, moving to take over in ordering their food. 

“A large popcorn, 2 large Pepsi-max’s, and a bag of peanut m&m’s, please.” He said, the person attending the register moved off to fulfil his task as Akaashi dug around in his wallet for a second, pulling out a small, plastic card. Bokuto realised what he was doing, and in a last minute attempt to minimise his failure as good company, as well as hopefully securing him a spot as potential date, he grabbed his own credit card out, swiping it through the machine and putting in his pin before Akaashi could even react. 

“Bokuto-san, I could've gotten it.” He said, staring blankly at the machine, before flicking his blue eyes towards the silver-haired male. 

“Nope, you bought the tickets. I bought the food. It’s a fair bargain.” Bokuto was seemingly over his embarrassment from earlier, though a slight red tinged the shell of his ears slightly. They were then given their food and ushered into the theatre room where their movie was playing, finding their designated seats and sprawling out across the small area around them. 

It was only about 4 in the afternoon, so there weren't all that many people there, which meant they had a little more space to spread their belongings out, though they had bought the one bucket of popcorn so this wasn't all that useful to them. 

The movie eventually started, Bokuto quickly becoming sucked into the plot, the colours, the vision of the entire show, however, Akaashi couldn't get invested into it. The plot was generic, the characters were shallow, and the romance was rushed and cliche, so when Akaashi found his eyelids growing heavier and his head became harder to keep up, he didn't bother trying to fight the oncoming sleep. 

He eventually let his head fall onto Bokuto’s shoulder, the other being taken out of his stupor at the small warmth that landed on his skin, and he blushed, before smiling as he realised Akaashi had fallen asleep  on him, eyelashes fluttering slightly and lips parted as he lay three, completely relaxed. 

And so Bokuto left him like that, his heart swollen at the soft, domestic gesture indicating Akaashi’s feelings of safety, and so he leaned his head against the soft tufts of raven hair, finishing the movie with a full heart and a soft smile. 


This was fun to write. I love them so much, and I love the idea that Bokuto would get so easily flustered over the smallest things.
Thank you all so much for reading so far, I'm grateful to you all.

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