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Bokuto had gently nudged him awake as the ending credits rolled over the big screen, lights slowly fading back into existence as his blue eyes fluttered open again, slowly adjusting to his brightening environment.

"Hey, 'Kaashi. Did you have a nice nap?" Bokuto's gruff voice continued to rouse him from his sleepy state, and it brought back memories of when the ravenette would wake next to him every day, the light illuminating him, casting a glorious shadow over his gorgeous face.

Akaashi blushed, a deep, ruby red, obvious even in the darkened cinema lighting. Boktuo noticed, of course, but didn't say anything about it, holding back his own blush at the cuteness that was Akaashi Keiji just awoken.

The bucket of popcorn had spilled during Akaashi's short nap, which became his first priority after he came into consciousness a little more, scooping up the dropped kernels and putting them back into the signature striped bucket, brushing the remaining crumbs off of himself.

Bokuto had held his hand out for him to take, at some point, which the ravenette happily did, lifting himself up and hearing his back and knees pop as he straightened them out... And if Akaashi took a little too long to drop Bokuto's hand after straightening out, neither said anything about it.

They made their way out into the parking lot, a comfortable silence hanging over them as they set a steady pace. Their hands skimmed each other every few steps, and while they both grew increasingly flustered as their knuckles grazed continuously, the peace took priority, so they each walked in silence, light blushes highlighting their faces.

They eventually reached the car park, coming to a stop in front of the small, black car owned by Akaashi, who now stood by the driver's side door, hands wringing through each other as his thoughts raced and his heartbeat echoed in his ears.

He had so much he could say, but he couldn't find the words, whether they were trapped on his tongue, or drowned by his pulse thumping inside his brain. His mouth opened and closed, words being drowned in his throat, and so he stood gaping like a fish, cheeks red and anxiety coursing through his veins.

"Thanks for inviting me out, 'Kaashi." The ravenette was saved from his misery by the older man, who stood with his back slouched, hands in his pockets as he tried to make himself smaller, either physically or in terms of his bounding personality, but Akaashi couldn't help but smile softly at the gesture.

"It's no problem, Bokuto-san. I quite enjoyed the movie." His voice was calm against the breeze that brushed gently across both of their faces, the cooling sensation causing their flushes to deepen from the cold. The ravenette stood against his car, wrapping his arms around himself to protect him from the creeping cold that was associated with the middle of Autumn.

"I enjoyed the movie, too, 'Kaashi." His voice was soft, so quiet compared to the rambunctious, childish man Keiji had fallen for originally. He had the same strong nose, high cheekbones, and silly hair. The same large build and sharp cheekbones he had fallen so head over heels for... But he seemed more mature. More sure of himself; confident.

It was undeniably attractive.

And when that thought filtered through Akaashi's head, the blush that overtook his face was so deep, so red, that it was inevitably going to catch Bokuto's attention. And with that realisation, Akaashi took a large breath in, holding it deep in his lungs, willing with all his might for the colour to leave his face.

... or for the earth to swallow him whole. That was another good option.

And, as the ravenette knew he would, Bokuto did notice the heavy flush on the younger's face, and immediately started panicking, his heartbeat quickening as his mind raced to the worst options. Was he choking? Having a heart attack? Going into anaphylactic shock? He didn't know.

Bokuto's hands gripped Akaashi's side, golden eyes scanning over the soft features of the ravenette in front of them as his anxiety continued to spike. He just got the younger boy back, he can't lose him again.

"Akaashi, are you ok? What's wrong? Do I need to call someone?" The speed at which he spoke gave away the true extent of how he was feeling, the fear that crept like vines around his nervous system, the thorns snagging him in all the worst places. Akaashi nodded, a quick, small uplift of his head, almost imperceptible.

"Bokuto-san, I'm ok, just... ch-choked on air... yeah, that's all. Dont worry about me." Bokuto nodded, though he made no move to let go of Akaashi, or to move his face away from Akaashi's.

Their faces were so close that Bokuto could see the slightest freckles that lined the younger's face, a tiny splash over his straight nose, so light that they were practically unnoticeable. He could see the slight dent in the tip of his nose, where Akaashi scrunched it while he laughed. He could see how his gunmetal blue eyes had darkened slightly over the years, the lines around his eyes deepening ever so slightly.

This is close, barely a hair breadth between them, Bokuto could see the smallest parts of Akaashi, the features that go unnoticed by a passing stranger, or even a close friend.

Possibly even by a lover who studied Akaashi's face less than Bokuto had in their years together.

That was one of the things Bokuto prided himself on. The way he noticed the little things during his and Akaashi's time together; the small quirks Akaashi had, like the way he needed to cut onions before potatoes, but if they weren't having either of those, then the order didn't matter. He noticed the way Akaashi always put his left sock on first, but his right shoe was always the first to be tied.

The small, minute things. The things that hold no relevance in the vastness of the universe, that very few people take the time to look into.

And suddenly the world came back into focus around them, the cars on the road and the streetlights that were beginning to flicker on as the evening sky shifted, darker and darker around them.

A breath passed between the two boys, gold eyes meeting green, and the older pulled his face back slightly, hesitantly, just a fraction of an inch. Just enough to not seem like he wanted... more.

"Uhm, I should, uh-" he chuckled softly, and the two were still just close enough that Akaashi could feel the slight brush of breath on his face. "I should get going. And, you should, too. You've gotta get stuff ready for Yukie to come back."

He smiled softly, the smallest of upturns in his lips. Akaashi pulled his head back just a little farther, nodding and smiling. The smile felt fake, plastic on his face, forced. He didn't want to pull back at all. In fact, he wanted nothing more than to lean in further, to press his lips against Bokuto's own, to profess his love and desires to be held.

But he couldn't. He made a mistake, and now he needs to wait, to deal with the consequences.

God, he fucking hated consequences.

"I... I guess I'll see you soon, Bokuto-san. When are you free, next? I'm sure Yukie would want to see you when she gets back."

'I would also love to see you' were the words left unspoken.

"I'm free whenever. Just message me, and I'll organise a time." He hummed a laugh, smiled, before turning to look towards where his car was parked. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Uh, yeah. Tomorrow."

The silver-haired boy nodded, moving away from Akaashi, and the ravenette listened to his footsteps and watched his back as the distance between them grew. His chest squeezed and his cheeks flushed as his heart raced, thoughts filled with his memories of his time with Bokuto.

Akaashi would never reveal to anyone that he fell asleep to those feelings that night, basking in the warmth and nostalgia that clung to the back of his mind, and though his bed was empty, it felt anything but that.


Sorry if this chapter feels a little disjointed compared to the other ones. I took about a week break because of holidays and Christmas.

Speaking of, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Happy Kwanzaa to those who celebrate (sorry if I we're left out any religious festivals around this time of year). If you don't celebrate, have a nice holidays, and enjoy the break that comes with Christmas.

Thank you :)

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