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Akaashi woke up the next day to a pounding headache, his eyes feeling puffy and tired and mouth dry as he struggled to piece together the events of yesterday. He shot up in bed, the birds outside too loud for his aching head and he slowly came to his senses, looking around the room as he adjusted to the small amount of light pooling in from the gap in his curtains. 

He caught sight of the small glass of water on his bedside table paired with a note, grabbing the glass and the aspirin that accompanied it, downing them both, before picking up the small note folded under the foot of the glass. 

'You fell asleep after having a lot to drink. Took you to bed then went home. Don't worry, I locked all the doors and checked on Yukie before I left. We need to talk without the presence of alcohol. Talk to you tomorrow. -Bo’

Keiji smiled at the sweetness of the note, before thinking back on the night before. It all feels fuzzy, like looking at it through a dirty window, but he vaguely remembers the buzz of alcohol in his system as he pressed against Bokuto as the night progresses, and then he remembers crying, before everything went black. 

He sighs, shrugs it off, before shoving his hangover nauseousness down, throwing his blankets off of him and making his way downstairs, where Yukie sat drawing at the coffee table, some generic cartoon playing on the tv in the background. He smiled at the scene, the throbbing in his head subsiding slightly due to the help of the water and aspirin he had downed seconds ago, but he needed something else. 

“Hey princess. What do you say we go and get some McDonalds for breakfast?” He said, descending the last of the steps and coming into full view of Yukie. Her eyes lit up and she nodded aggressively. 

Akaashi chuckled, shuffling them out and into the car to get the remainder of his hangover cure. 


Kenma was the first to wake up among them, nestled amongst the two older boys. At some point in the night, they had all ended up huddled against each other on the floor, both Kenma and Kuroo not wanting to let go of Bokuto, and when the older two had started drifting off to sleep, Kenma ad gone and collected some pillows and comforters to at least make their sleep a slight bit more comfortable. 

He was spread across Bokuto’s chest, legs tangled with Kuro’s under the blanket and hands intertwined with the dark-haired boy, too. They needed to talk about last night, but it could wait. They would put it aside for Koutarou. 

The youngest tried to dislodge himself from his entanglement, slowly manoeuvring the bodies around him so he could make his escape, heading into the bathroom to wash his face. He rarely cried, even rarer in front of other people, so the puffiness of his eyes and the redness of his cheeks was a feeling that was unfamiliar to the pudding head. 

The water splashing against his too-hot face was a welcome sensation, and also cleared his fuzzy brain just enough to focus on everything that happened last night. The three of them needed to talk about where to go from here regarding treatment for Bokuto, clear the air between them and make sure Kou was feeling ok. 

But first, they needed breakfast. And right on cue, Kenma’s stomach grumbled, demanding food. 

He ordered some Dorayaki from a place he frequented down the street; he and Kuro went there all the time in high school, and it became a staple in their relationship. The approximate time of arrival was about 10 minutes, which was perfect timing for Kenma to do what needed to be done. 

He made his way back into the living room, and while he was usually very quiet in general, he was extra cautious to keep his footsteps light to not disturb anyone while they slept. He peeked in on the two boys, both still asleep, though now Bo clung to Kuro’s arm as he slept, and somehow the dark haired man had ended up sideways, feet flung over Koutarou’s chest. He smiled at the sight, the slightest of upturns in his lips, before he made his way over to his intended destination; their coat rack. 

He was making a guess, but last night, even after their talk, the youngest boy hadn't seen Koutarou’s phone at all, and he assumed it was still in his coat, probably long forgotten. Koutarou had looked pretty worn down from the minute he walked in the door, so Kenma doesn't blame him for having completely forgotten it even before he was dragged into their argument. 

The blonde picked through the pockets of the long abandoned coat, eventually finding the slim, metallic device he was searching for, making quick work of sliding it open, punching in the password he had known for a long time. He and Kou had made a bet once that Kenma couldn't guess his password, and within 2 tries, the blonde had figured it out; 1705. Those numbers held no significance to the silver-haired man, it was just a lucky guess. 

He opened the contacts and quickly found the number of his boss, typing out a quick message and sending it before the guilt of what he was doing caught up to him. He felt like he was betraying Bo by doing this, but he had his best interests at heart; he only wanted what was best for the older. 

'Hello, Sato-san, this is Kozume Kenma, Bokuto-san’s roommate. Bokuto has had an emergency come up, and he won’t be in today. I’ll get him to contact you if necessary regarding any concerns you have or about his shifts over the next few days. Sorry to bother you.’

A shuffling of material caught his attention, and he looked up and met Kuro’s eyes, a soft and sleepy look on his face as he blinked into awareness, the blanket no longer covering his body as he stretched upwards. 

“Kenma? What are you doing?” He asked, voice groggy as he rubbed at his eyes some more. 

“I ordered breakfast, it’ll be here in about 10, and I broke into Kou’s phone to call off work for him. He needs a break, so you can disagree with it, but it's already done.” The younger made his way over to the cuddle pile, slipping down into Kuro’s lap and resting against his chest. 

“No, I fully agree. Plus, I want to talk to him about treatment, and I think it's better to do it now, and not after he’s distracted from work or something.” Kuro wrapped his arms around the younger, kissing his cheek as they cuddled against each other, relishing in each other’s company for just a few minutes. 


Happy new year! It's actually the 3rd of January when I posted this, but I forgot to add it to the chapter I updated on new years day, so I'm just going to pretend. I hope you all have a magnificent start to your year :)

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