Epilogue part 1

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Akaashi’s alarm blared out into the quiet room, and both boys groaned, trying to find the source of the noise in their tangle of sheets. Eventually, the ravenette’s hand made contact with the cold glass of the phone screen, silencing the annoying sound, before pulling himself up into a sitting position in the bed.

Sheets tumbled around his legs as he stretched out, glancing to the side to see Bokuto also slowly waking himself up, rubbing his eyes as he came to. His gold eyes met Akaashi’s blue-green ones, smiling softly at the younger boy, before he rolled, literally rolled, out of the bed and onto the carpeted flooring of their shared room.

Koutarou had moved in with him about a month or so after initiating their relationship, the two feeling like they had, and could continue to progress significantly quicker that other couples due to their experience with each other previously.

The older boy had also been diagnosed with atypical depression shortly after their relationship began, having been diagnosed 3 weeks into his therapy sessions, and Keiji had told the older he would feel significantly more comfortable knowing Koutarou was safe if they lived together.

He agreed in the blink of an eye, obviously.

He had gotten a little better, a fact both the ravenette and the white-blonde boy were proud of, and while it may take a while, if he ever got fully better, his progress thus far had allowed for Bokuto to get his life onto the path he wanted. He wasn’t able to become a professional athlete, partly because of his age and lack of practice over the years, but also largely due to his desire to settle down, to stay with Akaashi and Yukie forever.

So he settled for the next best thing; a coach at the local high school. He also set up a volleyball team for students around Yukie’s age outside of school, wanting to share his love for the sport with everyone in hopes that eventually they may grow to love it, too. When they had asked Yukie if she wanted to sign up, she had been over the moon, jumping in joy and yelling about her excitement to play with ‘her Kobuto’.

“Hey, Keiji. Did you sleep good?” Bokuto’s gruff morning voice broke through his thoughts, and Keiji hummed, watching as the older boy moved to stand in front of him, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the raven's forehead.

“Yeah. You were definitely sleep talking last night, though.” Bokuto flushed, hiding his face in his hands as he slowly comprehended Akaashi’s words, still only half awake.

“No~, what was I saying?” Keiji giggled as he watched Bokuto scratch at his stubble, blush still prominent on his cheeks as he rubbed his eyes.

“‘Oh, ‘Ji, I love you so much’, ‘my love, kiss me’.” Keiji proceeded to make kissing faces, closely accompanied by some kissing noises as he brought his hands up to his face like a princess would do in a disney film. Bokuto groaned, turning sharply on his heel before disappearing into the ensuite, probably to shower. 

Akaashi’s booming laugh echoed throughout the entirety of the room, and he had no doubt that the older boy could hear it over the now running water.

When the ravenette calmed down, breathing a little more even after his laughing fit, he quickly got dressed, needing to start the day so Yukie could get ready for school. Her first day of school, to be specific. His job still let him work from home, so usually he didn’t bother to dress up much, but he wanted to make a good impression on his daughters' teachers and the other parents he would soon have to interact with.

At some point the water had stopped running in the bathroom, which Akaashi didn’t notice until a pair of slightly damp hands wrapped around his waist, wet hair dripping onto his shoulders as his boyfriend pressed gentle kisses against his neck, travelling up to his jaw, then back down.

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