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“So, Bokuto, when did ya and Keiji get together?” Atsumu asked from his spot on the couch opposite from him. The ravenette in question was finishing packing up outside, and had tasked Bokuto with keeping the twins and Suna occupied until he was finished.

“Oh, Keiji and I aren’t, like, dating.” He said shyly, and Atsumu snorted. Osamu shifted to appraise the older, shaking his head and smiling at the owlish boy.

“Ok, so yer not dating. When did ya realise you liked him?” the grey haired twin questioned, and Bokuto felt a heat rise to his face in a flush.

“Uhm, high school?” he asked, rather than said, and Bokuto watched as both the twins’ faces fell, their mouths dropping open and their eyes widening. Even Suna, who had remained mostly impassive for the entirety of their time together today, seemed to be shocked at the confession.

“Oh shit.” They said simultaneously, and Koutarou wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball. He was embarrassed at the admission, even though it would have been pretty obvious if they had known Koutarou for more than a day. Osamu was the first of the three to recover, snapping his jaw shut with an audible click, before glancing to the back door.

“What are ya gonna do about it?” He asked, and Bokuto took a deep breath. His eyes levelled with Osamu’s blue ones.

“I’m going to tell him. Tonight.” He said, and Atsumu smiled. Osamu raised a brow at him, before relaxing into the back of his couch again and sighing.

“I like ya, Bokuto. You seem good.” He turned to Suna sitting to his right, flashing the brunette a small smile, before gently picking up the boy’s hand and pulling it into his lap, intertwining the digits. “You seem good for him. Not like I was; I had other priorities. I did love him, but not in the same way. Not in the way a husband should.”

Bokuto had heard those words before. 3 years ago, when he and Keiji officially ended things, the ravenette had whispered those same words to him, and they broke his heart. He knew exactly how Keiji would’ve felt, the shattering of his heart that he would’ve felt like needles through his chest.

“I regret our relationship, because I strung him along. He deserved better than me. He deserves someone like you, Bokuto.” The back door opening drew the grey-haired boy’s attention, and the sight of Kuroo walking back into the room effectively cut off the other’s monologue. He sent a look back to Koutarou, one that said ‘we’ll talk more later’, and Kuroo walked over to his couch.

“Bo, are you ready to go home?” The messy-haired boy asked, walking over to where Kenma was sitting on the couches, face practically touching the screen of his phone while he attempted to eliminate the boss character in his game.

“Oh, I was gonna stay for a little longer.” He said, causing the other boy to stop his movement and look at him. His face was flat, and the look he was shooting at Bokuto was one of disappointment or broken expectations.

Koutarou knows Kuroo hates the way his and Keiji’s relationship is developing. He thinks the ravenette can’t be trusted, that Keiji will just break him again, and as much as he hates to admit it, Koutarou does understand why. Kuroo hadn’t been there over the last few weeks. He hadn't seen firsthand the way Akaashi spoke to him, looked at him, touched him.

He hadn’t witnessed Bokuto’s heart fill with affection everytime a spare glance was shot his way. And for that, he doesn’t blame the black-haired boy. He understands, begrudgingly.

“Fine. Kenma, let’s go home now. Jelly needs to be fed.” He said, voice softening significantly when he turned to the bottle-blonde curled up on the cushions. Said boy sighed, nodded, and rolled off the lounge, walking towards the backyard where Keiji was finishing packing away from the party. Kuroo turned his attention back to the owlish boy.

“Call me if you need anything.” His voice was cold and sent chills down Bokuto’s spine. Kuroo turned and made his way towards the door, slipping his shoes on as the room settled into another silence. The Miya twins sat awkwardly, shuffling as they all waited for the small, blonde boy to return from saying bye to Keiji,

Osamu turned to Suna, who nodded, before he stood up, stretching his back out.

“We should probably head off, too. We have a drive ahead of us.” he said, walking down a hallway to where Yukie and her friend had been playing in her room. Kenma eventually came back, wrapping his arms around Koutarou’s middle and making the older boy promise to call them later, before the couple slipped out the front door with a wave.

Keiji had come inside by now, relishing in the warmth of his home as the twins came back into the main room, each wrapping the boy in a hug and promising to visit again soon. Bokuto smiled at the sight, at the familial love the two twins clearly held for Akaashi.

The ravenette walked the three of them over to the door, Bokuto following close behind when Osamu reached out and pulled the larger one into a hug. He leaned close to Bokuto’s ear as his arms remained wrapped tightly around the older.

“I like ya. Take care of him, ‘kay?” He whispered, and Bokuto nodded, awkwardly patting his back before the twin pulled back, waving goodbye to the two once more and slipping out the front door.


I kind of hate this chapter. It feels a little rushed, and their conversation doesn't feel as personal as I would've liked.

Anyway, we are nearly done!

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