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“I’m sorry about last night, Kuro.” Kenma’s voice was soft, buried against the other’s shoulder, and he could feel Kuro’s head shake slightly. 

“No, not your fault. I was being an ass, and I was so ignorant of so much. Thank you for helping me realise how shitty I've been.” he whispered against half bleached hair, and Kenma pressed his lips against Kuro’s skin. 

“You haven't been as bad as you think. He was purposefully not letting you know, it's not on you. I was more just upset about how angry you were over something so little. I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

“It's alright. I’m sorry for being an asshole.” Kenma snorted against Kuro’s neck, pulling away to press his lips against the older’s. They stayed like that for a minute or so, just pressed against each other as the time passed, before a doorbell ringing broke them apart. 

“Sounds like Dorayaki is here.” Kenma whispered against the other’s lips, pressing a soft peck against them before getting up, making his way over to the door to collect their breakfast. A glance back at the two others showed Bokuto being shaken awake gently, grumbling and turning around to chase the remnants of sleep. The scene, the domesticity of it, left him smiling slightly as he answered the door, grabbing their food. 


“Daddy, is Kobuto-chan coming over today?” Yukie perked up from her spot in the backseat, the warm breakfast food they had just bought perched on her lap as Akaashi pulled into their driveway. He shut off the engine to  his car, glancing at her quickly in the rearview mirror and smiling, though she couldn't see it. 

“I don’t know, princess. I’ll message him and ask, ok?” Her face lit up and she flashed a kilowatt smile, true happiness beaming across her face. Akaashi hummed at the sight, smiling at her cuteness, before unlocking the doors to his car, letting both him and his daughter out. 

The two made their way inside, breakfast clutched in the small hands of Akaashi’s daughter, and while the ravenette’s hangover mostly subsided, he was really looking forward to some greasy food to help completely eradicate the slight throb in the front of his brain and wash away the rest of his tiredness. 

They ate, talking about Yukie’s cartoon, with the 4 year old expressing how excited she was to start big school and make new friends. Keiji smiled and nodded along, eating his burger with a fond smile on his face as he watched his daughter jump around excitedly. Eventually, he finished his food, packing their dirty dishes into the sink, before setting up Yukie’s favourite movie; Raya and the last dragon. 

“Ok princess, I have to do some work, so I’ll be in the study. Come and get me if you need anything.” Yukie looked at him, smiling, her warm brown eyes squinting with the size of her smile. 

“Ok, daddy!” She turned around and focused on her movie, and Akaashi took that as the dismissal it was, resigning himself to the small room he had designated as the study, sitting on the familiar computer chair as he sighed, pulling out his phone and sending a quick message to Bokuto before he got too caught up in his work. 

'Hey Bo, Yukie wants to know if you’re free to play again today?’
‘I’ll even organise dinner again, if you’d like.’
‘Just let me know :)’


The three boys sat on the floor of their living room, their remnants of breakfast spread out around them, and a heavy silence hanging over the three of them. Kuroo and Kenma seemed to have made up while Bokuto was asleep, so he didn't know what was causing the thick tension in the air. Then Kenma reached his hand out, passed him his phone, and smiled sadly. 

“I called off work for you today. I- we-” he looked at Kuroo, who nodded his head in agreeance. “We thought after last night you needed a break, and we do want to talk to you before everything gets hectic again.” Kuroo’s hand squeezed Kenma’s lightly, and Bokuto sighed, but nodded his head. 

“Ok. That’s… I can't say I was planning on going in today, anyway.” He leaned against the front of the couch, letting his head fall back against it. 

“Sorry for doing it without telling you, though.” 

“Don’t worry about it, Kenma.” he smiled, though his head was still facing upward, so it was unlikely that he saw the gesture. There was another pause. “What did you guys want to talk to me about?”

The quiet dragged on for a while, the other two just looking at each other, seemingly having a conversation with their eyes, before Kuroo sighed and turned back to the white-haired boy. 

“Bo… We spoke a little bit about it this morning, and both Kenma and I were wondering if you’d be willing to see someone? A therapist of some sort. It doesn't have to be for long, we just want you to see someone to talk to about how you feel, and we don't think either of us are suited for that role.” Kenma nodded, moving closer to huddle against Bokuto again. 

“Yeah. And, that's not to say we won't be here for you, because we will. You’re still welcome to talk to us about things, especially if they involve us. But we think a professional might be able to help you a little bit more.” 

Bokuto nodded, having lifted his head off the couch at some point to meet the other’s eyes, though now his were downcast, looking at the hardwood floor again as his eyes trailed across the grain of the wood. 

“And, I think it might be a good idea, if your therapist suggests it, maybe to look at medication? You definitely don't have to, it's just a suggestion, but… They help. They really do. Only if you want them, though.” Bokuto sighed again, but nodded, wrapping his arms around Kenma’s shoulders and pulling him flush against his chest. “Seriously, only if you want them. When I was on them, they helped with my depression, a lot, but they can mess up a lot of other things. It’s something to just… consider.”

Bokuto froze for a second, but nodded again and pulled Kenma even further  against him if possible. He didn’t realise Kenma had felt this way before, and his heart ached at the idea.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.” 


Chapter 20! It feels unreal, tbh. I can't believe how far I've actually come with writing this, haha
I'm estimating about 10ish more chapters, but I haven't written them yet, so we'll see.

thankssss :)

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