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“Koutarou, Keiji called you. He seemed really concerned.” Kenma’s voice rang out across the kitchen, nonchalant and uncaring as always. At the mention of Akaashi, Bokuto flung up, back ramrod straight. 

“Is everything ok?” the oldest of the group asked, and the blonde nodded, eyes fixated on his nintendo switch as he made his way over to the couch. 

“Yeah, he thought something happened. You should call him back.” The blonde flopped onto the lounge, and into Kuroo’s arms, golden eyes still focused on the game he was playing on his phone. “I told him you would, and I said you’d explain everything to him when you do.” 

“No~, now I actually have to call him back. I was putting off talking to him until Yukie’s party.” Bokuuto sighed, spreading his arms wide as he let his muscles fall limp, causing him to collapse against the grey material of their couch, and partly onto Kuroo’s thigh. 

“Really, we couldn't tell.” The black haired boy said, his voice completely flat and void of emotion as he responded sarcastically. Bokuto stuck his tongue out childishly at him, scrunching his face up at him as he did, and flipping him off. “But seriously, you need to call him. Off you go.” His voice raised in pitch at the last part, almost sing-songy in his half-assed dismissal. Bokuto groaned. 

“Speaking of Yukie’s party, you guys were invited. Are you coming?” 

“Subtle, Bo.” Kuroo responded, earning a snicker out of Kenma, and a grumble out of the white haired boy. “I’ll go if Kenma does. And you do really need to call Akaashi.”

“Hey, that’s not fair! You know Kenma never leaves the house!” He sat up, pouting at the answer he received. 

“No, I'll go.” Kenma responded, quiet against the background noise of the tv, however both boys heard him, and both were equally shocked. 

“Wait, what? You’ll actually go?” The younger two could practically see the stars in Bokuto’s eyes, sparkling in his excitement. Kenma chuckled and smiled, nodding slightly. 

“Sure. I have kind of missed Keiji, to be honest.” His voice was small, and Kuroo visibly tensed next to him. 

“Oh my gosh, Yes! You guys are going to love Yukie! She’s amazing! You are coming, right, Kuroo?” The boy in question sighed, eyes shutting as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 

“I did say I would if Kenma did.” He sighed again, and Kenma let out a soft laugh in the form of a hum. Bokuto, on the other hand, didn't bother to hide his enthusiasm, throwing his hands up and pumping them in the air as he hissed ‘Yes!’ repeatedly to himself. Kenma took advantage of Bokuto’s distractedness.

“Come on, it won't be that bad.” He said softly, leaning his shoulder against Kuroo’s. 

“Kenma, he broke Bo’s heart. He destroyed him, even he has said that. Sorry if I don't want to trust him straight away.” He said, voice matching Kenma’s volume. 

“You don't have to trust him, but Bo does, and if you trust Bo, then you should trust his judgement. He’s a grown man, he knows what he’s doing… Most of the time.” The two giggled silently at the last bit, laughing at the expense of the hyperactive older boy, before settling down, looking at each other. “So..?”

“Ok, I'll go. That doesn't mean I want to, or that I’m going to be all friendly with him, though.”

“Ok, Kuro.” 


Bokuto sat on his bed, phone open in front of him as he tried to calm his anxious thoughts. He needed to call Akaashi back, but everytime he imagined his call getting answered, he thought about Akaashi’s silky smooth voice, his soft lips, and how those lips felt against his own just last night. 

And every time the thought passed through his head, any semblance of conviction he had built up gets washed away in seconds. 

And so now, here he was, panic building up inside of him as he contemplated all his life choices that had led to this moment. The voices and memories in his head were overwhelming him, some daring him to call, name-calling when he thought about just not dialling the other’s number. The other voices were saying it was a bad idea, conflicting with everything he was thinking. 

In a sudden moment of confidence, he had picked up the phone, dialling his number and bringing the device up to his ears before he could overthink it again. 

Of course, within the few seconds it took for the phone to connect and the first ring to echo through his ears, he had, in fact, overthought everything up to that point, and now he was barely keeping his breathing under control as the familiar chime of the ringing was heard. 

Then the line clicked, and the smooth voice he was admiring minutes ago answered. 

“Hello? Bokuto-san, are you ok? You haven’t answered any of my messages.” He sounded worn down, tired, and Bokuto felt bad, even though it likely wasn’t his fault. 

“Oh, yeah, I’m ok. I’m really sorry about that, I turned off my phone.” He said, almost ashamedly when he realised the stress he had caused the ravenette. 

“No, no, don't apologise. It’s not your fault, I was just concerned since we were drinking the night before, and I wasn't sure how you got home.” He chuckled slightly, a soft release of air between his lips. “I guess I just got into my own head.” 

“I can see why you would be worried, then.” 

There was a silence for a few more minutes, and God he really fucking hated silences. 

“Keiji, can I tell you something?” His voice dropped all humour it had held merely seconds ago, and the ravenette’s breath hitched, panic lacing his tone. 

“Bokuto-san, is everything ok? Of course, you can tell me anything.” There was another pause, and Akaashi could barely hear the breathing coming from the other side at this point. 

“Keiji… I lost my job.” His breathing became uneven, and Akaashi could practically hear the tears forming in his eyes, the sobs that would soon rack his chest. 

“Oh, Bokuto. What happened?” The ravenette tried to keep his voice light and soft, not wanting the older to hear the panic rising through his veins or the stutter of his breathing. 

“Uhm, well, I called off work today- well, technically Kenma called off for me. He messaged my boss and asked for the day off, and Sato-san didn’t like that I had someone else call off for me.” He chuckled humorlessly at that, and Akaashi felt his heart ache with sorrow for the other boy. 

“Why did Kenma call off for you?” Akaashi regretted the question instantly, hearing the way the other practically reset at the question. He started backpedalling immediately, shaking his head as if Bokuto could see it. “No, nevermind you don't need to answer that, that was super invasive, don’t worr-”

“Keiji, I’m depressed.”


Damn, poor Bokuto can't catch a break. Would you believe me if I said he was my favourite character in the entire show? *nervous laughter*

Thanks :)

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