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His alarm went off far too early the next day, and Bokuto blinked open his puffy red eyes, the result of his consistent crying all night. He grabbed the phone, silencing the blaring noise that cut through the silence of the house, seeing the time as 6:30, as well as the message notification that sat unopened on his home screen. 

He shuffled that thought into his brain for later, rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to being awake, and as he came into further consciousness, he resisted the urge to call in sick to work. He had his day off yesterday, and he was going to ask for a day off in just over a week for Yukie’s party, and he was already on thin ice with his boss as is, he doesn't want to further irritate their relationship. 

Instead, he threw himself into getting ready. He started early on a Thursday, so he didn't go for a run today, just putting on his button down shirt, opting out of his usual tie, as he was unable to tie his own, and after yesterday, he didn't want to wake Kuroo up to do it for him. 

He wasn't angry at either Kenma or Kuroo, though the way he was acting might seem like it. He was upset at himself, and in his attempts to avoid causing any problems between his two roommates, he had decided last night to detach himself from them, to slowly start to move away from them emotionally before moving out entirely, into a small house just for himself. 

He was sick of putting people into awkward situations, ones where they were forced to pick between him and another person…

He also wasn't sure his heart could take having someone chosen over him once again. 

Bokuto ran his fingers through his hair, shuffling the locks back and forth as he did, trying to find a suitable position, and when he stumbled across one that made him feel comfortable, he grabbed his phone and wallet, heading into the kitchen for his breakfast. 

Thursday was the one day a week he cooked breakfast for them all, since he was usually the first awake because of his schedule, and while he was trying to emotionally remove himself from Kenma and Kuroo’s life, they didn't deserve to have their entire schedule upheaved because of his selfishness. So, he did as usual and cooked them breakfast. 

It wasn't anything fancy, just a breakfast wrap. Kenma’s had cheese and a little bit of spinach (though whenever the younger boy asked, Bokuto would always deny it, saying it was his imagination), and Kuroo’s had whatever leftover meat was in the fridge.

Bokuto’s, on the other hand, had sliced apples, pears and cinnamon grounds on it, a perfect blend of sweet that he was wanting on arguably the worst day of the week. He set up the frying pan to fry the wraps, drizzling a little oil on the inside, and as he placed the tortillas open side down on the hot  part of the frying pan he remembered the message he got earlier. 

It was from an unknown number, and had been sent at 4:47 am, an ungodly hour even for Bokuto. 

’Are you free today?’ was the entirety of the message. He didn't know who could have sent it, or what the intentions behind the message were, so he stood there, phone in hand, staring at the slew of numbers and wracking his brain as he attempted to figure out who it was, but he couldn’t. 

It was hurting his brain to think so hard this early in the morning. After all, it was barely 7, and his brain did not start up until 7:30 earliest, and that was usually only after a cup of coffee. So, the silver-haired man pocketed his phone, leaving the message unanswered, turning his full attention to the sizzling breakfast he was finished preparing, readying himself to plate it up. 

Usually, Bokuto went and woke the couple up for their breakfast and the three would eat together, but today he didn't want to. Instead, he ripped a page from his nearest notebook, grabbing a random pen (which just so happened to be a neon orange highlighter), scribbling something down. 

The writing was near illegible, more than a scribble than anything capable of being read by humans, but it would do. 

“Got called into work early, made breakfast (the usual). And no, Kenma, there is no spinach on yours, like always.”

He nodded at the note, placing it beneath one of the plates, before making his way to the front door, slipping his shoes on and grabbing his keys, mentally going through his checklist before nodding and locking the door behind him. 

He’ll grab a coffee on the way to work.


Sorry this chapter is shorter (again). Anyway, chapter 10 already? This is probably the most dedicated I've ever been to anything.
I'm not as happy with this. I struggle to write domestic scenes a little bit more, and this doesn't have much plot relevance, so it's more of a filler. 

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