Fighting For My Love (Magnus x Ellegaard)

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(Magnus's POV)
I sighed as I wrapped my arms around Ellegaard's small waist. She was sleeping peacefully, that is until her phone rang. Her eyes fluttered open as she reached her hand out to grab the phone. When she grabbed it, she unlocked it and opened up her messages app.

Suddenly, I heard her gasp. She trembled as her phone fell out of her limp hand. I gave her a confused look before taking one of my hands over her shoulder. I grabbed her phone and unlocked it. That's when I saw the message from her ex. It read,

"Hey slut! I hope you rot in hell! You know, you never stood a chance with me! If you think you can escape me, you're wrong! I will hunt you down and I. Will. Kill. You. Bitch!"

I growled as her ex tried to call her. I picked it up and scowled.

"Look! Leave my girl alone!" I shouted at him as I trued to comfort a trembling Ellegaard.

Her ex chuckled, "And who might you be? Her new boyfriend?"

"Okay man, listen up! You and me outside of Redstonia at noon! I will beat your ass and prove to you that you can't mess with my girl!" I said threateningly.

He scoffed, "Fine, see you then! Loser!"

Then, he hung up on me. I handed Ellegaard her phone before sitting up in the bed. I got out of bed and marched over to the bedroom door. Ellegaard noticed this and sat up in the bed.

"M-Magnus, what are y-you doing?" she asked shakily.

I scowled, "I have some business to attend to. I'll be right back."

With that I stormed out of the dome and to the outskirts of Redstonia. It was there that I waited for that scumbag.

Once he arrived, I scowled as I launched at him. I punched the bastard in the face as he thrashed around under me. Suddenly, he pushed me off him before pulling out his blade. He stabbed me in the chest, not actually stabbing my heart. I clutched the area before pulling out a block of TNT. I lit it before hobbling away. The block exploded, scaring off Ellegaard's ex. But then, I started to feel dizzy and before I knew it, I was on the ground.

"Magnus!" Ellegaard shouted.

That was the last thing I heard before the sound of people panicking and sirens took over. Soon after, I had blacked out.

Hours later, I groaned as my eyes started to blink open. I noticed that I was back in the dome. I had a bandage wrapped around my bare chest. I could hear the faint sound of Ellegaard's sobbing as I looked over at her.

"E-Ellie, I'm okay," I said as I reached a hand out and grabbed her forearm.

She jumped in surprise and looked over at me. After sighing in relief, she laid next to me before giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Magnus, I was so w-worried," Ellegaard stuttered, almost on the verge of tears.

I cupped her cheek and smiled, "Hey, calm down. I'm right here."

"B-But, he stabbed y-you!" she responded, tears running down her cheeks.

I chuckled, "Please, I was doing what had to be done. I was fighting for my love. My love is you, Ellie. It always has been."

"Magnus, I-I don't know what to say!" she said in shock, her tears drying up a little.

I smirked, "Well, I know what you can do for me~"

She yelped a bit as I motioned to my lower body. I blushed as she stared at my hardened member. Out of curiosity, she took a hand to my zipper and undid it along with the button.

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