Slacking off (Facemeat x Clutch)

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(Clutch's POV)
We had just gotten done with our training sessions for today. We were currently heading back to our dorm. It's a bit awkward having to share a dorm with multiple other men. And being only female gladiator doesn't help that whatsoever. I sat on my bed and sighed. Facemeat came up to me and started patting me on the back.

"What's wrong?" he asked looking a bit concerned.

"I-" I started.

"Facemeat, leave her be," Slab interrupted from in the hallway, "She probably going to start her period soon because she's acting depressed."

"SLAB REALLY?!" I shouted.

I could hear the rest of the gladiators, except Facemeat, starting to laugh. I blushed putting my head down in embarrassment. Why does Slab have to be such an idiot?

"Guys that's not funny," Facemeat said to them sternly.

He turned to me rubbing me on the back gently. I was about to cry. I'm so embarrassed. Facemeat saw that I was highly upset and pulled me into a hug. I put my head in the crook of his neck and started to cry a bit. He started running his fingers through my hair trying calm me down. I had to say it was working pretty well. I stopped crying and looked up at him.

"Thanks, I needed that," I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

We heard someone open the door to the dorm and walk in. We saw Mevia walking past the room we were in, and I began to get a bit nervous. We heard her start scolding the others.

"Would you shut it! The competitors are trying to sleep!" she practically snarled at them.

I giggled a bit at all the timid "yes ma'am's" coming from them. And they act so tough, but once someone raises their voice even the slightest, they act like pussies. Facemeat chuckled at how they sounded like little kids who just got scolded by their mother. We heard Mevia coming towards our room. Realizing we were still hugging, we immediately pulled away right as she entered.

"Oh, um hi Ms. Mevia," I said nervously.

"Clutch, you know you don't need to be so formal. Anyways, is everything ok?" she asked.

We both nodded, and she smiled.

"Well if you need me you know where to find me," she said before walking out of the dorm.

I leaned my head on Facemeat's shoulder. My eyes slowly began to shut, but I would blink myself awake.

"Looks like someone's tired," he teased.

He got up an told me to lay down. I laid my head on the pillow, and he laid next to me. He wrapped is arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I started to fall asleep. About five minutes later, I was fast asleep.

(Facemeat's POV)
Good thing Clutch is now able to sleep. Ever since she started working for the Old Builders, she has not gotten much rest. This was explainable because she has been living with men for over twenty years now. I watched as her chest rose steadily as she inhaled and exhaled. I gently rubbed her abdomen as my eyes began to flutter shut. I quickly passed out next to her.

The next morning I woke up, and Clutch was still asleep. I walked out of the room and looked around. The dorm room was empty. Was everyone else already out for the day? I shrugged it off and decided today should be a lazy day. I am a bit worried about Hadrian getting on our case for slacking off, but honestly I couldn't give a care at this point. I sat down on the couch in the living room and relaxed.

A few hours later I heard someone call for me.

"Facemeat? Where are you?" a soft voice said.

I ran to Clutch's room to find her awake and sitting up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes a bit before looking at the clock.

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