Thanking You (M. Jesse x F. Reader)

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(Jesse's POV)
It's been a couple weeks since I was able to get out of town. Founding Day had just ended, and I had to help remove all the displays and everything. I've been  feeling pretty tired and worn out, so I decided to go out of town for a little while. I had left Radar in charge, knowing that he would be able to hold down the fort while I was gone.

While I was out, it had started to turn to night very quickly. As I was making my way back to my shelter, I heard someone scream in the distance. The scream was also followed by the groaning of a horde of zombies. I quickly raced towards the noise, hoping that I could help whoever was in trouble.

Once I had located where the noise was coming from, I quickly drew out my sword. There was a young woman around my age, clutching to her arm as she backpedaled away from the horde of zombies in front of her. I rushed in front of her before slashing through all the zombies.

When I had finally killed them all off, I looked back at the young woman behind me. She looked at me nervously, her body shakily heavily. I sheathed my sword before extending a hand out to her.

"Take my hand," I said.

She gulped, "O-okay..."

She took a hold of my hand as I pulled her off the ground. I took her arm over my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her torso. I slowly helped her back to my shelter where I could treat her wound.

When we finally got back to the shelter, I quickly brought her inside. I placed her one the bed before rushing to shut the door. On my way over to the young woman, I rummaged through a chest to find the regeneration potion I had brought with me. Once I found it, I quickly brought it over to her.

"Here, drink this. It'll help," I said, handing her the potion.

She took the potion out of my hand and uncorked it. She quickly gulped it down before handing me the empty bottle. I placed the empty bottle into my inventory as I took out a homemade sling. She held out her arm, and I placed the sling on her.

"There, how does that feel?" I asked.

She giggled, "Better, thanks... um..."

"Jesse, and you are?" I answered.

She smiled, "(Y/N)."

"(Y/N), huh? That's a gorgeous name for a young lady like yourself~" I said huskily, not knowing what I just said.

She giggled, causing me to blush madly. I sat next to her, scratching at the back of my head. She crawled into my lap and smiled.

"What can I do to thank you, Jesse?~" she purred in my ear.

I chuckled, "Well beautiful, there is one thing~"

"Think I already know what that is~" she said seductively.

I chuckled huskily as she pushed me down onto the bed. She used her uninjured hand to mess around with the straps of my suspenders. I brushed her hand away and removed my clothing for her, doing so slowly and teasingly. I threw each article of clothing onto the floor which left me completely naked on the bed.

Once my body was fully exposed to her, (Y/N) blushed madly as she started to make her way down my body. She ran her hand along my chiseled pecs and abs. She did this until she reached my member. I grunted softly as she started to pump my shaft, causing my manhood to gradually harden up.

"Agh~ (Y/N)~" I groaned.

She giggled, "You like that, Daddy?"

I nodded before leaning my head back and groaning loudly. (Y/N) smirked as she took my manhood into her mouth. She immediately started to bob her head along my fully hardened shaft. Waves of pleasure traveled up my core as she spread her warm, wet saliva along my length.

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