My Cute Nerd (Aiden x M. Jesse)

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(Aiden's POV)
This school day has been such a drag. I'm getting tired of these stupid nerds who are the teachers's pets. They always get so much attention and the teachers even forget about the rest of the class because of them. Plus, the teachers have already hated us athletes, or according to them the "jocks". I need to do something to tell them to back off.

During the first period gym, I watched as some of the freshman nerds walked into the locker room. Waited until one of them was left all alone. That's when I took the chance to strike. I grabbed the freshman by the wrist and yanked him backwards. He yelped before trying to yell for help.

As he struggled, I took my hand and lowered his shorts. I took a hold of the helm of his boxers. I pulled it upwards, caused him to get a wedgie. I kept pulling until more than half of his boxers were pulled out. Afterwards, I lifted him up and hooked his underwear on the locker hook. I shut the locker, leaving him stuck up there.

"You stupid nerds! You guys are why the teachers here hate us!" I shouted at him.

He started crying, "I'm s-sorry! It's n-n-not my f-faul-lt!"

"Shut it nerd!" I said before walking out and to my first period class.

During my fourth period class, I started to feel a bit bad about earlier. I thought about when I hung that nerd, he actually apologized instead of tell me off. All of the nerds I've bullied had told me off, but he didn't for some reason. That's why I felt bad. I thought of some different ways I could make it up to him.

After a while of thinking, I got an idea. I ripped a piece of notebook paper out of my binder and started to write. Once I finished, I folded the note before raising my hand. When I was excused, I bolted out of the room to find that nerd's locker. After placing the note in it, I rushed back to class and waited.

Right as the bell rang, I rushed out of the room and into the locker room. Since it was lunchtime, we wouldn't get in trouble for being in the locker room. When I got there, I leaned against a locker and waited patiently for the little nerd.

A couple minutes later, the little man walked into the locker room. He started to cower when he saw me.

"W-what do you want?" he asked nervously. "Don't have anything on me I swear!"

I sighed, "Cool your balls, I'm here to apologize for earlier."

"W-What? Why?" he gulped.

I wrapped my arm around his waist, "I feel bad for what I did. Normally, I would've had a better reason for what I did."

"Then, why don't you stop bullying people? Just because you're hurting, that doesn't mean you should hurt others," he said calmly.

I smirked, "You know, you're right. Plus, I think you're kinda cute."

"Um, I— thanks?" he stuttered.

I chuckled, "Look cutie to make it up to you, you can do whatever you want to me or ask anything of me."

He blushed a bit when I said that. He placed a hand on my chest and pushed away a bit so he could look into my eyes.

"I want two things from you," he said.

I smiled at him, "Alright, hit me!"

"First, I want you to to be my boyfriend so you can help protect me and my friends," he explained.

I nodded, "Okay, and what else?"

"The second thi— the second thing is I want you to take my virginity!" he exclaimed before hiding his face in embarrassment.

I blushed a bit as I smirked, "Of course, anything for you cutie~"

He chuckled nervously as I picked him up. He nervously wrapped his arms and legs around me so he didn't slip. He looked me in the eyes nervously. I used one of my hands and cupped his cheek.

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