Chapter 14

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"no one is coming out of this unscathedwho could be ready for these war endgames

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"no one is coming
out of this unscathed
who could be ready
for these war endgames."
- The World Is Unraveling, MILCK

Morning comes and Andrea still sits beside her sisters lifeless body, holding her hand. Every now and then, she'll stroke Amy's hair or rest her hand on Amy's shoulder but she doesn't take her eyes off Amy's face. She stares at her, like she's just sleeping and she'll wake up any moment.

Which is exactly what's going to happen. Only it won't be Amy that wakes up.. It will be a soulless, mindless creature, hungry for human flesh and blood.

This inevitability keeps everyone on edge.

I sit with Shane by the dead campfire. Dale stands beside us, as we watch Lori make an attempt at engaging with Andrea. She doesn't even acknowledge Lori's presence. She just continues to stare at her sister.

I cringe a little when I hear Daryl axing another one of the dead walkers in the head, ensuring it remains dead. He, Glenn, Jim and Jacqui are gathering all the bodies. Once they're done, Shane, Rick and I will take them all up to the holes Jim dug and set them ablaze for good measure.

Lori gives up with Andrea and makes her way back over to us. Rick comes and joins us too.

"She still won't move?" he asks.

Dale shakes his head.

"She won't even talk to us." Lori says. "Been there all night. What do we do?"

"Can't just leave Amy like that." Shane says. "We need to deal with it. Same as the others."

"I'll tell her how it is." Rick says.

"Rick-" I try to warn but he's already heading towards Andrea. He's self assured, I'll give him that.

Rick bends down to talk to Andrea but she turns and pulls her handgun on him, pointing it right in his face. He immediately holds up his hands in surrender. She glares at him as he backs away and then lowers her gun and resumes her position.

Daryl joins us the same time as Rick does.

"The dead girls a time bomb." he states tactlessly. 

"What do you suggest?" Rick asks him.

"Take the shot. From here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."

"No." Lori says bluntly. "God sakes, let her be."

I feel myself getting irritated by Lori's words. It's irrational I know, but I can't help it. I'm still mad at her for how she's been treating Shane. Even more so after last night. After treating him like shit, she'd screamed out for Shane's protection and cowered behind him. And now, she's back to cold shoulder. It just doesn't sit right with me.

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