Chapter 18

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"nowhere to run from all of this havoc,nowhere to hidefrom all of this madness

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"nowhere to run
from all of this havoc,
nowhere to hide
from all of this madness."
- Madness, Ruelle

125 miles..

Fort Benning, here we come.

Early in our journey, we decided to reduce the size of our convoy, to conserve gas. Daryl ditched his truck for just his Chopper and Shane ditched the Jeep. He and I jumped on board the RV, with Dale, Glenn and Andrea. 

I almost wish I'd jumped on the back of Daryl's bike.

You could cut the tension between Andrea and Dale with a knife. She's given him the cold shoulder, ever since the CDC went kaboom. I don't know what exactly went down, how he got her to leave, but I can only assume she's not pleased to be back fighting for survival when she had been ready for a quick end to it all.

The end Jenner had offered us, it would've been kinder, like he said. A quick, painless end to our suffering. But then, all our previous suffering would have been for nothing. It isn't the end, not for us.

And for now, on the road, we're all safe.

Shane's words echo through my mind as we drive. The words he'd said when he was trying to convince me to join the group.

"Sometimes the better option isn't the easiest." 

It plays over and over in my mind like a mantra. Surviving this virus is anything but easy, but I'm convinced it is the better path. I wish Jacqui had felt the same.. But she made her choice and we have to accept it and carry on.

I'll miss her beautiful soul. At least she's free and at peace now. Jenner, too. Jenner had done everything he could. When he'd scientifically done everything he could, he then did what he could to help us. Providing food and shelter, providing some knowledge and understanding on what we were dealing with and allowing us to recuperate enough to continue on.

His work was done. Ours is not. Whatever it may be.

I'm trying hard not to lose hope. I can't. To lose hope will be detrimental. And not just for myself. There is so few of us now.. we have to stick together and fight for each other. I still like having my own space though.

We've been on the road for two days. With five of us in this RV, I'm liable to go crazy. At least I have Shane's comforting presence and Glenn's optimistic energy.

"Sweet piece." Shane says, as he inspects Andrea's gun. He sits opposite Andrea and I, at the small built-in table and chairs.

Dale's behind the wheel, and Glenn's in the passenger seat, reading the map.

"It was a gift from my father." Andrea replies. "He gave it to me, just before Amy and I left on our road trip. He said two girls out on their own should be able to defend themselves."

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