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"no need to run and hide, it's a wonderful, wonderful life

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"no need to run and hide,
it's a wonderful, wonderful life."
- Wonderful Life, Smith & Burrows

~ 3 Years Later ~

As life fell into a new version of normal, I feared many things.

I feared things might change between the two of us. That maybe we were together as a means of survival. That maybe it was because we were of the only few left and we settled for each other.

I feared it was codependency. That we'd grown used to each other and the codependency disguised itself as love.

I feared that being back around other people, we'd realise our love was not true and we'd find new people.

Shane and I proved all my fears wrong.

We really do love each other. We really are stronger together. Still to this day. And onto forever.

My fingers fiddle with the wedding and engagement rings on my left hand as I read through a recipe for the twentieth time. Rick and his family are coming over for dinner, due to arrive in the next half hour.

I drag my eyes away from the recipe and stir the marinated chicken. I hear a little huff to my right and look down to see Bodhi staring up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Don't worry, I left some chicken for you, Bo. Here-" I walk over to his bowl and drop a couple pieces of plain chicken in. "I'll give you the rest later."

I wash my hands and return to the recipe.

As I finish chopping up the aubergines, preparing them for the grill, I hear the familiar sound of Shane's police car pulling up to the house and smile.

"Daddy's home." I say and Bodhi barks, running for the front door.

"Hey Bo-Bo!" Shane announces energetically as he enters our home and proceeds to baby talk at our dog.

I dust seasoning off my hands as he enters the kitchen.

"Hi honey, I'm home!" he says with a big grin.

"Hey, handsome." I reply, mirroring his grin.

He walks over and cups my face with both hands, pulling me into a big kiss. Bodhi's heavy tail whacks our legs while he circles us happily. Shane peppers kisses all over my face before looking at me with warm eyes.

"How's the bun?" he asks and drops his hands from my face, placing them gently on my pregnant belly.

"Still cookin'." I reply with a smile. He dips down and presses his lips to my belly while I run my fingers through his hair. Gosh I love his thick, scruffy locks. "How was your day?" I ask him as he straightens up, hands still massaging my belly.

"It was good. It's officially day two hundred since our last walker sighting 'round here."

"That's excellent news."

"Yes, it is." he says before leaning in for another quick peck on the lips. "How was your day?"

"Great. Very relaxing. I've just been getting things ready for tonight."

"Smells mighty good, sweetheart." Shane says. He steps over to the stove rubbing his hands together. Bodhi nudges his head into Shane's legs. Shane bends down and cups Bodhi's face. "And how was your day, Mr. Bo? Was it good? Were you good for your Mama?"

Bodhi's tongue flies out and laps at Shane's face. I smile lovingly at my boys.

Shane drags a dining chair into the kitchen.

"Have a seat little Mama, I'll take it from here." he says, guiding me to the chair.

I take a quick break but then get back up to help Shane set the table. And soon enough, there's a knock on the door.

Bo, as always, runs to the door and sniffs underneath it. Then he sits and waits, wagging his tail.

"I got it." Shane says and goes to let our guests in.

Our home is filled with salutations as Rick and Lori enter, Carl close behind. Rick puts a bottle of wine on the table while Lori comes into the kitchen, holding a dish.

"Some apple crumble for dessert." she informs me.

"Oh my gosh, I love you." I say and we both laugh.

We all get seated and dig in while we catch each other up on our weeks since we last dined together.

"Still doing your Sip and Paint nights, Mia?" Lori asks me, while Shane and Rick clear the table.

"Yeah, I'm hosting one more class tomorrow night and that's it. Then we wait for the little one to be earth side." I smile, my hands resting on my belly. "Three more weeks."

"Shane's dumb ass driving you crazy, yet? He permanently suffers from 'baby brain'." Rick remarks, sitting back down at the table. Shane playfully smacks the back of Rick's head on his way past.

"No, he's been the best." I answer with a laugh. "Couldn't be more helpful and dotiful. I'm the luckiest." Shane comes up behind me and plants a kiss on top of my head.

"Glenn and Maggie are pregnant too, I hear?" says Lori.

"Yes, they are! She's just entered the second trimester." I say.

Being neighbours, Shane and I see them often. But Maggie and I have gotten closer since she found out she was pregnant. We've found it comforting, both of us going through pregnancy.

"Hear that Carl? You're an uncle, times two, now." Shane says and Carl smiles.

Shane and Rick start talking about work, while Carl plays with Bodhi. Lori starts telling me baby stories about Carl and I take in every word.

I want all the information I can get. I'm nervous as hell but having so many loving and supportive people around me helps immensely to put my mind at ease.

"Heard from any of the others lately?" Rick asks as we start dessert.

"Just Daryl. He's stopping by next week." Shane answers. "You?"

"We had Carol and the kids over last week. They're doing good."

While we start discussing the rest of our found-family members, I glance over at the photo of Willow and I, sitting framed on the mantle.

I will always miss my fur best friend. She saved me countless times, even before the world turned upside down. She truly was my guardian Angel. And she saved me again, even in death. She put me in Shane's path. She passed the torch to my new guardian Angel.

I look back at my loved ones. My husband, our dear friends, our fur baby. In our beautiful, cozy home, with a little nursery down the hall, awaiting the arrival of our bundle of joy.

I breathe it all in and release a sigh of pure happiness.

This is what we fought for. I am grateful for each and every day.

I lock eyes with Shane and he smiles at me.

I am grateful for him. I am grateful to be where I am.

Warm, safe, protected and surrounded by love.

A/ N

Reference; This scene was inspired by Jon Bernthal's character Ethan from the movie Those Who Wish Me Dead.

- K

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