Chapter 41

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"awaken, my darlingopen those eyes,this world is calling

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"awaken, my darling
open those eyes,
this world is calling."
- Awaken, Klergy

Shane and I dive into the river.

When we resurface, we look back at the jet once more. A little package drops from its belly as the roar of the jet thunders deafeningly.

"Get down!" Shane yells. We both take a breath and disappear under the water.

Shane holds my hand, keeping me below as we feel the rumble of the impact on the stadium. Then he tugs my hand and we swim for the other side. I give his hand a squeeze when I need air and we both rise to the surface together.

My face rises out of the water and I take in deep breaths while looking back at the stadium. Or what was the stadium. Flames and smoke now fill the the air where the stadium once stood.

When we reach the rivers edge, Shane and I crawl onto dry land and I let the little puppy out onto the bank. I drop my backpack and we both collapse onto our backs, panting heavily as we stare over at the bomb site.

I look up at the sky above me, my mind taking stock of todays events. And I start laughing.

"We fuckin' did it!" I say breathily, between laughs.

Shane chuckles beside me. "Yes, we fuckin' did."

"We're fuckin' crazy!" I yell jovially, throwing my arms up.

Shane laughs some more and I roll over to him and smash my lips to his. He brings a hand up to caress my face and hold me in place.

The pup comes over, wanting in on the action and starts licking our faces. I pull away from Shane, giggling and start making kissy noises at the little dog. He gets excited, his tail wagging fiercely as he tries even harder to lick me until he ends up jumping on Shane's face. I burst out laughing while Shane groans and turns away.

"Aw noo." I say and scoop the little guy up. "Kiss him better." I hold the pup in Shane's face and the dog starts licking again. Until we hear muffled noises come from Shane's backpack.

He pulls the bag into his lap and unzips it, unwrapping the still dry walkie from his jacket as Daryl's voice crackles through. "Shane! Mia! You there?"

"We're here." Shane replies. He chuckles quietly as the pup fusses excitedly in my arms. "We're good."

"We'll meet you at the bridge. Dillingham Street." Daryl says.

Shane and I grab our things and start walking.

He switches channels on the walkie. "T-Dog. We made it." he announces. "We're headed back to the hotel."

"Crazy asses." T replies, making us laugh again.

It's roughly a twenty minute walk to Dillingham Street. I carry pup the whole way, not wanting the skinny little thing to use any more energy than he has to. We meet Daryl and Carol, waiting for us where our long road meets Dillingham. God it felt good to be in their embraces.

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