Chapter 32

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"we got guns, you better run,we're killin' strangersso we don't kill the ones that we love

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"we got guns, you better run,
we're killin' strangers
so we don't kill the ones that we love."
- Killing Strangers, Marilyn Manson

Perhaps not one of my smartest moves; running into the woods after an assailant armed with a gun, while I'm armed with nothing but knives. But I can't find it in me to regret my decision.

I slip through the trees as quietly as my quick steps allow.

Shane, Daryl, Rick and Glenn, they don't exactly need my help. They're our strongest and most capable, after all. But the kid got the drop on Dale, maybe he can get the drop on them, too. He could be a goddamn sharp shooter for all we know.

One thing he is for sure, is a fool.

We had just decided not to execute him, we were going to set him free. Then he goes and does this. Now he just may have forced our hand.

I slow my pace as tracks become less and less obvious. And then any trail I had is gone. I stop and look around for any physical sightings of another human. Or walker. Animal, even. Nothing.

I stop and listen for a moment before scouring my surroundings again. Ahead of me, to my left, I notice some snapped twigs on low hanging branches. Beneath it, a break in the leaf litter. Someone definitely crashed their way through there.

I redirect my course and continue on quietly, trying not to let the fast approaching dusk fill me with panic. I keep my head clear of everything apart from Daryl's tracking tips and tricks he's taught me this week.

It's not long before I hear the distant rumble of voices and I quickly head in the direction of the welcome sound of life. And then I spot the navy blue of Shane's jacket between the green and brown of the trees in the distance. A big grin spreads across my face as I make a beeline for him and notice Rick with him, too. But my excitement falters when I realise they're standing still, hands up in surrender. Then I hear another voice and halt.

Randall stands a short distance before Shane and Rick, Dale's rifle aimed at them.

I'm roughly thirty metres away, all three of them unaware of my presence as they stand side on to me. I creep forward as stealthily as I can and their voices become clearer.

"Just put the gun down." Rick says calmly.

"You're lucky I haven't shot you already, the shit you put me through." Randall spits back.

"You'd be dead if it wasn't for me!" Rick states angrily.

"Shut up! Now, you're gonna help me get back to my group. Make sure I get there nice and safe."

"Then what?" Shane asks.

I'm twenty metres away now.

"Not my problem. You won't be comin' back here. Unless they bring you back so yous can watch them tear this place apart. Or maybe they'll move in. Take the place. And the woman." Randall sneers.

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