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It didn't take long to catch the team up to speed. 

Despite having worked on the team for months, Hassan was incredibly careful, and you and your old team had barely scraped enough information for a folder. 

Leaning over the map on the table, you placed tokens, pinpointing the locations of various gangs, possible hideouts, and anything else you knew of.

"This is quite the intel, (Y/N), I'm proud of you." Price said, and you smiled widely.

"Unfortunately, it's all we were able to get before (Y/N) and her team were, uh, compromised." Laswell said.

Eyes flicked back to you as you shifted uncomfortably, looking down at your hands. 

"You all need to get a good night's rest; everyone needs to scrub up on their training before we try to take Hassan." Laswell spoke again, clearly picking up on the tension from you.

Everyone nodded, collecting their various belongings scattered around the room, and then made their way out. Price stayed behind with Laswell, the latter telling you to go ahead to your room, where your things were waiting for you.

"Know where you're goin', sweet cheeks?" Alex said, approaching you.

"Not a clue." You laughed.

"C'mon. I'll show you to the house."

Smiling, he threw an arm around your shoulder, yours latching around his waist, and he led you toward the door. 

You stopped abruptly before moving outside, pulling your mask out of your pocket.

"You don't have to wear that 'round here, you know." Alex said, watching you place the mask on your face.

"You never know who's watching, Al. Can't afford to take that chance. It was bad enough that you and John are together, never mind that we're all now on the same task force." You shrugged.

He gave you a sympathetic look, knowing where you were coming from. 

He sometimes wished he'd taken a leaf out of your book, especially after meeting Ghost too. The two of you were pretty similar when it came to your identity.

Nodding to you, you continued to walk out of the door just in front of Alex, when you went crashing into something big, and hard. 

You gasped as you stumbled, hands gripping at the first thing they could hold to stop your fall, which just so happened to be Ghost's hoodie, now bunched into your fists. It appeared he also wanted you to avoid ending up on the floor, as you felt his gloved fingers digging into your hips, holding you flush against him. 

You slowly looked up to meet his gaze. 

Christ, how tall was he?

"Fuck- s-sorry, my bad." You mumbled out, still tight against his chest.

He held your eyes for a moment, and then let go, pushing you to arm's length, "Watch where ya goin', next time." He growled.

"Right, yeah. Sorry."

Ghost looked behind you, glaring at Alex before continuing back into the room. You frowned, but your face was hot. 

Thank God for the mask, because without it, everyone would have seen how madly you were blushing. 

It was him that smelled like gunpowder and...


"Is he always like that?" you said, following Alex out into the night.

Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now