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"Soap! What the fuck happened?"

"I-I don't know, L.T. S-she just...the lift, it fell-"

"Just what?! Johnny what the fuck happen-"

The mumbled sounds of your team yelling in your ear was all you could hear over the ringing.

Locking eyes with the man, you gasped, scrambling wobbly to your feet and snatching the controls from his hands. You brought the box up, smacking his face with it before making a run for it down the corridor.

"Shit shit shit- oh fuck- shit! Oh my god." you spoke, laboured breaths in between each word as you ran, dodging the bullets coming at you from behind.

"(Y/N)? Reaper is that you? Reaper how copy?" 

"6-2 do you copy? Fuck!"

"Lieutenant Price sit-rep right now!"

Several voices called for you in response to your panicked words.

They could hear every gasp and curse you threw out as you fled through the hallways, before finding a small office.

Shoving a chair in front of the handle, you dropped to the floor, hiding under a table.

"Jesus H. Christ! Oh god I'm gonna die I'm gonna die..." you ranted, pulling the controls open, "Reaper to All Stations I got the controls, b-but I lost my weapons I'm completely blind."

"Fuckin' hell Boo what the fuck-"

"Simon please, shut the fuck up-" you spewed out, instantly feeling bad, "I'm sorry oh God they're so close...Fuck! Someone better tell me what to do right now!"

"Reaper you read me? It's Laswell."

"Loud and clear ma."

"Where the hell are ya?" Soap said.

"Hiding in an office...Laswell please I'm ready let's shut this fucker down."

The panic in your voice made all of them incredibly uneasy.

Ghost was freaking out, his heart feeling like it had been shattered from the way you shot him down.

Soap wanted to throw himself off the building for letting you slip out of his fingers. He'd ordered Gaz to stay with Price, and he was currently solo, fighting his way to you.

Price was ready to murder everyone the minute he caught on that you were alone out there.

"First I need you to calm down so you can concentrate, okay? Can you do that for me?"

You took a few deep breaths, whimpering as a soldier jiggled the handle to the door before moving on.

"Okay...shit, the target is D.C."

"Okay. Now give me the coordinates."

"Uh, thirty-eight, negative seventy-seven."

"That's the Pentagon."

"He's going for Shepherd?"

"No, Shepherd's gone-"

"Yeah well there are 30,000 people who aren't, finish it!"

Hearing your brother's voice brought a comfort to you, lifting the terrified haze just enough for you to focus.

"First, you need to enable diagnostic mode...hit CLEAR and MODE at the same time."

Your fingers moved to the buttons, and you whispered a countdown under your breath, "Okay, done."

"Next is the override. You should see four columns of data- I need to know what's in row two, column three."

Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now