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"Steamin' Jesus, L.T. What did you say to her?" Soap asked. 

Ghost just shrugged; his eyes just as wide as everyone else's under the mask.

He certainly didn't think his little quips and comments had affected you that much, and a tiny part of him felt a little guilty. 

He knew something was going on with you, but he thought any idiot would have picked that up. With the room next to yours, he heard every time you woke up from nightmares, he heard the whimpers and cries you made in your sleep. 

He heard when you'd give up on sleep and just get up.

"I'm callin' Laswell." Price said, before storming past Ghost to the kitchen.

"I gotta say, Ghost," Alex started, "of all people, I did not expect you not to get along with her. For (Y/N) to yell at you like, you've fucked up."

"Think I'd have to agree with Alex there, hermano." Alejandro spoke softly.

"She's been nothing but nice to you, man." Gaz said, "None of us would bring you breakfast every morning."

Before anyone could say anything else, Price re-entered the room. 

"Right, Laswell will be here by nightfall. No one is leaving this building until whatever the fuck just went on is sorted. That's an order."

With that, everyone got comfortable in the living room, opting to switch on the tv, rather than sit in awkward silence. 

And awkward, it was. 

Ghost stood in the corner of the room as usual, with Price staring daggers right at him from his seat on the other side of the room. Both Gaz and Alex tried to ease the tension a little, but it didn't work. The only person amused by their attempts was Soap.

By evening, you still hadn't come out of your room. 

Every man took his turn in trying to get you to talk, or at least open your door, but you ignored every single one of them. You sat still, knees to your chest as you leant against the side of the bed. Silent tears fell as you looked at the small polaroid in your fingers; a picture of you and your old team. 

It was your fault.

The sound of running water from the shower made the men fall silent. 

It was well past mealtimes now, and you'd still not surfaced, which meant you'd not been down to cook their dinner like usual. They didn't want to eat without you, but hungry military men cannot be stopped, and so they ate.

Price had made Ghost clean up as punishment for hurting you, and as Captain, he had no choice but to follow orders. 

That was one thing about Ghost, he'd never disobey orders, even if they were as ridiculous as that.

"Someone best explain to me right now why my best soldier is completely unreachable." Laswell's voice came from behind them.

She had always felt somewhat protective of you, never having had kids of her own. 

Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now