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The team had been split. 

There was a lead collected by the rebel group in Urzikstan, so half the team were headed there with Laswell. You, Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, Rudy, the Shadow Company, and the rest of Los Vaqueros were to travel to Las Almas, where word had led to an old town across the river, housing Hassan.

"So, you excited to see Farah again?" you said, wiggling your eyebrows as you helped Alex pack his things.

"Shut it, angel." He answered, blush evident on his cheeks.

"Oh, so you can tease me, but God forbid I say shit?" you said, eyes wide.

"Yeah, it's funny when I'm the one teasing."

"Right." You rolled your eyes, "just tell her I miss her, yeah?"

In no time at all, you were stood at the front of the compound, trying to hide the tears in your eyes as half of your team departed. 

You hugged Gaz first, willing him to stay safe. 

Next, you clung to Alex, heart breaking at being separated after mere weeks of being back with your best friend. 

"I don't wanna leave you here with him."

"I'll be fine, I can handle Phillip Graves." you smiled, "Besides, he never liked you anyway."

"Don't I know it!"

"Just stay safe."

"You too, angel."

The others watched, enamoured by your displays of affection for their brothers.

"Those two are close, no?" Alejandro said as Price and Laswell approached the group.

"Seems it." Price said.

"They were partners when I first brought her over from SAS, she loves him like another brother." Laswell elaborated.

"So, they're not...you know." Soap asked, earning yet another head slap from his captain.

"No, never."

Ghost listened to the conversation, opting not to have any input. 

So, your history with Alex was just that – history. 

He wasn't quite sure why he cared, though. 

You were just another soldier, and once this mission was over, he doubted he'd see you again anyway.

Eventually, with Laswell rushing everyone off, you found yourself in the arms of your brother, holding onto him tightly.

"Please be careful, sweetheart." Price whispered in your ear as he hugged you.

"You too, brother."

"And be careful with Simon, too."

"Simon?" you said, confused. "You mean Ghost?"

"(Y/N), don't act like I'm chatting shit, I know damn well he lets you call him Simon." He chuckled.

He did. 

It wasn't often you got to use his real name, but you'd worked out the right times to do it. Most of the time, he was Ghost, but there were fleeting moments where his voice was softer, as were his eyes, his shoulders less rigid, you figured that was Simon. 

He was Simon during your morning conversations before his runs, despite you giving him a hard time. 

He was Simon when he thanked you for breakfast in his own silent way, he was Simon when you'd go downstairs in the night, only to see him up reading, and opted to join him.

Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now