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You didn't wait.

You should have, but you didn't.

Swiping a knife from your holster, you burst into the room as soon as the doors were blown.

You spotted Graves straight away, running like the coward he was across the balcony and through the doors.

With all the force you could muster, you launched the knife, smirking when it caught the back of his leg. His scream of pain is all you needed to hear to know you'd got him good.

"Got him. He's on the run." you said, before starting after him.

"Reaper don't- Fuck! Go go go!" Ghost commanded, desperate to get after you before you got yourself hurt.

You were already on the second deck by the time the others were in the room, taking out the Shadows as you moved across swiftly.

"He's fucking getting away!" you yelled as you ducked down behind a pillar to avoid shots.

"He won't go far...he'll dig in somewhere." Ghost said.

"Head for the control room, there's an exit out back." Rudy said.

You stood, moving out of your hiding place, "Moving in on the back room-"

"Reaper watch out!" 

You were cut off as a Shadow laying on the floor stood, shooting his gun at you.

Leaping up, you hung onto the pillar, swinging your legs around to thump into his chest, pushing him over the railing and down to the ground below. He landed with a sickening thud, but not before pressing down on the trigger to leave a trail of bullets in his wake.

As you landed, one hit you point blank. 

Your lungs imploded as the breath was knocked from you, and you fell to the ground.

"No!" Ghost yelled, running up the stairs to you.

"What? What's goin' on?" Price's voice came through, panicked.

Soap followed Ghost, just as worried, "Reaper was hit!"

The ringing in your ears drowned out the rest of the voices as you struggled to push yourself up. A blurry figure knelt down beside you, pulling your body across their lap.

"Ya good?" the voice said, muffled, "C'mon (Y/N) focus for me, that's it right here."

Your eyes darted around as you tried to scramble up, pushing on the person holding you.

"V-vest." you puffed out, breath shallow.


You regained your focus, the ache in your chest searing, but you weren't dead.

Not yet.

"The vest, he hit my vest."

"Fuckin' hell, Reaper, don't do that to me." Ghost said, helping you to your feet.

Soap tapped your back, and you nodded to him, signalling you were fine.

"Bastard shot me! M'sorry, I'm good, I'm sorry."

You reeled off breathless apologies as Ghost looked you over, checking to see if you were okay to go on.

"(Y/N) do you copy? I swear to God-"

"John, I'm good, I'm fine. He hit the vest, and now he's the one not breathing."

"Atta girl, we saw Graves run out back, finish him."

Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now