Chapter 5

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Sarina POV

I walk out of Roman's apartment. I stop and sigh against the door.  Of course he has a girl. A guy like him would definitely have a girl. And she is gorgeous too. Total opposite of me. Tall, darker complexion that me, fitter body than me. 

I kind of lied saying that I went to the wrong apartment. I knew which one was which because the guys told me. I just wanted to see Roman again. Something about him is drawing me to him. I don't know why, but I just feel a pull towards him. 

I should have known, dammit!! I made a fool of myself. His girl was right there and she seems nice. I shouldn't have went there and straight to Frankie's apartment. 

I decided that I kind of lost my appetite. I don't really want to be in the presence of Roman and Cassie. I know I will feel a pang of jealousy seeing those two together. 

Fuck that! I am a big girl. I just made friends here and I need to appreciate that and hang out. Nothing will happen between Roman and I. 

I walk up to Frankie's apartment and knock on the door.  

"Heeeyy!! Babygirl!" Frankie slurs. "Come on in."

I walk into this sweet penthouse. Nice modern looking furniture. I take a seat on the couch and he bring me a plate of my food. My sweet and sour chicken and shrimp with white rice. I start digging in. Talking to the guys. 

The door opens and in walks Cassie and her squad of girls. They are all pretty girls with tight fitting clothes. All of their breasts and ass hanging out of their clothes. 

"Hey guys!!" the girls all say. "We missed you. Looking good Tony!" one girl winks at Tony. The guys all let out a low grunt and exasperated looks on their faces. I guess they didn't want to hang with these girls tonight. 

"What are you doing here?" Frankie asked. "Oh well, I was over at Roman's. I saw your message about hanging out here, so I called the girls up and told them to come through so we can all hang out." 

"Does Roman know you are here?" Paulie asked. While scooting away from one of Cassie's friends. Who happened to plop herself right next to him, too close for his comfort. 

"Well yeah he does. I told him I was going to come over and bring the girls. You know right before I sucked his dick off. While he was in the bathroom getting ready, the girls popped up. So we decided to come over now." Cassie said all nonchalantly while picking at people's food. 

The guys all gave each other a look and then I noticed some of the guys glancing over at me. Some silent conversation they were having with each other. 

Then Tony started speaking, " Perché cazzo dovrebbe uscire con Cassie? Non conosce nessuno di noi come la ragazza e lei sta facendo amicizia con il suo nemico, Alessandro." (Why the fuck would he hook up with Cassie? He knows none of us like the girl and she is hooking up with his enemy, Alessandro.)

"Quanto vuoi scommettere, Alessandro la sta usando come spia. Roman le ha detto numerose volte che non sarebbero stati insieme. Che non sarà la signora Romano. Era incazzata e lo ha lasciato solo per circa 3 mesi. Ora è tornata all'improvviso?" Paulie said. (How much you want to bet, Alessandro is using her as a spy. Roman told her numerous times that they weren't going to be together. That won't be Mrs. Romano. She was pissed and she left him alone for about 3 months. She now she suddenly came back?)

"3 mesi! Pensavo che stessero ancora insieme per tutto questo tempo. Voglio dire, so che frequenta diverse ragazze, ma questo spiega perché non l'ha portata all'evento il mese scorso. Di solito è la sua ragazza preferita per." Frankie added. (3 months! I thought they were still together this whole time. I mean, I know you've been dating a lot of girls, but that explains why you didn't take her to the event last month. She is usually her favorite girl for her.)

"Beh, ora ha gli occhi puntati sulla bambina. Non l'ho mai visto guardare nessuno come fa con lei. Puoi dire che gli piace davvero. Ma non la prenderà se tiene le sue zappe dappertutto. Per non parlare del fatto che Cassie combatterà per lui. È stata al suo fianco per 2 anni e ha aspettato che fosse pronto per una relazione." Tony said. (Well, he has his eyes on babygirl now. I have never seen him look at anyone like he does her. You can tell he really likes her. But he will not get her if he keeps his hoes all around. Not to mention, Cassie will put up a fight for him. She has been by his side for 2 years and waited for him to be ready for a relationship.)

The girls was just sitting around staring at the guys. "You know we hate it when you speak Italian. We cannot understand anything!" Cassie whined. 

The guys just looked at her and kept right on eating and talking about stupid stuff in Italian. 

All the while,  I just sat there and ate my food. Listening in to the conversation. 

I smirked to myself. I happen to know 23 different languages. And one of them is Italian. 

*** sorry if the translations are not correct. I use Google translate. So if any of them are wrong, I do apologize for that. Also, my girl speaks several languages because she does after all, build youth centers around the world. It helps to speak different languages if you travel around the world like she does.***

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