Chapter 23

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Sarina POV

It has been a couple of weeks since the whole Aleks and Marina deal when on. I haven't spoken to Matteo at all. He still came and visit me and sit with me for a few hours even though I wouldn't talk. He always came and kissed me goodnight and good morning. 

Today I am getting out of the recovery room. My concussion is gone. My migraine is gone, now I just have a little lingering headache. My body doesn't ache as much as it used too. My ankle is not as swollen but still sprained. 

I lay back and close my eyes for a second. I hear Tony and Paulie come in. "Ahh she is still resting." Paulie says. "You would have thought this girl would be up and about excited to leave this room. 

"You would have thought. Well we can come back in a couple of hours to help her get settled back in her and Roman's room." Tony said. 

"Speaking of Roman. Where is he? He has been acting kind of weird the past couple of days. I seen him heading towards the hospital wing a lot." Paulie said. 

"Me too. Crazy thing, I went to check on Frankie thinking Roman was going to be there, but he wasn't. He wasn't with Frankie."  

Hearing this my heart dropped. I knew exactly where he was. If he wasn't visiting Frankie then he was visiting that Marina girl. 

"I walked around looking for him. I asked one of the nurses have that seen Roman. She looked a little nervous at first but nodded towards the garden. Paulie -- he was sitting out in the garden talking and laughing with Marina." He whispered the last part. 

"What! Marina from Cuba?" Paulie asked. "Yep. She is here and is one of the nurses the Doc hired on." 

At this point they were whispering not trying to make too much noise. 

"I never liked that girl. I never trusted her. Something about her just always seemed fishy and rubbed me the wrong way, Tony. Not sure what it is, but something. I swear to GOD, if he fools around with her and ends up doing something stupid and breaks Sarina's heart, I am breaking his bones." Paulie said through gritted teeth. 

"He wouldn't do that Paulie. He is head over heels in love with Sarina. She is the one he has been waiting for his entire life. He wouldn't fuck it up over some old fling that is back now."

"But he has." I whispered out. Apparently too loud, because both Tony and Paulie were now staring at me. I roll over and face them. Wipe the tears from eyes and told them what happened a few weeks ago. 

"He has feelings for her. He has to. She almost killed me and he let her stay. Now he is hanging out in the garden and laughing with the same person who almost killed me." I say with tears falling down my face. "Who does that?" 

They both just look at me with sadness and anger at what Matteo is doing. 

"Guys just leave me a lone for a little bit. I am going to rest a little longer before I head up to my room."  They each nod and come give me a kiss on the forehead and head out. 

I let out a frustrated breath. Sad about what I am going to do. 

I love Matteo, more than anything. I really do. But this bullshit right here. Him spending time with another girl while I am laid up in the bed. Not just another girl, the girl that tried to kill me. The girl he used to date. The girl who said she is in love with him.

You know what, put your big girl pants on Sarina. I know I said I will not fight for no man, but am I really going to let him do that to me? Not fight for my love and the man I love? The man who takes care of me. Who will kill anyone for me?

I shake my head. Get out of the body and test out the pressure on my ankle. It is not that bad, I can limp on it. I limp out of the room and make my way to the kitchen first. As I limp closer, I hear voices. 

"So Roman, thank you for lunch today. That was sweet of you. I am actually surprised you let me back on this side of the wing when you told me not to." She giggles out. I don't hear a response from him, but he just chuckles back. 

"Yeah, I don't know what I am doing. You are a nice girl. Very beautiful he says." Staring in her eyes. She walks up to him and places her hands on his chest. "You are very handsome too. I meant what I said Roman. I really felt a connection with you back then. I thought you felt it too."

"I uh, did feel something." He says. "Back then I was adamant that I didn't want a relationship. I thought about keeping you around, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to. And I meant what I said about Sarina being special. I felt a connection with her instantly and like I have never felt with anyone before. Like I just wanted to hold her and protect her." 

"Like a big brother." Marina smirks and says out. I see the look of confusion on Matteo's face. Like he is thinking about it. Like he is thinking that our whole relationship is wrong. That maybe he is not in love with me but only loves me like a big brother this whole time. 

My heart breaks at the thought that he doesn't think what we have is real. That he is doubting our love, doubting me. I let the few tears that built up in my eyes fall. I watch as she leans up on her tippy-toes and he doesn't pull away. His arms go up and his hands rest on her hips. She smiles up at him and whispers close to his lips - "I love you Roman. Really love you not like a brother but as a lover." He smiles down at her and licks his lips like he is preparing to kiss her. 

She pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back. She kisses him on the cheek and he doesn't pull away from her. 

She glances over and notices me. She smirks at me, while maintaining eye contact with me she says, "Make love to me Roman like you did on the beach in Cuba." I see Matteo's back stiffen the moment she said that. "ooh Yes baby, I can feel you getting hard now. What me to help you out?" Matteo doesn't say anything, as she drops down to her knees. 

Now mind you, I am watching them from the side view, not back view. So I can clearly see her drop on her knees in front him. I can clearly see the bulge in his pants. She reaches up and rubs on him through his sweat pants. He groans and throws his head back. She reaches up and grabs the hem of his pants. 

Before I could see anything else. I turn and walk away. I limp my way out of the room and grunt in pain as I walk towards the house door. I open the door and limp away. Leaving the front door wide open and the bracelet Matteo gave me on the floor.  I hop into one of Matteo's car and drive off with tears running down my face. "Goodbye Romanos." 

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