Chapter 6

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Sarina POV

Roman finally gets to the apartment. He walks through the door and into the living room area. He stops in his tracks when he sees Cassie and her friends. 

"Hey baby! You are finally here. Come sit down and eat." Cassie said. 

Roman walks in and rolls his eyes at her calling him baby. He takes a seat and looks at the food. Cassie and her girls ate most of the food. Cassie particularly ate Roman's food.  I can see his nostrils flare. He is pissed. 

"¿Por qué diablos estás aquí y por qué diablos estás comiendo mi comida con tus asquerosos amigos?" Roman's voice bellowed out in Spanish. (Why the fuck are you here and why the fuck are you eating my food with your nasty ass friends!) 

"Te he dicho muchas veces que no pasamos el rato así. No eres más que un marica al que me follo. Sigues incluyéndote en mi vida y espacio como si fueras mi chica. No eres mi chica y nunca serás mi chica. Así que reúne a tus amigos y lárgate de aquí y métete en la cama de Alessandro."  (I have told you numerous times that we do not hang out like that. You are nothing but a pussy that I fuck. You keep including yourself into my life and space like you are my girl. You are not my girl and will never be my girl. So get your friends and get the fuck out of here and go crawl into Alessandro's bed.)  

Sí, lo sé todo sobre ti y Alessandro. Y sé que él te envió aquí. Ahora, antes de que te vuele los sesos, vete. No vuelvas a rodearme. Y dile a Alessandro que no se meta en mis asuntos antes de que le vuele la tapa de los sesos también. (Yeah, I know all about you and Alessandro. And I know he sent you here. Now before I blow your brains out, leave. Don't come around me again. And tell Alessandro to stay out of my business before I blow his brains out too!!)

I damn near choked on my food hearing Roman cuss this girl out. I kept my cool though. I just sat there an ate my food quietly. Yep - Spanish is another language that I know. So I knew exactly what he was saying to her. 

"¡Qué carajo es tu problema, Roman! Te di 2 años de mi vida y actúas como si no pudieras comprometerte conmigo. ¿No soy lo suficientemente bueno para ti? ¿Soy solo un jodido y eso es todo? (What the fuck is your problem Roman! I gave you 2 years of my life and you act like you cannot commit to me. Am I not good enough for you? Am I just a fuck and that is it?) Cassie yelled back in Spanish. 

Roman started pacing back in forth. Hands all balled up in fists. He was about to say something but stopped as soon as his eyes caught mine. He exhaled a breath and started to calm himself down. All while looking at me, his back towards Cassie. He exhaled again and closed his eyes for a second. He opened them back up and stared at me again. I am just looking up at him, chewing my chicken. Looking like a little kid watching tv. He must have thought so too, because he smiled and shook his head at me. 

He then turned around and faced Cassie. " Look Cassie. I told you from the jump 2 years ago that I don't do relationships. I will settle down when I find the right one for me. And you are the right one. You are not the one that I want as my girl. The girl I choose, will be my forever. My one and only. My queen."

Cassie threw her plate of food down, grabbed her bag and her friends. " Fuck you Roman!!! You will never find the girl you are looking for. You are too much of a coward to commit to someone. You like to fuck around too much to stay faithful to one person. I hope the girl you choose, doesn't choose you back! Rot in hell you piece of shit!"  Then she stormed out of the apartment with her friends. 

I am still just sitting there cross legged on the couch, eating my food. Just minding my own business. The guys all started laughing while I just sat there. 

I honestly think they might have forgot about me since I have been so quiet, not bothering anyone. 

"Fratello, era ora che ti liberassi di quella stronza pazza. È troppo una regina del dramma. Sono sorpreso che tu l'abbia tenuta con te così a lungo. La mamma sarà così felice di sapere che non sei più con lei." Brother, about damn time you got rid of that crazy bitch. She is too much of a drama queen. I am surprised you kept her around this long. Mama will be so happy to hear that you are not with her anymore.  Paulie said in Italian. Yep they all agreed. 

What made you finally get rid of her. I heard someone ask him. Hmm he said. 

I had gotten up from seat. I cleaned up my mess and started cleaning up the mess Cassie and her friends left behind. I figured it was the least I could do. They guys helped me for 4 hours and fed me. I could clean up a little mess. 

As I was cleaning up, I didn't realize that a pair of hazel eyes were watching me. Apparently he was watching me like a hawk and his brothers noticed. They were watching him watching me. 

Being the childish person he is, Frankie just had to say something. "So cosa gli ha fatto cambiare idea. Si sta innamorando di una donna che nemmeno conosce. 4 ore con una donna che non si è lanciata contro di lui o gli ha prestato attenzione gli ha fatto qualcosa." (I know what made him change his mind. He is falling in love with a woman he doesn't even know. 4 hours with a woman who didn't throw herself at him or pay him any attention did something to him.)

With my back to the guys, I just smiled to myself. Is it true? Am I the reason why Roman kicked his hook-up of 2 years to the curb? Oh, who am I kidding. I am not. I should focus on my task as hand. I came to New York to work. Do a few investments, and open up a youth center here. Work, Work, Work. That is what I need to focus on. In 6 months or so, I will be out of New York and on to the next location. No need to get attached to people here or try to find love. 

Most guys cannot handle a strong, independent woman like me. They cannot handle a woman that is constantly traveling and gone for periods of time. Especially  traveling the world and speaking different language. You have no idea how many times I have been accused of being unfaithful because the guy was insecure and thought I was cheating when I spoke a different language or had to do late night meetings due to different time zones, different countries. One day I will consider slowing down and start dating, but not right now. 

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