Chapter 15

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Sarina POV

I wake up to muffled voices around me. I have a pounding headache and my body aches all over. Then memories come flooding back to me about the accident and Salvatore. 

I rub my eyes so I can help them focus even more. I look around the room once my eyes adjust to my surroundings. 

I am in a bedroom, a nice bedroom. I sit up and see that I am sitting on a king size bed with soft fluffy blankets on it. I glance out the window and it looks like I am still in Italy, so that is a plus. 

I get up from the bed and limp my way towards the bedroom door. I can hear the muffled voices a little more clearly each step I take closer to the door. 

"¿Qué diablos estás haciendo?" ¡¿Se supone que debes llevársela a Aleks, no quedártela para ti?! Debido a tu obsesión con esta perra, has cabreado a Aleks y a Roman. Tendremos a los rusos y los italianos respirando hacia abajo. nuestros cuellos!" (What the fuck are you doing?" You are supposed to bring her to Aleks, not keep her for yourself!? Because of your obsession with this bitch, you have pissed off Aleks and Roman. We will have the Russians and the Italians breathing down our necks!) I heard someone say in Spanish. 

"Don't worry about them. I have something they both want. I can use her as leverage against them. I will be able to get my revenge on the Romano family and wipe out the Stromanov family. The Espanoso family will get their revenge and the recognization of the top family of the underworld." Salvatore said in Spanish. " No he olvidado ni perdonado a la familia Romano por alejarme de mi familia a los 8 años. Solo porque mi padre no pudo pagar una deuda con el padre de Roman, me tomaron como pago. Nunca perdoné a los Romano por eso." (I have not forgotten nor forgave the Romano family for taking me away from my family at 8 yrs old. Just because my father couldn't pay back a debt to Roman's father, I was taken as payment. I never forgave the Romano's for that.)  

"Now leave me be cousin. Everything will work out. I have a beautiful woman to tend to." Salvatore says to his cousin. 

I look around the room for anything I could use as a weapon. I grab this vase that is sitting on the desk. I stand behind the door and wait for Salvatore to enter. I see the doorknob start to turn. I grasp the vase tightly and hold it up, ready to swing it on him. 

Salvatore enters the room and I swing with all my might. I hear a loud thump as the sound of the heavy vase hitting his head. He immediately falls to the ground with a thump. 

I stoop down and search his pockets for his phone. I find it and some car keys too. I grab them both and pull Salvatore with all my strength away from the door. I step on his balls just for good measure. I grab his hand and use his thumb to unlock his phone and walk to the door. 

I slowly open it and step out into the hallway. I close the door quietly behind me. I start to tiptoe down the hall, trying to not make a sound but move quickly since I don't know how long Salvatore will be out. 

I hear voices coming from a room as I get closer to the steps. I quicken my pace and hurry pass the room and make it towards the steps. I pull out the phone I took from Salvatore and dial Matteo. 

I keep walking down the steps. I make it to the bottom and see a big living room with several guys sitting around. They are so caught up in their own conversations that they do not notice me. I take a few steps back and slip around the corner. 

"Hello?" I hear a voice say. I look around and realize it was the phone in my hand. I stand behind a corner and put the phone up to my ear. 

"Ttteo?" I say quietly.

"Baby?! Baby where are you?"

"I, uh don't know. I am in a house. Salvatore and his cousin." Tears start to form in my eyes. "I uh hit Salvatore with a vase and took his phone and keys. I don't know where the way out is. There are at least 10 guys here."

"Okay, stay calm baby. I am coming for you. You still wearing the bracelet I got you?"

"Yyyess Teo."

"Okay, good. It has a tracker in it. I need you to activate it by..." " WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE IS? FIND HER" Salvatore's voice booms out. "SHIT SHIT SHIT." I whisper out. 

"BABY, listen to me. I need you to activate that tracker!" Matteo yells into the phone trying to get me to focus on him. I don't respond to him as it sounds like footsteps are getting closer to where I am. 

I quickly scoot further down the hallway and slip into the kitchen. I see a door and open in and slip inside. I notice that I am in the pantry. 

I look at the bracelet trying to figure out how I would activate this thing. 

"Teo?" I whisper in the phone. "How do I turn it on?"

"Press down on the third diamond and rotate it clockwise." I do as he says. "I am coming for you baby. Don't worry. Stay calm and try to stay hidden. "

"Okay Teo. I love you. Oh yeah, he wants revenge for being taken away from his family when he was a kid and he wants to wipe your family out and Aleks family too so he can run the biggest family out there." I quickly rush out. 

Before I can say another word, the pantry door bursts open and a bloodied Salvatore is standing in front of me. 

I scream at the sight and drop the phone. I scoot back and back into the wall. Salvatore comes in and picks up his phone. Then stalks over to me. 

"Get away from me. Don't touch me!" I scream out. 

He reaches down and grabs me by my hair. Pulling me up off the ground. He then smacks me across the face. My lip and nose started to bleed. 

"I am going to have fun with you. I am going to get a taste from the real source. Tasting you off the counter was just a teaser. I want to taste the real thing." He says grabbing me by the neck. 

My eyes widen at the words he just said. " You hear that Don Roman. She is mine now. I am going to fuck her till she passes out. Don't worry, I'll keep you on the phone so you can hear everything."

He grabs me by the hair and starts leading me out of the pantry. I am practically being dragged by hair back towards the way I came. 

We reach his bedroom and he throws me on the bed. He shuts and locks the door. 

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