Chapter 27

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Sarina POV

I soak my aching body until I start to get pruny. Then I get out of the tub slowly. That damn motherfucker stretched me out so much, my legs are like jello. I get dressed into some lounge pants and a tank top. 

I crawl into bed and instantly fall asleep. I wake two hours later to my phone going off. I see it's a text message from my best friend Denise. She works with me in my businesses. She travels just as much as I do. "Where are you at? I am back in Virginia Beach for a few." I just smiled. "Me too! I am at my house. Roman and his brothers came down here too."

"Ooh! Tony is in town?" She asks me. She has always had a little crush on him. "Yes he is. They are at work right now, but will be back later." 

Looking at the time, I see that it is only 2pm. Enough time for me to try to get up and go to the grocery store so I can cook. I haven't cooked at all while in New York. Roman was always cooking or taking me out to eat. I don't even think he knows that I know how to cook. 

I text my bestie back telling her to get ready. I am going to pick her up and we going grocery shopping. I am making chicken adobo tonight. We also have to stop by my parent's house so I can get some lumpia. I know my mom has some already made. I don't feel like making themselves, it takes too long. 

I grab my stuff and car keys. I head out to the garage and get into my Lincoln Navigator. I drive down the long drive way and towards the front of the "neighborhood". Although it is now really a neighborhood. I bought the land and built several houses on it and towards the back, down the long driveway is my estate. I use the front houses for guests or rental. But now that the Romanos are around, they have commandeered my houses. They turned it into security housing. Their guards are staying in the houses and told to screen anyone before they let them down the long driveway. They even put a gate up so no one can get to my house without approval. 

I get to Denise house and she is ready to go thankfully. She hops into my car and we head to the store. Chicken adobo doesn't take too long to make so I decided that we should go get some massages and mani/pedis. So we waste the next few hours pampering ourselves. We finally get to the store at 6pm. I tell her to grab some Coke Zero and different drinks and snacks. I went to go get the essentials - meat, 20lb bag of jasmine rice, vegetables, seafood, condiments, seasonings etc. We meet up at the ice cream aisle. I look around and decide that I am going to get Dunkin Donuts Rainbow Sherbet and some Rocky Road ice cream. She wants butter pecan so she grabs that. All of a sudden, I had a craving for Twizzlers and Hot Tamales. We head down to the candy aisle. I grab the Hot Tamales and Twizzlers. Then grab some dark chocolate nuggets too. 

We push our cart towards the check out registers. All the lines are long, especially the self-checkout lines. As we wait patiently in line, we noticed a group of guys come stand up behind us. We don't pay them any attention, but I can tell they are talking about us. Talking about our booties and pretty face. What they would like to do and possibly take us out. 

One of them finally has the balls to actually talk to us instead of talking about us. "Excuse me miss." We turn around to face them. I see them bite their bottom lip and mouth "damn". "Ya'll are some pretty girls. We would love to get to know ya'll." The guy with dreads said. "Thank you, but we are taken." I reply politely. 

I turn around and push the cart forward. A self-checkout register opens up and we go to it and start checking out. I couldn't help but feel the stare coming from the guys. They were at a different register now, but the one with dreads and the other guy with hazel eyes and low-cut fade were staring at us. Like for real staring, not trying to hide the fact that they are staring at all. 

I whisper to Denise that we need to hurry up and get out of it. We finished up and quickly grabbed our receipt. I noticed they still had a lot to scan, so that will give us time to get out of here. 

We make it to my car and quickly unload everything. We hop into the car and drive off. I don't live too far from the grocery store - less than 10 minutes away. As I am driving I noticed a black Escalade following us. I squint my eyes, "Is that the guys from the store?" Denise looks through the side-view and hums in agreeance. I decide not to head home. 

I call Roman and he answers right away. "Hey baby, what's up?" "Teo, where are you?" I think he can hear the nervousness in my voice. " We are heading out of the office now. What's wrong baby?"

Roman POV

I can tell something is wrong. She is nervous about something. The guys stop walking as soon as they hear me ask what is wrong. 

"Umm, I think we are being followed." I put the phone on speaker phone so the guys can hear too. "Baby who is we and why do you think you are being followed?" 

"It is me and Denise. We went out today and just left the grocery store. These 4 guys were standing behind us in the line. I said we were taken but I noticed that they never took their eyes off us. Now they are following us in a black Escalade. I didn't want to drive home." She rushes out quickly. 

"Turn down this road to see if they are really following us." I heard Denise said. As I am listening to their conversation. Me and the guys get into our cars. Frankie pulls up the gps location of the girls and we start heading that way. 

"See, I told you they were following us. We just turned down 3 roads that they probably don't have any business going down. What is the odd that they live the same route we are taking? I am going to get on the interstate towards Norfolk." Sarina says. 

We are currently in Norfolk, not too far from the interstate, but also not too far from one of our warehouses. I interrupt their conversation, "Baby head to my warehouse. I am sending you the address now." 

"Okay. Denise just put it into the GPS. The GPS says we are 10 mins away from it." Me and my brothers along with our guards, head to the warehouse which we are 5 minutes away from. The warehouse is located in an industrial park. So there are small businesses and storage facilities around it. We own the whole property, so I don't have to worry about being seen. This is one of our front businesses. Everyone who works in this industrial park is on our illegal payroll. I feel comfortable bringing the girls here, because if something goes down here, it is on our turf.

I get myself situated in the front office in front of the entrance to the industrial park. My brothers are in the building with me. We had informed everyone here what is going on so be prepared. 

I pull out my gun and check it. Making sure it was set and off of safety. It's kind of crazy how I am a little excited that I might get to kill someone today. It has been awhile since I got my hands dirty. My last kill was Aleks and that was now a couple of months ago. 

I call my girl. "Baby we are here now. Just drive up through the gates and then turn right. Park in the parking lot and then head towards the building with the blue door."

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