Chapter 9

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Sarina POV

"Piccola, amore mio." (Baby, my love.) He said. "What do you mean go to war?"

I know I should tell him. He is the only one that could most likely help me. The cops aren't doing anything. But I really don't want to get him involved like that. I don't want to add extra stress to his life. 

"Baby you are not going to add stress to my life. Me knowing someone is threatening you is going to stress me out. Especially since I know I can take care of it. I meant what I said, when I said you are mine, baby. You are my queen. And I will do everything in power to protect you." Matteo said, cupping my face in both hands. Making me look at him. 

I exhale a sharp breath. "Shit, I said that out loud!" 

"Haha, yes you did baby. Now tell me." He said, placing a kiss on my lips. 

"Teo, promise me you will not go to war. Especially because of me. I came to you earlier, because I wanted advice on how to handle the situation." I said, pulling him to sit down on the couch with me. 

"Aleksander Stromonov is the guy. I met him a few months ago at the soft opening of the resort. I invited a few potential investors to come out and take a look at what I was building. He came with someone else. He wasn't even on the list. Well, he took a liking to the place and I guess me too after that. Since then he has been emailing me and calling me and texting me about letting him takeover and manage the club. 

Well one day he had called me and was hounding me about the club again. Someone must have walked in on him because he started speaking Russian to the  person. He said he was on the phone with the owner of the club he is trying to takeover in the Philippines. The other guy said, why don't you just take it like you always do. He said because he likes me. Said he likes how I am feisty and not giving into his demands. He is attracted me and wants me as one of his sex girls. But he will settle for the club instead of me if he can get it. 

So since then he has been calling me, sending me packages at work. I started ignoring him but it didn't stop him. 

 And lately I feel as if someone is following me. So I went to the police, but they wouldn't do anything about it. 

So I turned to you for advice. But Teo, I really don't want you to get into trouble.

I can't imagine you or the guys getting hurt, especially on my behalf." I said in a low whisper. 

Matteo leaned over and grabbed the back of my neck. Pulled me closer to him. He pressed his lips against mine. Deepening it slightly, his tongue brushing against mine. He pecked my lips and pulled away. He placed his forehead against mine. 

"Amore mio" he said. "I love the fact that you are worried about me. I am worried about you. I have the means and the ability to handle this situation and I am going to do it. I know Aleks, and he is a dangerous man. He comment about making you a sex toy, is not a joke. He will do it. He will blow up your building. He will do all of that. He is part of the Russian Mafia." 

My mouth just dropped open. This whole time I have been egging on a Russian mobster and didn't know it. I didn't take his threats seriously and I should have. Now look at me. 

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I get up to answer the door and see that it is a delivery guy with a big package and a bunch of roses. I open the door and get the package. I bring it inside and set it on the counter.
Matteo comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He rests his chin on my head and asks who sent the package.

I shrug my shoulders  and look at the flowers. Pink roses but no card. I look at the package and immediately start to shake when I notice the symbol on it. Matteo must have noticed me shaking. "What's wrong baby? Why are you shaking?"

"It's from him Teo." I say shakily, pointing to the symbol.
"You are staying with me," He says sternly. " Go pack what you want  and let's go."

I don't bother to argue. I head to my room and start gathering some things.

Matteo POV

I cannot believe this mother fucker is really stalking my girl. Tony is going to have a field day with this,  he never liked Aleks and had been wanting to kill the son of a bitch for awhile. I know he will use this as an opportunity to do so.

While Sarina is in the room, I quickly open the package to see what it is inside.

My jaws clench at the site of pics of Sarina. They show her walking around town. At her business lunches. And even some inside her apartment.
This man has a camera setup in here. I bet Sarina doesn't even know.

I take out my phone and send a text to my bros to get over now. I also tell one of my tech guys to come over so he can sweep the apartment for bugs and cameras.

My brothers are here in less than 3 mins.  They come inside and I show them the photos (except the ones of her changing and in the shower) and emails. I tell Frankie to trace it and find out where he is sending the emails from. Paulie is going to trace the package and see where it was sent from.

Tony looks at me and says, "He is dead, Cuzzo. DEAD!" I wanted to kill him ever since we discovered he is into sex trafficking and tried to take that little girl. We should have put a bullet in him then." 

"I know cuz, I know. But he is dying now. It's one thing to be threatening Sarina and stalking her, but he he put fucking cameras in her apartment!!" I said.

We heard a back drop and turn around. We see Sarina standing there with a shocked look on her face. 

"He put cameras in here?" she said with a shaky breath. "OMG! He has been watching me. He has pictures and videos of me, doesn't he?!" She yelled, pacing back in forth. 

She starts hyperventilating and starts to sway back and forth. I can tell she is having a panic attack and is about to pass out. 

I run up to her and catch her in my arms right before she falls down. I hold her in my arms and tell Frankie to grab her bags and all her stuff. I am taking her to my house. 

Aleks will not find her there. Tell the sweeper team to come in and sweep this place. I want it free of all bugs and camera. 

The guys all nod and I head out the door with my babygirl in my arms. I look down at her and smile. "He will pay for this baby, don't worry. I am going to burn the ground he walks on and shut down his whole operation." I say to my unconscious girl. 

Just wait, I am bout to fuck his shit up and I will anyone who stands in my way. 

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