Chapter 21

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Roman POV

I pull up to my house and hop out the car. Not caring one bit that I left the car running and the door wide open. I open the front door and creep towards the west wing. 

I see my brothers and crawl towards them. I crouch down next to them behind the wall and ask what's going on. They say nothing much as of right now. They hand me an earpiece to put in so we can communicate with each other. 

All of a sudden we hear gun shots going off upstairs. Shit! I whisper yell to my brothers. We see Stromonov's men start popping out of the wood works like roaches. The gunfire drawing everyone out. 

I watch as Aleks walks out and steps in front of his men, " Оставайся здесь. Я иду наверх, чтобы проверить мою принцессу. Не позволяйте никому пройти. ПОНИМАТЬ!?" (Stay here. I am going upstairs to check on my princess. Do not let anyone pass. UNDERSTAND!?)

"Когда Романо прибудут, убейте их на месте. Постарайтесь сохранить Роману жизнь. Я хочу, чтобы он смотрел, как я ублажаю свою принцессу перед ним. Пусть он смотрит, как она кончает на меня." (When the Romano's get here, kill them on site. Try to keep Roman alive. I want him to watch me as I pleasure my princess in front of him. Let him watch as she cums all over me.) I heard Aleks say and start laughing along with his men.

I swear to God I am going to fuck this bitch up. He is really irking me to the bone. 

Aleks turns around and walks up the stairs. I motion to my brothers and our men that we are going to start making a move. I don't want guns to go off, so we are doing this by hand and knives. 

We all fan out and sneak up on the guys. I walk up behind one of Aleks' soldiers. I grab forehead and tilt his head back. I slide the knife's blade right across his throat. His blood paints the white wall red. 

I drop his body on the floor and look around. I see my men and brothers have each done the something. In less than 3 minutes, we have taken out 13 of Aleks' soldiers. That means that there are 7 left. 

" Sto andando di sopra. Voi trovate e prendetevi cura degli ultimi 7 uomini. Cerca di non usare le tue pistole se non devi. Non voglio spaventare Aleks e poi succede qualcosa a Sarina. Comprendere?" (I am heading upstairs. You guys find and take care of the last 7 men. Try not to use your guns if you don't have to. I don't want to startle Aleks and then something happens to Sarina. Understand?) I say to my guys through our earpieces. 

"Capito Signore." (Understood Sir.) I hear my men say. 

I see them fan out looking for the last 7 guys. I head towards the stairs. I slowly climb the stair with my gun cocked and ready to go. 

I get to my hallway and do not see anyone around. I go into the room next to mine and quietly close the door. I head to the closet and open the secret room. This secret room leads to a passageway that allows me to walk behind the walls unseen and into any room in this wing. 

I follow the passageway to my room. I open the door that leads into secret room in my bathroom. I walk further into the bathroom and head towards the door. I can hear voices coming from the other end. 

Sarina POV

As soon as we step out of the closet, I see Aleks sitting on the bed. "What the fuck!" I yell and jump back startled. Frankie points his gun at Aleks who is just sitting there with a smirk on his face. 

"You look beautiful as always, моя любовь." (my love).  Aleks said looking at me. Not caring that Frankie has a gun pointed right at him.  "I came to get you so we can go to Russia. I think you have had enough fun for the night, yeah? So come on, before I tell my men to wipe out the Romano's."

"Fuck you, you piece of shit! I don't want to go anywhere with you!" I yell to him. "Shoot him Frankie, blow his fucking brains out now!" 

Frankie cocks his gun and gets ready to pull the trigger.

"Not uh. Wait a second." He says tauntingly to Frankie. Waving his finger no. "My men have orders to blow this house up in the next 5 minutes, if I do not walk out the front door. Everyone in this house will get blown up."

Frankie just smirks at him and his finger starts pulling back. "WAIT. Stop Frankie!" He stops what his doing and looks me confused. 

"Frankie, wait." I huff out defeated. "Frankie I cannot let everyone dies because of me. I just can't."

Frankie starts to lower his gun seeing my desperation written all over my face. He sighs and puts it down completely. 

Aleks quickly pulls out a knife and throws it at Frankie. Hitting him right in the stomach. He yells out in pain and falls to ground in a fetal position. "Frankie!!!" I run over to him and turn him over. Seeing blood all over him. 

Before I could help him any further, I picked up off the ground from behind. I just now realize that Aleks had one of his men in the room with him. Hiding behind the couch. Now wrapped up in his goons arms, Aleks walks up to me. 

He smiles at me as he caresses my face. "The house is not wired to blow dear. I just know that you are good person and wouldn't want everyone's death on your conscious. So instead of everyone's death, you just have to deal with Frankie's. But I will make you feel better so you don't have to think about him." Aleks says well trailing a finger from my lips to my neck. Down to the breasts. Tracing the outline of my cleavage. He slowly closes his eyes and take a deep breath. Obviously enjoying the moment of touching me. I can see the erection starting to grow in his pants.  This little dick motherfucker is really getting turned on right now?? Like seriously.

I start to squirm in his goon's arms but his hold just tightens. Squeezing me very tightly that it is getting hard to breathe. 

Aleks smacks him in the back of the head, "Not too hard you dumbass. You are hurting my princess."

Since he is not paying full attention to me at the moment, I use this to my advantage and kick my leg out hard. Hitting him right in his erected dick. He squeals like a pig and falls down grabbing himself.  His goon throws me on the ground. My head bounces off the edge of the dresser and I plop to the ground. Dizzy and getting extremely light-headed, I touch my head. I see blood covering my hand. 

I look up at the goon and all I see is a blurry figure stalking towards me. "Stupid bitch. How dare you kick the boss like that!!" He yells at me. I try to scoot back a little, but my back hits the back of the bed. Losing consciousness by the second. I brace myself for the goon. 

However, he never comes. I blink my blurry eyes several times, trying to see. I see a blurry figure laying on the floor and a tall man standing over him as a gunshot goes off. 

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