Chapter 19

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Sarina POV

Sound asleep in the bed with the covers pulled over me. I am warm and cozy. I roll over and stick my arm out. I feel an empty space next to me. I pat the spot a couple times just to make sure and open one eye. Yep, empty space next to me. Matteo is not home yet. I hope he gets the info he needs about Aleks. I want to be able to go out and walk around and not have to look over my shoulder. Not to mention, I have work to do. I am building this resort and casino and I need to go visit it and make sure everything is going according to plan.

I hear voices whispering outside the bedroom door. I immediately assume it is the boys back. I quickly hop out of the bed. I look down quickly making sure I am dressed appropriately. I have a white wife beater shirt on and some black booty shorts on. 

I walk to the door and open it. Standing outside the door is two of Matteo's soldiers. I believe their names are Maxim and Stephan. 

"Uh hello." They turn around and face me. A sly smirk on Maxim's face. "Well hello beautiful." "yes, hello beautiful." Stephan says, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on the back of my hand. I smile and pull my hand away. 

"You are more beautiful than the pictures." Maxim says staring me right in my eyes. Trying o stare into my soul. "Uhm, thank you." I say a little nervously. He is giving me a bad vibe from his behavior. 

"It's 2: 15am. Why are you guys standing guard outside my door? Shouldn't you be somewhere else? I didn't think Roman had anyone posted outside the bedroom." 

They make quick eye contact with each other. They didn't think I saw it, but I did. Before they could answer me, I quickly shut the door and lock it. I run to Matteo's side of the bed and open his drawer. I grab his small handgun that he keeps in it. 

I take it out and check it to make sure it is loaded and turn the safety off. I grab my phone and head into the closet. 

I hear knocking on the door. "Andiamo bella principessa, apri la porta. Vogliamo solo parlarti finché non arriva Aleks. Parla sempre di te. Sicuramente ha scelto una cosa piuttosto sexy." (Come on pretty princess, open the door. We just want to talk to you until Aleks gets here. He talks about you all the time. He surely did pick a pretty sexy thing.) Maxim yells out. 

I slip further into the closet as I hear the knocking getting stronger.  I pull out the phone and call Matteo. 

"Hello?" I hear Matteo say. 

"Teo!" I whisper out. "Teo, help. Maxim and Stephan are working with Aleks." I whisper out. 

"Fuck!!" I heard Teo yell out. "I know baby. I just found out. Where are you?' 

"I am in the closet. They are banging on the bedroom door." I say. 

"Okay, I am 10 mins out baby. The guys should be there any second. Okay. Hang on for me baby. I need you to  go to my side of the closet and pull out the sneaker wall. It is a false wall baby. There is a button on the second to bottom shelf on the right. Right underneath the second shelf. Press that and pull on the shelf. The whole wall will open up. Go into the room and wait for me. It is a safe room and bullet proof baby. I am coming." 

I do as he says and find the room. I head inside just as I heard the bedroom door get kicked in. I look around the room and see that there is a little toilet room in the far corner and then there is a little kitchenette with a fridge and tons of bottled water. There is enough dry foods and canned goods to last a couple of days. The whole room looks like a little tiny loft. I see the computer and a whole bunch of monitors. I realize that it is monitors showing the whole house. I click on the one showing the bedroom and I see Maxim and Stephan looking around the room for me. 

I sit quietly and watch them. I click on the volume button and I can hear what they are saying. 

"Pretty girl! Where are you? We need you to come out and come on now. We have places to be. I am getting tired and want to go to sleep." Stephan taunts out.  Maxim just chuckles at this as they continue their search for me. 

They both enter the closet and I can see them searching around everywhere. " I know she is in here somewhere. She couldn't have gone anywhere else. There is no way out. Roman must have a secret room somewhere around here." 

They start looking around, touching everything and pushing on everything trying to find the room. 

Maxim is searching the sneaker wall. Touching everything. He is running his hands under every shelf, against every wall to see if he can find a lever or button. I start to get a little nervous because he is getting close to the right wall and shelf where the button is. 

I take a deep breath and hold it. I prepare myself as he inches closer and closer. Right as he gets down to the second shelf. It feels like everything is going in slow motion. He runs his hand underneath the second shelf. Fingers inching closer and closer to the button. 

He found it! I can see the sly smirk on his face and he realizes he found something. He pushes on the button and nothing happens. He pushes again and nothing happens. 

"Hey yo man, come check this out. I found a button here, and pushed it but nothing is happening. Help me figure it out?" Maxim breathes out frustratingly. Stephan walks over to him and pushes on the button too. Nothing happened. "Maybe we need to do something else besides push the button?" 

"Push and pull maybe. Maybe this is a fake wall and needs to be pulled open." Stephan says. Maxim pushes the button again and Stephan pulls on the shelf. The wall starts to move. They smiled to themselves and continue pulling on the wall opening it. 

I scoot back to the corner and cock the gun. Aiming it at the door. Waiting or them to enter in. 

Just as the door opens all the way, Stephan pokes his head through. "Honey! I am home" he says. He turns his head and spots me in the corner. I smile at him and fire the gun. Hitting him right between the eyes. 

Blood splatters everywhere and his body falls limp. "You bitch!!! You just killed my brother. You will die for this. Fuck Aleks, I am killing you now!!" Maxim says. 

He reaches his hand behind the door and just starts shooting. I duck down and wait for the shooting to stop. 

I cover my ears with my hands and squeeze my eyes shut tight as bullets are flying all over the room. 

All of a sudden the bullets stop flying. I open my eyes and see a pair of feet right in front of me. I slowly look up and see him. 

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