Chapter 7

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Sarina POV

As time went out, Sarina hung out with the guys a lot. She continued to focus on her work during the day. During the evening, she would hang out with the guys. She would be at either one of the three guys' apartment. She never went to Roman's apartment. Over the past month, he was kind of busy and not around.  She noticed girls coming in and out of his apartment during the month. All types of girls -- tall girls, short girls, different races, complexions, different body type. This boy surely did not discriminate. But it made one thing clear to Sarina, he was not one to settle down. He didn't want to. 

One day Sarina was cooking some lumpia for the guys. They were having a little get together and wanted her to make some.

In her baggy lounge wear and messy top bun, she heads upstairs to Frankie's apartment. She knocks on the door and enters the apartment. Guys and girls were hanging out everyone.

Suddenly I was feeling self-conscious since everyone was dressed to the nines but me.  I shrug it off and head to the kitchen so I can put down the food.

I look around for the guys, but do not see them. I walk out of the kitchen and head towards the office.

I had to walk past a group of guys. Kind of scary looking. They were tall, big, and buff. Tattoos covering their body, neck and some on their faces. They were eyeing me like crazy; watching my every move.

I gave a slight head nodd and started to walk towards the bag. One of the men blocked my way. Standing in front of me with hid big arms crossed.

"Where ya going mama?"  The guy blocking me said.
" Um, I am just looking for Frankie." I said a little nervously. The guy was sending me some weird vibes.
He looks down at me and licks his lips. "What's your name?" I mentally huff. I just want to see Frankie. Let him know I dropped the food off and go on my merry way.
"Sarina. My name is Sarina."
"You are gorgeous Miss Sarina. My name is Marco." I turn around to look at the man who is named Marco. He was about 5'11. Strong build. Short cut hair. Tattoos on his body. Beautiful brown eyes and full lips that look like pillows.
"Hhhii" I mentally face palm at my stuttering. "Hello Marco."
He gently reaches my hand and places it to his sleeps. Kissing the back of my hand. Never breaking eye contact with me. I smile and blush at the act.
"Don't mind Jimmy here. I know he looks big and scary, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. Especially a gorgeous fly at that." Marco says with a wink. "He was just stopping you, so I had a chance to approach you and talk to you. You looked like you were on a mission to leave here."
"OH! Uh yeah. I just came to drop off some food and say hi to Frankie. I am not really dressed for the occasion." Marco looks me up and down and lick his bottom lip then bites on it. "You look so sexy right now." I couldn't help but smile and blush at this. I turn my head down, shaking my head no. He takes a step closer to me and gently grabs my face and turns my head towards him. "But you do mama. Prettiest girl in here. I can tell because I can see your face. A face not hidden by layers of makeup or surgery." I look into his eyes and he seems genuine.
I didn't realize he was still holding my face, thumb gently rubbing circles on it until someone clears their throat.

"Ahem! Get your hands off my baby sister you scroundel!" The one and only Frankie said.

Marco moves his hand from my face but keeps his eyes on me. I roll my eyes at turn to face Frankie.
"First of all, I am older than you. Secondly, we were just talking. Mr. Marco here was just keeping me company while I was waiting for you." I said sassily.

Frankie just laughs and pulls me into a hug. " I am not staying. I just dropped the food off. I am a little tired and got a little headache coming on."
He cups my gave looking at me, worry on his face. "You sure. You can lie down here if you need to."
"I am sure. I will be okay Frankie. I get bad headaches and migraines from time to time. I will just sleep it off." I grab his hand and pull it off my face. Still holding his hands, I give it a gentle squeeze.

"Lei è off limits Marco. Appartiene a Roman. Inoltre, non sei ancora una Melanie?" (She is off limits Marco. She belongs to Roman. Besides aren't you a Melanie still a thing?) Frankie says in Italian.

I just stood there with looking between Frankie and Marco. How dear he say that I belong to Roman when I do not. Roman doesn't settle down and has girls left and right. 

Speak of the devil. I see Roman come walking out of the back room with a girl - Essence I believe her name was. She has been around him a lot the over the past month. She was a beautiful Afro-Italian / Moroccan mixed girl. Who was about 5'4, slim body and long wavy hair. 

I felt a slight pang of jealousy seeing those two together. They do make a pretty nice looking couple, even though Roman won't settle down and claim a girlfriend. 

As Roman and the girl got nearer to the living room, she got wrapped her arms around his and snuggled closer to him. He didn't notice me yet. So I turned around and faced Marco. 

"Hey Marco, it was nice meeting you. We should go get some coffee sometime." I said to him with a smile. He looked at me and a wide smile brightened his face. 

"Of course Amore. If you want, we could go out now and get something to eat. It may help your headache." I couldn't help but smile and nod my head yes. "Sure. I just need to run and change clothes."

He shook his head no, "Nope. I like the way you are right now. So relaxed and chilled, real. Not fake trying to impress others." 

I giggled and said "Okay. I still need to go get my phone and stuff." I'll meet you downstairs in 5. 

Little did I know, that Roman had walked up and heard me and Marco's conversation and so did Frankie. They were both fuming and glaring at Marco. 

"Che cazzo Marco. Te l'avevo detto che era of limits!" (What the fuck Marco. I told you she was off limits.) Frankie said. 

"Beh, non sembra essere di Roman. Dopotutto, è appena entrato con una ragazza che gli pendeva dal braccio e sembrava fosse stata fottuta. E anche la bambina l'ha notato. Ho visto lo sguardo che ha fatto quando vi ha visto ragazzi." (Well she doesn't look like she is Roman's. After all, he just walked in with a girl hanging off his arm looking like she got fucked. And baby girl noticed that too. I saw the look she made when she saw you guys.) Marco said to Roman. 

I just stood there listening. I didn't realize my face gave away my feelings. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed Marco's hand and said let's go. I dragged him towards the door before anyone could protest. 

I looked up at Roman as I walked by. Our eyes connected and his showed a look of jealousy. But why? He literally has a girl hanging off his arm. 

Marco and I have went to dinner and had a great time. I really enjoyed getting to know him. We have hung out a few times - coffee in the morning, lunch in between meetings, and dinner twice. Each time he was a gentleman and didn't make a move on me at all. 

The guys (the Romanos) were not happy about me hanging out with Marco, but what could they do. They couldn't or wouldn't give me a reason as to why it was a bad idea. I knew it was because they kept saying I was Roman's but he never made a move or said anything to me about it. 

I was over Paulie's apartment with the guys. We were having a pizza and movie night. 

"Fratello, perché non rivendichi la tua ragazza? Non stai con un'altra ragazza da quando ha iniziato a frequentare Marco quasi un mese fa." (Brother, why don't you just claim your girl. You haven't been around another girl since she started hanging out with Marco almost a month ago. ) Tony said to Roman.

"Perché non posso. Cosa dovrei dire, mi sono innamorato di te in soli 3 mesi. Oh sì, a proposito, sono il capo della Famiglia Romano Crime. Non posso farlo e spaventarla. È troppo dolce, innocente e pura. Non voglio portarla nel nostro stile di vita." (Because I can't. What am I supposed to say, I have fallen in love with you in just 3 months. Oh yeah, by the way, I am head of the Romano Crime Family. I cannot do that and scare her away. She is too sweet, innocent and pure. I don't want to bring her into our lifestyle.) Roman said irritatedly. 

Crime family?! He is part of the mafia! I thought to myself as I sat on the couch eating my pizza. Damn, what did that make him even more sexier?? Fuck, I want him even more. But not if he doesn't want to commit. 

Bitch! weren't you listening. My subconscious yelled at me. He hasn't been with another girl. He gave them up because of you. 

Really I thought. Naw, he has to prove more than that to me. 

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