Eren Jaeger

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Blood Status: Half-Blood.
This is perhaps something very obvious. Grisha is of paramount importance in the story being connected to everything while Carla was someone who never knew anything about the world nor she became connected or have more importance in the story beyond being a catalyst for Eren. So, he is a wizard and she is a muggle, easy.

Quidditch: Chaser of his team.

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Patronus: Arctic Jaeger.
An obvious one.
They are aggressive in defending their nests from other skuas (sorry but aka Eren destroying 80% of the world to save his loved ones, bye). It is feisty, monogamous and has close ties with a not very large group of people.

House: Gryffindor.
When it comes to placing Eren in a house, there is a lot of debate about whether he belongs to Slytherin or Gryffindor, which I can understand because he has many qualities of both, but today we are going to analyze why he belongs to Gryffindor.

I also want to clarify that I will put Eren's characteristics from the first three seasons too because although in the fourth his character has undergone a strong transformation and looks very different as if he left his previous characteristics behind, we know that this is not true, obviously there are aspects in those he has changed and evolved but he is not this cold and reserved person that he always shows, it is confirmed that he has always been him but has been forced to retract all his emotions and keep them inside because of his situation, but they have not disappeared and continue in him even though he can't show them (and we actually see them at the end of manga), that's why even though I'm analyzing the character in its entirety I continue to take on characteristics that are no longer seen in season four but that we know he still has. With that said, let's move on.

Why is Eren not a Ravenclaw?
Eren is an ingenious and intelligent person because although at the beginning of the story his intelligence was not one of his greatest virtues, over time this has changed and we have seen him become more intelligent, something shown and even confirmed by Isayama; he is a very motivated student and an extremely diligent worker, we see him strive more than anyone for his goals because he has a fire inside that makes him pursue what he wants with intensity, making him train to his limits as we saw in Reiner's flashback and also in the evaluation of his troop it is said that he does not stand out in any category but what makes him stand out in general and reach the top 5 of his troop is pure hard work; however, he is not an eccentric person nor does he put learning ahead of everything else; although he did tend to be proud of his achievements, it is a characteristic that gradually disappears over time, since from this he became convinced that what he was doing was so important that it was worth it for others to give their lives for him, which, as we know ends up leading him to a depressive episode when he finds out that "he is not someone special" because another person could have his power and even use it better (because even after seeing that the royal family should not have it, these new feelings in him persist and make him not feel special pride in what he does again because it is simply what is necessary, and later on having to commit atrocities, it becomes quite the opposite, he ends up hating himself), and even after the famous "he is already special because he was born into this world", that «special» it happens to have a completely different meaning for Eren because based on that phrase he is not someone to be proud of and offer his life for, but rather he is as special as everyone in that world is and that everyone has the same right as him to live and have what they deserve because of a basic human right: freedom; it should also be noted that Eren is not exactly curious, he did not use to think much about his surroundings before Armin showed him his book about the outside world and even after this we know that Eren did not want to see the outside because he wanted to have the freedom to know what there is out there, unlike Armin, because Isayama explains and shows in the story that the reason why Eren wants this so much is because of the rage and anger of being locked up and not having the freedom to go and see what he just would like to see, what by human's rights he should already have, that is to say that Eren does not have this goal in his life out of curiosity or dreams, but out of anger at not being able to have it.

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