Dot Pixis

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Blood Status: Pure Blood.
We don't know anything about Pixis's family but I just imagine him as someone who comes from the wizarding world and has a status there, being from there and knowing everything, so I really see him as someone from a good wizarding family.

Quidditch: In his student days he was a keeper and captain of his team.

Favorite class: Magic theory.

Patronus: Octopus.
The octopus is an animal of great intelligence, which shows a good memory and abilities to solve the problems that appear along the way. It is a curious and very strange animal with many oddities.

House: Ravenclaw.
When it comes to placing Pixis I have seen him placed in Slytherin but honestly I don't agree, let's see why.

Why isn't Pixis a Slytherin?
Pixis is a great leader, someone cunning, cautious, intelligent and determined, oriented to his achievements; however, we have never seen him with a developed sense of self-preservation or disdain for rules, even to the point of having faith in his government and counting on following them until it was shown that he could not trust them.

Why isn't Pixis a Gryffindor?
Pixis is someone brave and daring, with a good temper, although not so chivalrous since he tends to be rather shameless with his jokes with things regarding this; we see him defend what he believes in and never give up, in addition to breaking the rules if necessary; although he seems to accept challenges and enjoy them, we haven't seen him think positively about obstacles in order to prove himself, since he doesn't need to do such a thing.

Why isn't Pixis a Hufflepuff?
Pixis is a hard worker, because although he sometimes gets drunk, he is never during something important and when he has to do things he does them with effort and really well; he is a friendly person and we have not seen him be prejudiced, show off or be competitive; I don't think he's very loyal either, in the sense that he won't unconditionally support someone but will do so if it's the most logical and convenient thing to do, as happened with the anti-marleyan volunteers by keeping them under surveillance just in case when Zeke arrived on the island instead of trusting them after the three years of help they gave them or with the government and the survey corps during the coup in season 3 where he didn't keep loyalty to the king because it just wasn't what was best for the people but he was also not loyal to Erwin or the scouts because he simply sought to support whoever was right, making anyone who does not do something corresponding to the best logically then Pixis will not support them because he does not have loyalty to any person or group to support them despite something like that.

Why is Pixis a Ravenclaw?
As we know, Pixis is someone who is extremely intelligent, resourceful and wise, putting a lot of this first in order to do everything important that he does; he is someone who is motivated and would practice new magic on his own; furthermore, that he is proud of what he has done and one of the first things that we have been told about him in history is that he is known as quite an eccentric.

Extra fact: He got to become minister of magic once.

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