Marco Bodt

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Blood Status: Pure Blood.
We do not have any type of information about Marco's family, this is because it is not relevant and he has an ordinary family. That's why I imagine him as someone who comes from an usual humble family of magicians.

Quidditch: Has been the chaser and seeker of his team.

Favorite class: Study of Ancient Runes.

Patronus: Seahorse.
The seahorse has meaning of patience, friendship, protection, perspective, generosity and knowing how to share with others, high perception, persistence and joy.

House: Hufflepuff.
When it comes to assigning a house to Marco I have seen quite a few people put him in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or even Slytherin but I will explain why I did not place him in any of these houses but in Hufflepuff.

Why isn't Marco a Slytherin?
The story has emphasized what Marco is like as a leader and made him readily admit that he is not suited to being a leader (see the training OVA, which is listed as canon); Marco is not ambitious, on the contrary he is rather conformist since he has only one goal in life (to serve the king) and as long as he can achieve that he is extremely satisfied and does not aspire to more; It has been shown that Marco is capable, and in fact tends very much, to put his comrades above the mission and the recognition that a victory in it can bring, showing that he does not have a sense of self-preservation but on the contrary, he usually puts others ahead, he never thinks of saving himself above them and does not usually take such risks for a personal achievement; neither does he have a disregard for the rules but on the contrary, he is more attached to what is right and should be done, corresponding more to someone who sees the world in a more idealistic way, as shown by how he thinks it would be to be on guard of the king, being ignorant about how corrupt the system is and thinking the best of it. The only characteristics of this house that fit him are resourcefulness and loyalty.

Why isn't Marco a Gryffindor?
Contrary to Slytherin, it is not that Marco is opposed to the characteristics of this house, but rather that several do not present on him or are not the most predominant in his personality.
Marco is a brave and courageous person, however that is not something very present in his way of being. Being in a complicated situation, he does not flinch and can act but it is not something that predominates in him, but something that we see he is capable of doing when given the opportunity; he has a good temper and chivalry, he doesn't give up fast either; he has never been shown to us in a defensive way regarding his beliefs, the occasion has not been given, the only belief we have seen him have is that of how noble it is to serve the king and although he never gave in on this we did not see him debate either about it to defend it, however we know that if he had survived Trost he would have joined the survey corps and not the military police to follow that, showing that he values ​​the perspective obtained from reality more than his own idealistic beliefs; We have never seen Marco break the rules, although he has been seen to have respect and appreciation for them thanks to his idealism, as I have already mentioned; Marco does not see obstacles as a way to test himself but as something he has to learn to overcome so that in the future he can fulfill his mission and not lose anyone; He doesn't enjoy challenges either, nor does he like to test himself with the most difficult ones because he doesn't take them as a personal test.

Why isn't Marco a Ravenclaw?
Similar to Gryffindor, it is not that Marco is opposed to the characteristics of this house, but rather that several do not present them or are not the most predominant in his personality.
We are not fully aware of Marco's academic grades but it is intuited that he was among the best since we have been told how intelligent he is and despite being ahead of Sasha and Connie in the top 10 of his troop, when it comes to choosing the top 7 to hide in the rafters and kill the titans Marco was not chosen over the two of them, which means that they have better physical ability, implying that if Marco was ahead of them in the top 10 it means that he beat them adding more merits than them academically. This shows the learning and wisdom of him, until now very Ravenclaw. However, Marco has never been shown to us as a proud person or that he usually gloats over his good ideas, he is rather humble; also, as it was already said, Marco doesn't usually take big risks (not by his own decision at least) so it would be strange to see him practice different and eccentric magic that other houses don't dare to try; neither has he been presented to us as someone eccentric or peculiar based on his way of being, plans or ideas, he is in fact a much calmer and normal person; Marco appears to us as someone logical and rational, however we have never seen him eager to learn, questioning his world or having curiosity for what surrounds him, despite being in a world where these characteristics come out in anyone who possesses them.
It matches quite a bit but in my opinion not as much as Hufflepuff does.

So why is Marco a Hufflepuff?
Marco is a very hard-working person who feels comfortable striving for his goals; he is humble and always willing to help or give words of encouragement; he is very friendly and loyal, he always stays by the side of the others taking care of them and pays them a lot of attention, like when he supported Jean when he led a group for the first time, he gave him encouragement when he felt guilty for those who died under his command, when he stopped Daz from committing suicide, when he stopped Jean from attacking the soldiers in charge of supplying them with gas during the mission or when he noticed that Eren was having a hard time talking about Maria's fall and asked everyone to please stop asking him because it must bring back very bad memories to him; Marco is really modest to his achievements, every time he has a good idea or does something well he doesn't brag about it or feel any particular pride about it but he's just fine knowing that what he did was useful for the situation; he is not competitive despite being in an environment that really was, he did not pay attention to those things but to do them well and not to win or beat another person; he is also a person without prejudice because he never judges anyone and on the contrary knows how to appreciate everyone in his own way, a prejudiced person would have judged Jean for not being the strongest or for being afraid, while Marco never puts such a thing on trial but understands him and makes him understand the virtues that these characteristics give him.

Bonus fact: The first time Sasha, Connie, and Jean got him into trouble by dragging him to their detention, Marco passed out in the Forbidden Forest, it freaking scares him. That's why he's always the voice of reason trying to get them out of trouble (gets them out of trouble for at least half of their dumb teasing).

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