Erwin Smith

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Blood status: Half-blood.
In the story we met his father and it was of the utmost importance for his character and presenting unknowns of his world, while we know nothing about his mother; so I'll leave it at that he was a wizard and she was a muggle.

Quidditch: In his student days he was a chaser and captain of his team.

Favorite class: History of magic.

Patronus: Lion.
They are people with great ambitions. Very good at inspiring other members of the group to make them feel important and special. They are also very disciplined.

House: Slytherin.
Yeah, ironic considering his patronus, I know.
When it comes to placing Erwin in a house, he is usually seen a lot in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor (I don't think I have seen him placed in Hufflepuff), understandable because he fits in really well with all of them but in my opinion not as much as in Slytherin.

Why is Erwin not a Ravenclaw?
As we know, Erwin is an intelligent, wise and resourceful person. He values ​​learning very much, as we saw in his childhood and current goals, and new methods although they may be considered risky, as we have seen in most of his plans that other people usually consider crazy; he is logical, rational and hard-working, he is also curious but I would not count this characteristic as one of the most predominant traits of him since his great hunger to discover the truth of the world does not come from his curiosity but from his ambition; Erwin is also not someone who is proud of his methods and ideas, he just needs them to be useful and he is satisfied with that, in fact we have seen that over time his decisions weigh heavily on him because of those he has had to sacrifice and because of his own mistakes, because although many times it was necessary and it worked, he will not feel proud but is aware that what is necessary does not always mean is using good methods.

Why is Erwin not a Hufflepuff?
Erwin is a hard-working, loyal and unprejudiced person, which he shows by allowing and never judging Levi for his origins or crimes but for his abilities that he has shown; however, he is not the friendliest person, as he is usually a very stoic and formal person with the people around him; he is not a competitive person either since he does not usually pay attention to others but to his own goals. That is to say, his personality fits well with this house but not as much as others.

Why is Erwin not a Gryffindor?
Erwin possesses great temper, courage, chivalry and bravery, as we have seen throughout the story during his most dangerous missions or even being inches from the most terrifying titans without even blinking; he is capable of doing everything to defend what he believes in and does not give up no matter how bad the situation is or how long the wait is; he is perfectly capable of breaking rules if necessary, with Stohess's plan being the most egregious example; however, Erwin does not require challenges or obstacles to prove himself because he does not find any kind of personal satisfaction in it nor is it something that interests him at all.

Why is Erwin a Slytherin?
Erwin is strong and determined, a great leader and someone very ambitious, as we have seen on his way to his goals; he is very well oriented to what he wants to do in life and does not stop; he is intelligent and cunning, as we have been able to verify multiple times in his plans; he is cautious, he never gets carried away to do something that he did not properly think and plan first, although he has sometimes made those plans putting his goal ahead; again his plan in Stohess is the best example to show that he does not have much respect for the rules, especially if they get in his way; he also has a high sense of self-preservation making him even put himself ahead of the most important things for him and his world for his goal, and although we know that in the end he was able to put his wishes aside for humanity, it is undeniable that his sense of self-preservation is strong and that he has acted on it on several occasions, as even Zachary, Levi and Erwin himself have confirmed.

Extra fact: He used to be one of the best Quidditch players in his school (after Levi and Mike) so many thought he would become a professional player, however Erwin never gave up his dream of being a history of magic teacher at Hogwarts such as his father had been. Now he's also the head of Slytherin.

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