Bertholdt Hoover

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Blood status: Muggle-born.
Well, we don't have any information about Bertholdt's family, the only thing was that they mentioned his father once but only to say that he has already died, so it's better to leave him as coming from an unknown and common muggle family.

Quidditch: Guardian of his team.

Favorite class: Arithmancy.

Patronus: Sheep.
Sheep are shy animals with a gentle temperament. They prefer quiet and calm places. In general, sheep are social and gregarious animals. They have a docile and calm character, although they are always on the alert.

House: Hufflepuff.
When it comes to placing Bertholdt in a house everyone usually agrees that he belongs to Hufflepuff, since he hardly has any characteristics of other houses, although I think that maybe I have seen him in Gryffindor (probably). Anyway, let's see why he's a Hufflepuff.

Why isn't Bertholdt a Slytherin?
Bertholdt has nothing of a leader and in fact has always needed someone's guidance as he was just becoming somewhat independent in his last moments but still does not have what it takes to be a leader; nor has he been shown to us as someone ambitious, cunning or particularly oriented to what he wants because he followed Marley's orders believing that it was the right thing to do and even later he continued to do so believing that it was the only thing possible after noticing that those of the island weren't devils, because of how he was raised; he doesn't have very high self-preservation senses either, he has very easily risked his life to help Reiner before, despite the fact that he always tries to survive because it is a simple human mechanism and not something that he has developed; he can sometimes be cautious but at the same time he can also get carried away by his feelings so as to act without thinking; we haven't seen him be particularly witty or have a disdain for rules, although he is very loyal.

Why isn't Bertholdt a Ravenclaw?
We have never seen Bertholdt put things like learning or wisdom as very important; he can also be smart or rational but it's not something he particularly stands out for; we don't know about his academic grades but considering that he was in the top 3 of his troop, in addition to his physical abilities, they must have been good; we also did not see him feel proud of his ideas or plans because he does not usually take the initiative with these things and he is in fact a very insecure person; he is not an eccentric person, in fact quite the contrary he is quite introverted and quiet; he is not curious from what we have seen but considering his strengths he does seem to be a hard worker.

Why isn't Bertholdt a Gryffindor?
As soon as Bertholdt has done daring and brave things that not many would dare to do, it is not something that stands out much in his personality because it is usually quite on par with his nervousness and insecurity when it comes to doing certain things that can scare him, he always seems to need company and approval, although before his death he was improving this quite a bit; he seems to be someone chivalrous although he has a hard time showing it because of how introverted he is; we have not seen him break the rules for his objectives, seeing him from his role as an infiltrator, nor have we seen him defend what he believes in because he was raised with lies, he can no longer even defend Marley's beliefs before the people of Paradis even if he do not believe in them but feel the need to follow their orders anyway since there's no other thing for him; he also doesn't see obstacles as something positive to prove himself or enjoy challenges, this is not something he notices or is interested in.

Why is Bertholdt a Hufflepuff?
As I already said, it has been seen that Bertholdt is a worker taking into account his strengths that were achieved through training; he is very loyal, humble, doesn't have prejudices and although he is introverted he is always very friendly with everyone who comes close to him or with his close friends; he is someone modest bordering on insecure and he is not competitive at all because he does not pay attention to what others do nor does he feel the need to try to overcome them, because such a thing is simply not his thing.

Bonus fact: He accidentally gave away his crush on Annie in potions class by revealing the scents he felt in the amortentia (they were really obvious since they were related to Annie). However, she paid no attention to this.

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